UK Newswire Archive
Clegg confronted by Anarchy & Peace at death park!
04-02-2011 16:35

Reports from the Cairo rebellion
04-02-2011 16:32
Cairo rising post first hand reports from an anarchist perspective from the Cairo uprising, in solidarity with the direct action of the people of Egypt against state repression.Drawing together grassroots and alternative media coverage from the Egyptian rebellion and creating a forum for calls to global solidarity.
Goings on in Cuts Cafe
04-02-2011 16:22
Cuts Café has had a very successful week with the workshops and entertainment. The squatted space has caused Hammerson to issue a statement about the regeneration / gentrification plans.
Rough Music #25 out on the streets of Brighton now!!
04-02-2011 15:53

Bristol Indymedia Presents: They Say Cut Back We Say Fight Back
04-02-2011 14:22

Monday 7th February, 8pm Cube Microplex, Dove St,
£4/3/no one turned away through lack of funds
On October 20th 2010 George Osborne announced plans to implement £81billion worth of cuts to public spending. Independent economic thinktanks such as the Institute for Fiscal Studies have described the cuts as highly regressive measures which will hit the poorest hardest, and that the cuts are the deepest seen in UK since the second world war.
Since the announcement of the cuts, there has been a growing wave of protests at the unnecessarily deep and poorly targeted cuts. The series of student led demonstrations against the 80% cut to the university teaching budget, tripling of tuition fees and removal of the education maintenance allowance have seen the 'post-ideological' ipod generation occupying university buildings and leading protests around the country. The UK Uncut direct action campaign has been highlighting the hypocrisy of a government that claims that 'we're all in it together' and then allows large corporations such as Vodaphone and the Arcadia group to avoid and evade billions in taxes while the poorest in society are hit the hardest. As time passes and the effects of the cuts start to bite, these campaigns and others like them are only going to intensify.
The government is determined to plough ahead with these savage, unnecessary, ideological cuts. But a growing protest movement is starting to stage the fight back. Join Bristol Indymedia for an evening of short films, invited speakers and discussion as to how best to resist the ConDem cuts.
Access Codes for OffMarket
04-02-2011 13:24
Accessibility information about the OffMarket building on 111 Lower Clapton road, E5 0NP
111 Lower Clapton rd, E5 0NP / 07706279299
Opening hours: Sunday 12-6pm, Monday 12-6pm, tuesday 12-8pm
Open meetings are on monday 7pm if you want to meet us, check the space out or have any proposal to use the space!
Parking is limited. Not allowed at all on the street outside (although quick drop-offs are possible). Side streets nearby are pay and display between 7.30am and 6.30pm, with a 1 hour maximum rule and no return within 2 hours. However there is a church opposite (across a fairly busy road) with a car park out front where people
seem to park for free - albeit unofficially.
One bus-stop is 150 feet from our front door (via a zebra crossing, in a side street). Bus 242 stops here en route to Homerton Hospital.
Another bus-stop is on our street but on the other side (via a zebra crossing), 90 feet from our front door. Buses 48, 55, 106, 253, and 254 all stop here en route to Cambridge Heath.
FInally there is a bus-stop on our side of the street, 50 feet from our front door. Buses 38, 48, 55, 106, 253, 254, 425 and 488 all stop here en route to Clapton Roundabout.
The zebra crossing is 40 feet from our front door.
Nearest train stations are Clapton and Hackney Central, each are at least 15 minutes walk or a short bus ride to our front door.
Main entrance is a shop front door, with a 13cm high step. Please see below for further details.
Front door step is 13cm high. Front door is 80cm wide and 196cm high, and opens into the shop.
This takes you straight into the main space. A smaller room, used as a reading room, to the rear is accessed through a doorless doorway which is 62cm wide and 226cm high. Toilet and kitchen area is accessed via this room.
Door to both kitchen and toilet area is 70cm wide and 223cm high.
The door to the toilet is 56cm wide and 193cm high. The toilet is 92cm from this door, which opens into the toilet room. The toilet seat is 42cm high. The light switch is 140cm high. There is a small sink on the left just inside the door, which is 85cm high.
The door to the kitchen is 68cm wide and 190cm high.
There is a back door in the reading room, which leads out into a small backyard with quite uneven floor (part soil, part broken stones and concrete). This back door is 69cm wide and 192cm high, and opens into the building.
We are entirely on the ground floor of the building. There are no steps inside the space, only the one at the front door.
The main room at the front is 364cm x 888cm. The reading room is 356cm x 304cm. The toilet room is 70cm x 164cm. The space between toilet, kitchen, and reading room is 76cm x 104cm. The kitchen (excluding cupboards) is 157cm x 71cm.
There is laminated flooring throughout the main room, carpet in the reading room, and linoleum in the kitchen and toilet.
Lighting is currently patchy but quite bright, via florescent lights in the ceiling, although this may change soon.
There are large, shop-front style, windows at the front of the building/main room. There are also medium sized windows at the back of the main room and in the reading room (one in each). The toilet and kitchen each have a small window.
There are various types of seating available, from sofas to plastic chairs to stools. None are higher than an average office chair and most are significantly lower.
We have one small electric heater.
We do not regularly have sign language interpretation available, although it is possible we could arrange this for a particular event/a particular time with some advance notice. We do not have braille documents. Neither do we have any experienced finger-spellers or lip speakers yet.
We would be happy to provide assistance as required from the local train station, bus stops, or at the front door. Our telephone number is 07706279299.
We are not currently providing creche facilities, although children are welcome with their grown-ups.
We do not usually provide food although snacks are sometimes available on an ad-hoc basis. Water and cups of tea are usually available. We have a no-alcohol policy during shop opening hours.
We are a smoke-free space.
We are open from midday-6pm on sundays and mondays, and from midday-8pm on tuesdays, as an info-shop, free-shop and open space. At other times we are available for meetings and workshops. We have an open meeting every monday evening from 7pm for
anyone wishing to get involved and/or propose an event.
Sheffield Library Cuts Protest: 'The Big Shhh...'
04-02-2011 13:18
Peaceful and imiginative protest to support our libraries, once know as the 'street corner universities, like many others for instance I would not have got to uni without free libraries and of course there is the joy of reading just for pleasure....Operation First Contact
04-02-2011 12:23
London NoBorders has received information that the hotel company Arora International ( in form of their branchArora Management Services Limited) has started a second attempt to make money from the Home Office's deportation business. The company plans to use the site of a residential school for children with behavioural and learning difficulties in Pease Pottage, Crawley, Sussex owned by the Arora Group subsidiary "The Crossroads Childrens (sic) Education Services Ltd.", into an immigration detention facility. It is the second attempt by Arora Hotels to extend their business into detention following the company's failure to gain planning permission to turn one of their hotels in Crawley into a holding facility for immigrants in 2010. Crawley Forest School has been told to vacate the property by 1 April 2011.
Remembering Mr Tomlinson
04-02-2011 11:09
Remembering Ian on his 49th BirthdayOn Monday 7th February 2011, Ian would have been celebrating his 49th birthday if he were still with us.
London - 4 Days of Action announced 4 Julian Assange & Bradley Manning 4, 5, 7, 8
04-02-2011 10:55

Four Days of Action announced for Julian Assange and Bradley Manning 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th February.
Cyber, anti-war and human rights activists will today descend on the Australian High Commission and on Monday/Tuesday on the Woolwich magistrates court, while on Saturday there will be a public meeting in Harringay, north London.
Vigil for Julian Assange and Bradley Manning
04-02-2011 10:22
Meet opposite the Hippodrome at 4.30 on TuesdayJulian Assange will be into the second day of his extradition hearing by Tuesday 8th Feb.
Come along and support the principles of free speech, whistleblowing and our right to know what our government and its agencies are up to.
Also to challenge the continuing 'evil' war in Afganistan, which continues to kill many civilians and provide a lovely income for the arms trade.
We will be showing some films.
Bradley Manning has been held at the brig at the Quantico Marine Base in Virginia, charged with disclosing government secrets. He is suspected of being the source of the secret government files released in recent months by the WikiLeaks website.
Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is fighting extradition to Sweden on sexual assault charges and is bailed to a country house. He could face criminal prosecution in the United States, possibly on charges of espionage.
Both men are back in the news this week. On Monday 7th Assange appears at Woolwich Courts, Belmarsh Rd, SE28 0EY, to fight his extradition hearing. Police announced on Wednesday they have arrested five men suspected of involvement in cyberattacks against companies that had broken ties with WikiLeaks. The men are believed to be members of an online collective known as "Anonymous," which has supported Assange and his WikiLeaks organization.
Manning's treatment at the Quantico base, meanwhile, prompted a complaint from his lawyer, David Coombs. He protested Manning's continued placement in "prevention of injury" status, allegedly because he is a threat to himself. In the complaint, Coombs pointed out that Manning is kept alone in his cell for 23 hours a day, under constant surveillance, and is subject to other severe restrictions.
Stroud Libraries Event Saturday 5th 12-4pm, Protest 4-5.30pm
04-02-2011 10:10

In Stroud several authors have stepped forward to run sessions to celebrate Libraries
There will also be a talk on "Deficit Hysteria and Alternatives to the Cuts"
At 4pm, when Strtoud Library shuts, library supporters will become protesters - taking their views to the streets.
Khaled El-Masri: ""Extraordinary Rendition" has a human face, and it is mine"
04-02-2011 09:35
From Egypt, where the new vice-president has been overseeing torture for the CIA for over 15 years, to Europe (Germany, Macedonia, everywhere else), countries of this world are implicated in a dense spider's web of torture and deceit...and their victims?Another Trident Ploughshares woman jailed, for 14 days
04-02-2011 09:28
Please send letters and cards of solidarity to:Sylvia Boyes
HMP New Hall
Dial Wood, Flockton
West Yorkshire WF4 4XX
Quaker Woman Imprisoned over Anti-Trident Protests
Sixty-seven year old Sylvia Boyes, a Quaker from Keighley, appeared on Thursday (3 Feb) at Bingley Magistrates Court. She was sentenced to 14 days in New Hall Prison for refusing to pay fines arising from a series of protests against Trident in and around Faslane Naval Base in Scotland during the summer of 2009.
"Suleiman has no legitimacy. He was appointed by Mubarak."
04-02-2011 03:21
"Mubarak has no legitimacy.Suleiman has no legitimacy. He was appointed by Mubarak.
The call in Egypt is for true democracy.
Democracy is the last thing that the U.S. wants for it’s third world backyard.
With democracy, the Egyptian people will reject the fundamentals of U.S. policy in that region.
The Israeli government would have to deal fairly with a neighbor on more or less equal terms, something it has never been willing to do, due to it’s fundamentally racists attitude toward Arabs."
Calais update: people urgently needed!
04-02-2011 01:26

Two British people released from detention today in Cairo after 18 hours
03-02-2011 23:34
Shortly after arriving in Cairo yesterday two British nationals and another person were pulled over and detained at a military checkpoint during curfew.