UK Newswire Archive
Liars Thieves & Killers: 4 Years of GW Bush
13-09-2004 03:00
Bush does not admit mistakes and take responsibility for his actions. In fact, Bush has a pattern of not taking personal responsibility for his actions, inaction and mistakes. Real leaders take responsibility for there actions. It has been alleged that Bush skipped out on his National Guard service, used illegal drugs and was pulled over for a DUI. Bush has refused to answer questions about the alleged previous drug use but its time the American people got an answer...Don't Panic! North korea hit by Nuke?
13-09-2004 01:39
well has it or hasn't it?this needs some verification
do you think mainstream media will tell you?
Hijacking Catastrophe: 911, Fear, and the Selling of American Empire (video)
12-09-2004 19:37

Powell described neo-cons in the Bush administration as 'fucking crazies"
12-09-2004 18:45
US Sect'y of State Colin Powell described neo-conservatives in the Bush administration as 'fucking crazies', and speaking of fucking crazies: Blair's Iraq Envoy: Al-Qaeda Duped Allies Into Waging War Plus MoreMemories of Slaughter
12-09-2004 18:09

UK army garrison town residents stage 9/11 protest for peace and global justice.
12-09-2004 15:45

M&S Picket Attacked By Fascists
12-09-2004 15:44
The weekly picket of Marks and Spencer in solidarity with Palestine has again been attacked by organised fascists. British and Israeli Zionists opportunistically used the anniversary of the 11th September tragedy to assault the democratic rights of anti-apartheid activists by "kicking" our peaceful protest "off the streets of Manchester". The racists, that include members of Israel's ruling Likud party as well as known British right-wing thugs, numbered more than seventy.Breaking News from Afghanistan
12-09-2004 15:27
I live and work in Kabul, Afghanistan but come from Oxford. Below is breaking news from Afghanistan 19.54 12.9.04First Ukrainian infoshop opened in Kyiv
12-09-2004 13:40
Ukrainian activists of different kind opened on 10th of September the first ever infoshop in Kyiv. This is an invitation to cooperate!Global Warning
12-09-2004 12:25

Local Campaigns cost arms manufacturer £20 000 in one Week
12-09-2004 11:57
Smash EDO camp successful in causing financial damage to arms manufacturersBush is celebrating 9/11 (by Latuff)
11-09-2004 21:32

Education or Exploitation? Lancaster activists disrupt conference.
11-09-2004 19:01
On Friday 10th September eight activists paid a visit to aCorporate Venture Conference (

being hosted by Lancaster University Management School

Voluntary & Community Sector Open Source 'Meze' Day - wed
11-09-2004 16:59
Loads of good people presenting stuff and speaking:Protestors assaulted in Oxford
11-09-2004 16:58
Builders throw noxious substance, hospitalizing two. Oxford University attempt to ban protest with injunction.In Iraq On 11th September, 2004.
11-09-2004 15:55
In the last 3 years the direct pain that was felt in the United States has been exported to other parts of the world. The total number of deceased on the day of the attacks on New York, Washington and Pensylvania fell just short of 3000. In Iraq today the figure for the dead is not counted - but is widely believed to be in the tens of thousands. Now over 1000 US troops have also been killed. The resistance to the "Occupation" is increasing. The question must be asked over and over - When will it stop?ECF Peace Not War, free festival, report & photos
11-09-2004 15:46