UK Newswire Archive
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Police go after Brian Haw and peace campers again
17-08-2007 14:10
Was just walking past Parliament Square an hour ago and noticed that the police were pulling up the peace camp tents there. The tents have been there since May 8 last year, in support of Brian Haw's protest. Went in and talked to Brian and a couple of people from the peace camp.Grand Opening of Social Centre
17-08-2007 13:55
Announcement of opening dates for LSCMore pics from today's DfT protest
17-08-2007 13:42

Going Green- Climate camp takes place.
17-08-2007 13:14
From the 13th to the 21st of August 2007, a climate change camp took place in Heathrow to protest about the changes of climate and global warming. Environmental activists have been protesting together, on the issue of the increasingly worrying climate change.Wild gyrations on world markets
17-08-2007 12:52
Despite continuing interventions by the world’s central banks, global stock markets have continued to fluctuate wildly amid fears that the credit crisis that started in the US subprime mortgage market is spreading to other sectors.No Borders Camp Meeting 4
17-08-2007 12:48
The next meeting of a campaign to oppose the construction of a new immigration detention centre at GatwickS.O.S. - The Met are raiding and removing tents of supporters of Brian Haw
17-08-2007 12:44

Update Parliament Square Camp Eviction
17-08-2007 12:34
Huge fence put up around tents. Brain and supporters (Maria and Gary) are currently imprisoned within the fence.What's the Home Office motive for trying to remove so many to the DR Congo now?
17-08-2007 12:23
Over the last week a number of refused asylum seekers from DR Congo, have been rounded up and detained and have been given, "removal directions" for Thursday 30th August on flight number PVT616 [A 'Charter flight]. Others have "removal directions" for Monday 20th August.Next No Border Camp Meeting
17-08-2007 12:23
The fourth meeting in a campaign opposed to the construction of a new immigration detention centre at GatwickTrip from Climate Camp to detention centres nearby
17-08-2007 11:51
Something very sinister is happening in your back garden...Want to find out more? A 'guided tour' of the nearby detention centres (prisons for migrants) can be organised on request from the Climate Camp!
Interested? Call 07933 309853
UK Bangladeshis robbed via '1st. Solution', let down by diplomatic mission in UK
17-08-2007 11:33
The UK Bangladeshis who have been robbed of their money by a group of perpetrators operating under the front 'First Solution' that had been based near the East London Mosque in Whitechapel Road London E1, had been promised help by the current, care-taker regime in Bangladesh. To date, the victims have not received any help if it is defined by their having received the money back. Why? Is the current care-taker administration in Dhaka, the capital city in Bangladesh, being fully informed by their UK diplomatic mission based in London? Or are there other players and factors involved?Campers Glue on to DfT
17-08-2007 11:19

Smartly dressed campers arrived at the DfT just after 8am as workaholic transport fans were scurrying to their desks.
Five superglued themselves to he doors and two to each other, jamming the revolving doors shut whilst two more occupied the roof of the doorway with a sign reading "No Airport Expansion".
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FitWatch faceup to FIT
17-08-2007 10:48

DRC: Why are the Home Office trying to remove so many now?
17-08-2007 10:45
Over the last week a number of refused asylum seekers from DR Congo,
have been rounded up and detained and have been given, "removal
directions" for Thursday 30th August on flight number PVT616 [A
'Charter flight]. Others have "removal directions" for Monday 20th
Climate Activists Blockade Department For Transport To Stop Airport Expansion
17-08-2007 10:00
Official press release follows ....Climate Camper Arrested Under Terrorism Act
17-08-2007 09:50

SOCPA - parliament square GLA raid this morning!!!! URGENT
17-08-2007 09:48
urgent newsflashgla backed by 'flatcap' officers have arrived at parliament square. it seems they are going to attempt an eviction of the tents there.
Call for public inquiry into 7/7
17-08-2007 09:47
The London transport network was targeted in the attacksSurvivors of the 7 July London bombings have threatened legal action over the government's refusal to grant an independent public inquiry.
A group of survivors and relatives of those killed have handed a letter into the Home Office.