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Second Life Demonstrations and Cre-8 Tribute Garden

07-06-2007 19:49

Demonstrations against the G8 have been going on in the "Game" Second Life. People who cqannot make the real life demonstrations in Rostock have been demonstrating outside the Reuters office in the on-line world, and there is another large demonstration of solidarity with the Rostock demonstrators scheduled for tonight (Thursday 8pm GMT) outside the "Linden Mansion" - the "home" of the owners of the life simulator, Linden Labs.

SLLU, Second Life Left Unity, has created a Tribute Garden for people who are in the game to leave a candle, flower or other tribute in memory of the victims of capitalism/globalisation.

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Stokefest returns to Clissold Park Sunday 10 June 2007

07-06-2007 19:41

Stokefest 07
Hackney's largest and greenest community-led festival of interactive arts and music
Sunday 10 June 2007
Clissold Park, Stoke Newington, N16
12noon to 8pm

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Antarctic Glaciers Moving To Sea Faster

07-06-2007 19:31

The British Antarctic Survey team studying 300
glaciers found that they are flowing into the sea
at a faster pace than scientists have ever seen.
As the glaciers melting is accelerated, the melt
water contributes to the faster movement.

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Heading for the blockade of the west gate.

07-06-2007 19:04

Evading the cops at the begining.
This morning it was announced at one of the camps that there would be an attempt at blocking the west gate of the G8. After just an hour and a half of planning the action set off towards its target. The Police quickly blocked the first road so everyone ran through a field and into the woods.

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Global social, political tensions dominate G8 summit

07-06-2007 19:02

The Group of 8 summit of industrialized nations, due to begin today in the German holiday resort of Heiligendamm, is dominated by extreme tensions, expressed both openly and indirectly. There has been no comparable summit in terms of the conflicts between the major powers since the launching of the annual meeting of world leaders 32 years ago.

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G8 fails to meet aid pledges to Africa

07-06-2007 18:58

British Prime Minister Tony Blair had hoped that the G8 summit to be held in Heiligendamm, Germany, in June would provide a booster shot to the campaign hailing his supposed “legacy” before leaving office. He is to stand down as British prime minister in June.

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Resource Wars - Can We Survive Them?

07-06-2007 18:05

Resource wars will destroy all planetary life.

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Anti-G8 demonstration violence in Rostock: questions and contradictions

07-06-2007 17:49

The acts of violence that occurred during the mass demonstration against the G8 summit last Saturday in Rostock have led to noisy appeals from the German political and media establishment for tougher police measures. Many commentators have chosen to blame the mass of demonstrators and the organisers of the protest for the excesses, and then sought retroactively to justify the attacks on the right to demonstrate and freedom of assembly that preceded the demonstration.

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Letter to the international labour movement

07-06-2007 17:12

On May 31, at 7:00 am, 150 police armed to the teeth invaded Cipla, a factory controlled by the workers, and "installed" an administrator appointed by the federal judge at the request of the INSS (Social Security). The management elected by the workers along with other selected workers were expelled or prevented from entering the plant. Armed terror has been imposed in the factory. One of the first measures taken by the administrator was to cover with a black canvas the plaque at the entrance of the factory which said: "CIPLA, company controlled by the workers."

A marvelous national and international compaign demanding the end of the intervention at Cipla was launched just a few hours after the Federal Police carried out their war operations. Messages began to arrive to the Lula government and the Minister of Justice, Tarso Genro, who is responsible for the Federal Police and Luis Marinho, Minister of Social Security, from whose ministry the request for the intervention in Cipla came. Messages were also sent to the Minister of Labour and Employment, Carlos Lupi. This strong and immediate reaction gave us the strength and energy to organize the resistance against these riduculous events.

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G8 East Gate Blockade in place 24hrs and counting...

07-06-2007 15:37

middle blockade of east gate
These pics are from the east gate blockade which this lunchtime had been in place over 24hrs with people occupying the road through the night. This afternoon the blockade was still intent on remaining in place for as long as possible and hundreds of people were heading towards it to reinforce the position.

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Genova (G8) Torture Cop arrested for three rapes.

07-06-2007 15:25

A Police inspector from the Genoa Police department is being held for allegedly raping three
Romanian woman,said to be prostitutes. The 46 year old was arrested late wednesday(6) afternoon for rape. The attacks are said to have taken place two years ago but only just come to light.
The cop has a bit of previous as he is still under investigation for violence he dished out on a 50 year old man during the 2001 G8 at the infamous Bolzanetto torture chambers.

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G8 West Gate Blockaded - thurs 7th june

07-06-2007 14:42

A large group of well over one thousand people has this afternoon blockaded the west gate into the g8 security zone. Defying the protest ban they spent hours crossing fields and moving fast through the forests to emerge from the tree line just one field away from the west gate.

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NO2ID Public Meeting

07-06-2007 14:42

NO2ID Cambridge is holding a public meeting tomorrow (Friday June 8th):

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Local activist resource centre to relaunch

07-06-2007 14:12

Love OARC flyer
Oxford Action Resource Centre (OARC) has been a part of the local activist landscape for more than 2 years, providing essential meeting space, office facilities and a communal library to grassroots groups.

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Gordon Brown Husting in Oxford this Sunday (June 10)

07-06-2007 13:49

Dear Friends,

We have just received confirmation of the venue for the Labour Party hustings being held by Gordon Brown this coming weekend. It will be at Modern Art Oxford, 30 Pembroke Street on Sunday (June 10th)starting at 12 noon. We expect to assemble at 11:30 AM. We will announce the precise assembly point later today.

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Hill of Tara on List of 100 Most Endangered Sites

07-06-2007 13:39

The World Monuments Fund (WMF), based in New York, has announced that the Hill of Tara has been included in the World Monuments Watch List of 100 Most Endangered Sites.

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BNP Gang Rape man admits affray

07-06-2007 13:17

A DAD who brutally attacked his next-door neighbours after they asked his teenage son to leave a barbecue is today exposed as a convicted gang rapist.
Bennett, 64, a former BNP activist, was convicted of the gang rape of two 17-year-old girls in 1976 and jailed for five years.

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Support John Bowden Tomorrow

07-06-2007 12:32

Picket of Parole Board HQ in London on Friday 8th June in support of John

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Imperialism in the Guise of Humanitarianism

07-06-2007 11:45

Jean Bricmont’s Humanitarian Imperialism is a book that, to use the overwrought (but in this case true) rhetoric of book blurbs, should be read by anyone concerned with rebuilding the left, stopping the Iraq war, or with the future of humanity in general. The subject of his book is the human rights ideology which insists that the US/the West is morally obligated to military intervene to protect the political and civil rights of various peoples around the world. He argues that this line of thought has been absorbed by most of the left in Europe (and, we would add, in the US), and that it helps account for the listlessness of the struggle against the Iraq occupation. Not a timid writer, Bricmont expends no energy deconstructing the discourse of human rights, or expounding on its intellectual genealogy. Instead, he focuses directly on the argument itself, and its multiple variants (such as the use of dubious historical backdrops, including the failure of the left to be sufficiently critical of Stalin, and the example of World War II). He further keeps things simply by avoiding philosophical questions of cultural relativism, instead simply trying to answer whether the military interventionist strategy in fact promotes the human rights it claims to. One wonders how the many defenders of humanitarian imperialism would respond to the arguments laid out in the book. Of course, they will simply ignore it, or perhaps slander the author (defender of Saddam/Stalin, etc.).