UK Newswire Archive
Iraq/US obstructing weapons inspections, aiding WMD proliferation
12-10-2004 09:24
Since Saddam Hussein was toppled, US forces and the Iraqi puppet government have been obstructing the UN weapons inspections teams.Forest Bank Demo and Wakenhut... ideas?
11-10-2004 23:03
Forest bank demo is going ahead as planned.For details and lifts to prison (an offer you can't refuse), see link below

Drug Industry Scandal a 'Crisis'
11-10-2004 22:54
An estimated 1 million US dead and a proportionate amount in Europe, the compromising of key elements within the medical community and its regulatory structures, the blind pursuit of billions of dollars in corporate profits -- all have surfaced in a detonating pharmaceutical industry scandal of global dimension.Cambridge Forum - The Rise and Rise of Corporate Power
11-10-2004 21:48
The speakers will probably include aBrazilian activist, and there will be a report on the European Social Forum
in London which is taking place the weekend before.
Indymedia seizure: the videogame
11-10-2004 20:41
Enduring IndymediaAn online instant-videogame based on Indymedia hard disks seizure.
Unidentified powers versus media activism.
Official Press release and photos from action at Downing St today
11-10-2004 20:07

World Food Day @ ESF (Saturday 16th October)
11-10-2004 19:37

World Food Day (16th October) events @ ESF will champion the demands of smallholder farmers organisations and CSOs for international recognition of the right to Food Sovereignty. They will challenge WTO and TNC dominance of the global food system that feeds corporations not people. See
Pennsylvania Activists Seeking Your Help in London
11-10-2004 17:46
Pennsylvania Abolitionists are looking for your help in protesting the death penalty practices of Pennsylvania in London. Pennsylvania Foreign Direct Investment Co. has an office in London and we are looking to place pressure on foreign firms that invest in Pennsylvania to help abolish the death penalty. Exonerees from death row and activists from PA Abolitioists will be touring Europe for three weeks to help end the barbaric practice of state sponsored killing. On October 18th, we will hold a deonstration in front of the office located at 78 Durham Rd. (SW20OTL).Roads and Airports Action Gathering
11-10-2004 15:27
Roads and Airports Action Gathering19-21 November 2004
Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone St, NOTTINGHAM, NG7
Anti-G8 Meetings at (Beyond) ESF
11-10-2004 15:16
Day of Dissent! at Beyond ESF: Friday 15th October, Middlesex University, White Hart Lane Campus (opposite White Hart Lane train station). FREE EVENT, AUTONOMOUS FROM THE 'OFFICIAL' ESFSubmarine lock-on still in situ!
11-10-2004 13:41
After 4 hours, activists are still locked on to model Trident submarine outide Downing Street. "Negotiations" are rumoured to be talking place with the Met over dismantling it (rather than destroying it ... hmmmm... we will see).The Real Reasons Why Iran is the Next Target
11-10-2004 13:37

Political Bias at Liverpool University?
11-10-2004 12:03
A Labour councillor has been given his very own column in Liverpool University's student newspaperESF video traning at rampART's
11-10-2004 11:49
a short video from ramparts video actavist traning workshopGuardian, BBC and Morning Star cover IMC Server Seizures
11-10-2004 11:30
After the UK press lagging behind the rest of the worlds press in reporting the seizure if the Indymedia Servers in London, now they seem to be picking it up. Not for want of people trying to get this made public in the UK. One of the problems was that so few facts about who was behind this have been available.Bristolians go beyond the ESF
11-10-2004 10:33

Campaign To Abolish Council Tax
11-10-2004 10:32

Submarine Locked on at Downing Street
11-10-2004 10:05
20 dudes from the Theatre of War set up have locked themselves onto the gates at Downing Street (11.00am monday). not quite sure why, but sure they have a reason. get down there to support them if you can/wanna........innit!!T+G/GLOBALiSE RESiSTANCE demo at canary wharf latest news
11-10-2004 09:26
latest updates on situation re the demoIMC servers in EU Parliament
11-10-2004 07:34
Flemish MEP Bart Staes (Green!) will raise the confiscation of the IMC servers on the European Parliament later today.