UK Newswire Archive
Send cards of support to Maya Evans, jailed anti-war activist
29-02-2012 16:20

Maya Evans Jailed for Afghan War Protest
29-02-2012 16:11

James Murdoch Resigns and runs from justice....
29-02-2012 15:37
A long time ago when the seattle protests caused and earthquake under the mainstream media and caused it to split into two distinct groups.Syria Live blog
29-02-2012 15:11
A controversial opinion on armed interventionOccupation starts as camp ends
29-02-2012 13:37
Occupy Birmingham will be leaving the park behind Symphony Hall today. The occupiers have had a permanent presence in Birmingham City centre since October 15th, first in Victoria Square and latterly in the park on Cambridge Street. The camp is the longest occupation in England, it might be dismantling but this does not end the activities of Occupy, far from it. This is not the beginning of the end, but is the end of the beginning phase of Occupy.Write Solidarity to Theresa Cusimano - S.O.A. resister prisoner
29-02-2012 11:43
Theresa Cusimano, #49903Lee County Sheriff's Jail - Section D-3
1900 Frederick Road
Opelika, AL 36801-7212
Hinkley Barnstormers Eviction Imminent ! Help Needed !
29-02-2012 10:55
On 27th February at the Royal Courts of Justice, London, EDF won a possesion order against anti-nuclear activists who are occupying a barn on the proposed new site for a nuclear reactor at Hinkley Point. The barn has been successfully occupied for over two weeks now but the eviction could come at any time in the next few daysOn 27th February at the Royal Courts of Justice, London, EDF won a possesion order against anti-nuclear activists who are occupying a barn on the proposed new site for a nuclear reactor at Hinkley Point.
The barn has been successfully occupied for over two weeks now but the eviction could come at any time in the next few days.
The occupiers are welcoming any one who wants to come and help dismantle the camp. There is lots of food available and a cosy and convivial atmosphere to be enjoyed ! Please come !
PHONE : 0793 392 0425 or 0753 094 7554
The activists will be celebrating what the camp had achieved in terms of raising awareness of Hinkley to the national level , as many people do not know that the government is planning to build new nuclear reactors, they want to slip these plans in" under the radar" to avoid a proper public debate taking place, like there has been in Italy and Germany, in the wake of Fukushima.
Nuclear power is a catastrophic choice for Britain's energy future. A part from the fact that nuclear pwower is still very fossil fuel reliant, It won't make much of a dent in the carbon emmissions: If Hinkley C is built, it won't be in operation until 2023 at the earliest ! A bit late in the day to cut emissions with it ! Also, nuclear is a bottomless pit of expense to the tax payer, all that money will be diverted away from investment in safe and sustainable alternatives.
There is no such thing as safe nuclear power, problems occur in the reactors for innumerable reasons, including human error, and once every 12 years or so there is a major disaster. There is also the ever looming problem of nuclear waste, Britain already has enough to fill 5 Albert Halls and no where long term to put it. Only an insane government/industry would want to make more ( but I guess you knew that already)
After Fukushima, many countries are saying enough is enough, Nuclear power is finished. It's a dinosaur of the 20th century and leads to the prolififeration of nuclear weapons ( Why do you think they want to attack Iran ?). It's time we said the same !
Please show your solidarity and go to the camp for some fun !
If you can't make the camp, there's another chance for you to show your opposition to new nuclear on 10- 11 March at Hinkley Point for the Surround and Blockade action. Details below :
Coach tickets are available to take you to the Surround action on 10 March from Bristol CND:
For more information about the 10-11 March see:
Greek Bailout! (Who benefits - who pays?)
29-02-2012 10:33
It is popular in the mainstream news media to blame the Greek working people for the situation they are in. This article seeks to re-dress this imbalance and point the finger at the real culprits behind the crisis and the benificiaries of the bailout.Stratfor, Significance of WikiLeaks & the Persecution of Assange
29-02-2012 10:07
Feb. 27 WikiLeaks press conference: The Global Intelligence Files
Spying and Propaganda Through Social Media
29-02-2012 09:07

A new study by the Mediterranean Council for Intelligence Studies’ (MCIS) 2012 Intelligence Studies Yearbook points to the use of social media as “the new cutting edge in open-source tactical intelligence collection”.’s Joseph Fitsanakis, who co-authored the study, reports:
We explain that Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and a host of other social networking platforms are increasingly viewed by intelligence agencies as invaluable channels of information acquisition. We base our findings on three recent case studies, which we believe highlight the intelligence function of social networking. (Joseph Fitsanakis, Research: Spies increasingly using Facebook, Twitter to gather data,, February 13, 2012)
Glasgow Anti-Fascists 1-0 SDL / NWI / NEI
29-02-2012 00:55
Racist thugs “organised” a demo in Glasgow today, Saturday 25th February. They were crap. Antifascists were awesome. Police put SDL on minibuses and sent them out of the city centre early afternoon as otherwise we would have eaten them up.
Horizontal Organisation In The Workplace Talk Glasgow Tues. 6th March 7pm
28-02-2012 23:54

Tuesday 6th March
The Electron Club
350 Sauchiehall Street
G2 3JD
Today is just another day of destruction
28-02-2012 21:57
Today could have been a day to celebrate. Today is the deadline for proposals as set out in at the Durban COP for increasing the level of ambition on international co-operation on climate change. Instead, a silence broken only by the drum beat for war and destruction of our planet by the world's elites.STOP Prison Guards Housing Asylum Seekers - STOP G4S!
28-02-2012 20:12
Regional Demonstration: Thursday 1st MarchAssemble: 12.30 at Sheffield Town Hall. March to UK Borders Agency Regional HQ at Vulcan House, Millsands S3 8NS
Leaked Document: The full Ashton Vale letter they don't want you to see
28-02-2012 18:55
Controversy continues over the plans to develop a new football stadium as it appears that Bristol City Council have accepted an unlawful letter withdrawing a judicial review of the decisionTHE VERSION OF THE LETTER THAT BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL, THE EVENING POST, THE BBC AND ITV DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE ...
As was reported by ALL the media, Bristol City Council published a press statement on Monday 20 February announcing that the judicial review of the the council’s decision to split Town Green land at Ashton Vale had been halted and that as a result there were now no obstacles to Bristol City FC's stadium being built.
The press statement is here and it is alleged that Cllr Simon Cook ignored officer advice when making this statement. Officers, of course, are there to speak truth to power but it seems that the Deputy Leader of the council didn't want to listen to any legal advice.
Later on the same day the council provided a redacted copy of the letter from the anonymous applicant, identified as SDR, which is available here:
However, the letter is unlawful and the reason becomes clear when you are able to read a relatively uncut copy of the same letter which is posted with this article.
In the uncut version, which has been made available to all the major news media in the city but has not been mentioned by any of them, it is clear that item 5 in the letter makes the step-son of SDR his legal guardian. At the bottom of the letter it is equally clear that the sole witness to the letter is the same step-son.
A legal guardian is a person who has legal authority to care for the personal and property interests of another person usually called a ward. A person is given the status of guardian because the ward is incapable of caring for his or her own interests due to infancy, incapacity, or disability. Witnessing is designed to ensure that the person signing away the power to make their own decisions has not been forced into signing the document. However, if the witness is also the person being given the power, that assumption of 'no force' disappears. For that reason, in UK law, becoming a witness precludes the individual in question from also being a beneficiary of the agreement. This is a basic legal concept and it is difficult to understand how Bristol City Council, with access to a legal department, could have accepted the letter as valid and lawful.
Indeed, in the absence of any evidence that SDR is mentally incapacitated or ill, a responsible council should be expressing concern that the witness having power of attorney over SDR means that SDR no longer has any power to make any decisions about his own actions. Only the witness is empowered.
Why has the witness been given this power except to restrain SDRs actions?
In their haste to conclude an end to the dispute over the Ashton Vale Town Green/stadium development, Bristol City Council appears to have forgotten its duty of care to one of its citizens and they appear to have made no effort to contact the individual concerned to ensure his wellbeing and safety.
Meanwhile, the applicants have now been granted leave to continue with the judicial review despite Cook's claims that the matter had ended while Cllr Peter Abraham's sense of relief at being let off the hook for his mishandling of Ashton Vale residents' concerns over the wrongful registration of the land approved by his Roghts of Way committee has also been short lived.
Instead the council are now scrambling to appeal, relying on a second letter from the applicant claiming that his first letter is valid despite its dubious legal status. The fact that if the first letter is valid then the second letter can only be valid if it is written by the step-son appears to be lost on the council.
Palestine Today 02 28 2012
28-02-2012 17:32

When TSN met Tony Ball Video
28-02-2012 16:44
Tony Ball was escorted away from angry protestors last night who confronted the big racist as he tried to leave Westminster City Hall.Miserable Old Town of London
28-02-2012 15:31
Although there are tons of moans you can have about Occupy London, it's sure as hell depressing to see the bile, spite and joy people have been sticking up on blogs and media articles cheering on the eviction. Is it just London or also the rest of England that's become so servile, uncritical and miserable?