Hinkley Barnstormers Eviction Imminent ! Help Needed !
lucy | 29.02.2012 10:55
On 27th February at the Royal Courts of Justice, London, EDF won a possesion order against anti-nuclear activists who are occupying a barn on the proposed new site for a nuclear reactor at Hinkley Point.
The barn has been successfully occupied for over two weeks now but the eviction could come at any time in the next few days.
The occupiers are welcoming any one who wants to come and help dismantle the camp. There is lots of food available and a cosy and convivial atmosphere to be enjoyed ! Please come !
PHONE : 0793 392 0425 or 0753 094 7554
The activists will be celebrating what the camp had achieved in terms of raising awareness of Hinkley to the national level , as many people do not know that the government is planning to build new nuclear reactors, they want to slip these plans in" under the radar" to avoid a proper public debate taking place, like there has been in Italy and Germany, in the wake of Fukushima.
Nuclear power is a catastrophic choice for Britain's energy future. A part from the fact that nuclear pwower is still very fossil fuel reliant, It won't make much of a dent in the carbon emmissions: If Hinkley C is built, it won't be in operation until 2023 at the earliest ! A bit late in the day to cut emissions with it ! Also, nuclear is a bottomless pit of expense to the tax payer, all that money will be diverted away from investment in safe and sustainable alternatives.
There is no such thing as safe nuclear power, problems occur in the reactors for innumerable reasons, including human error, and once every 12 years or so there is a major disaster. There is also the ever looming problem of nuclear waste, Britain already has enough to fill 5 Albert Halls and no where long term to put it. Only an insane government/industry would want to make more ( but I guess you knew that already)
After Fukushima, many countries are saying enough is enough, Nuclear power is finished. It's a dinosaur of the 20th century and leads to the prolififeration of nuclear weapons ( Why do you think they want to attack Iran ?). It's time we said the same !
Please show your solidarity and go to the camp for some fun !
If you can't make the camp, there's another chance for you to show your opposition to new nuclear on 10- 11 March at Hinkley Point for the Surround and Blockade action. Details below :
Coach tickets are available to take you to the Surround action on 10 March from Bristol CND:
For more information about the 10-11 March see:
Original article on IMC Bristol: