UK Newswire Archive
North east sparks protests continue
24-11-2011 00:37
Sparks in the north east are continuing actions against the downgrading of terms and conditions proposed by major construction companies.
Over the last few weeks, a massive campaign by rank and file electricians up and down the UK has been targeting eight major construction companies which are trying to downgrade wages and working conditions.
In the north east, regular protests have been taking place in Tyneside, Northumberland, and Teesside, over bosses plans to pull out of the national agreement on terms and conditions, and replace it with a new 'agreement' which only benefits the employer.
Local electricians have held walkouts, protests and road blockages at construction sites including the Tyne Tunnel in North Tyneside, Newcastle University and Benfield Road in Newcastle, in Ashington, and at Corus/SSI Redcar, where scaffolders also joined a 200 strong walkout last week.
Today saw a protest at Conoco in Teesside, whilst in London electricians occupied the reception of Grattes Brothers construction company.
As a result of electricians' actions, one construction company has pulled out of the new agreement plans already, leaving 7 companies to go...
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Undercover cop drove anarchists to meetings (G8)
23-11-2011 22:30
original article:
here is more info, thanks for sharing anything on undercovers.
Statement of Support for the 'Atos Two'
23-11-2011 20:55
On 15th November, two Nottingham residents, a retired paediatric nurse and a wheelchair user, dubbed the 'Atos Two', were charged with aggravated trespass.
The case follows an entirely peaceful protest at the offices of Atos ‘Healthcare’ on Stoney Street in the Lace Market.
Nottinghamshire Police have made it clear that there has been "too much of this sort of thing recently and we have been told to crack down on it", a reference to the wave of peaceful direct action which has spread across Nottingham and the UK over the last year.
This is a clear attempt to criminalise peaceful protests and acts of civil disobedience and to intimidate those who would take part in such activities.
We, the undersigned, condemn the decision to charge the ‘Atos Two’ and call on the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to drop the charges immediately.
Benefit Claimants Fightback
Disabled People Against Cuts
ExLibris (Federation of Masked Booksellers)
Mansfield Save Our Services Group
Notts IWW (Industrial Workers of the World)
Notts Save Our Services
Notts Uncut
Payday men's network
People's Histreh (Nottingham Radical History Group)
The Sparrows' Nest
Niki Adams, Legal Action for Women
Wesal Afifi, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum
Mohamed Ahmed, Lincoln IWW
Alan Bestwick, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Michael Boyle
Ross Bradshaw, Five Leaves Publications
Sedley Bryden, Harrow, Greater London, UK
Jane Burd
Linda Burnip
Julia Cameron, DPAC (Disabled People against Cuts), Islington, Greater London, UK
Jennifer Campbell
Bob Cann
Hilary Cave, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, UK
John B. Chadwick, Bellingham, Washington, USA
Chris Cheetham
Martin Clough, M.E. Self Help, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, UK
Geoffrey Curl, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, UK
Alex Dable
Anne Darby
Wood David
Peter Dean
Dr Antony Dowd
Shlomo Dowen, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, UK
Dr Jane Ferrie, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health (University College London)
Dr Rhiannon Firth
Mary Foley
Margaret Foster
Gary Freeman, UNISON Rep (Personal Capacity)
Paul Frost, Mansfield Save Our Services Group (Personal Capacity)
Shirley Frost, Sheffield Defend Council Housing
Christopher Gare
Claire Glasman, WinVisible (women with visible and invisible disabilities)
Catriona Gold
Alfie Hallam
Suzanne Hallam
Jackie Hawkins, Isle of Wight, UK
Jane Henson, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, UK
Ian Hewitt, HIYE
Richard Hindes
John Hort
Debbie Jolly, DPAC (Disabled People against Cuts)
Neana Lawson, Nottinghamshire Disabled People's Movement
Juliet Line
Konnie Lloyd
Nina Lopez, Global Women's Strike
Cllr Greg Marshall, Broxtowe Borough Council
John McArdle, Black Triangle Anti-Defamation Campaign in Defence of Disability Rights
Richard McCance, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, UK
Rich Moth, Social Work Action Network (SWAN)
Rosemary Muge, Stapleford, Nottinghamshire, UK
James Mullett
Rob Murthwaite
Colin Newton, Inclusive Solutions
Teresa Pacey-Devlin, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum
Tina Patel
Jane Petchell, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, UK
Melissa Plumb, Scarborough, Queensland, Australia
David Plumb, Scarborough, Queensland, Australia
Frédérique Poujades
Rose Powell, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, UK
Christopher Richardson
Richard Rieser, Coordinator UK Disability History Month
Ian Sandeman, DLA Help Group
Mark Shotter
Liz Silver
Dave Skull
Patrick Smith, Veggies Catering Campaign
Paul Smith, Atos Victims Group
Matt Southall
Rachel Strong
Ange Taggart, Parking Is An Obstruction
Angelica Tatam
J. Thompson
Jo Thorpe
Margaret Tuck, Arnold, Nottinghamshire, UK
Geoffrey Turner
N. A. Unwin
Pete Watson, Convenor Notts UNISON Adult Social Care
Jan Wetzel, Marburg, Hessen, Germany
Cllr Chris Winterton, Mansfield South Electoral Division
To add your name please email
For more information on the case, see the report on Nottingham Indymedia:
See also NottsDefence on Twitter
Urgent From Tahrir: Join our struggle for the survival of the revolution
23-11-2011 19:16

Bayer's top-selling pesticides continue to cause bee deaths worldwide
23-11-2011 18:29

heinz meanz poizn
23-11-2011 17:57
shock and horror for all you tinned food loverz out theretwenty fold jump in BPA in urine samples after one tin off soup
Black Flag 234 released and 233 set free
23-11-2011 17:35
A bit belatedly, Black Flag would like to announce the free online release of issue 233 of the magazine, along with our customary teaser article for the most recent issue - the one we need you to buy to keep us printing!University of Warwick Occupation
23-11-2011 15:09
At 1pm, on Wednesday 23rd November, 100 students at the University of Warwick set up 15-20 tents to occupy in front of the Warwick Arts Centre. The demonstration marks a ‘day of action’ called for by the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC), belongs to similar occupations across the UK.All out on N30! A striker's guide
23-11-2011 14:55
With a week to go, a lot of planning is going on to make N30 in Nottingham a big day. This is an attempt to put it all into some kind of meaningful timetable.
Mon 28th Nov
Notts Free Space set to open providing a base for strikers and movement for radical social change throughout the week.
Wed 30th Nov
Early morning onwards - Pickets outside all public buildings, schools, universities, etc. affected by the strike. Notts Uncut with the help of Occupy Nottingham are planning to do a roaming soup kitchen feeding the pickets.
10.30 - Start assembling on the Forest
11.30 - March leaves the Forest for the Market Square
12.30 - Trade Union rally at the Albert Hall
13.00 - Critical Mass solidarity bike ride will leave from Market Square
15.00 - Discussion of N30 and the future of workers' struggle at Notts Free Space
19.00 - Nottingham journalists campaign to save public broadcasting meeting at New Mechanics
19.30 - Dinner and film showing of The Take at Notts Free Space
Meanwhile comrades in Lincoln have produced some great posters for the day.
A strike means nobody and nothing works! See you in the streets!
Letter to the UK representatives of Israeli Bickel
23-11-2011 13:52
Bickel flowers are represented in the UK by Macilvin Moore Reveres in Harrow. This is the letter that was handed in to them. As the person dealing with Bickel was not there, we got his phone number and left him a long voice mail urging him to drop his clients whilst holding a picket outside.Letter to Valley Grown Salads urging them to divest from Israel
23-11-2011 13:39
This was the letter protesters attempted to hand in to Valley Grown Salads. However, they did not seem too pleased about the idea of a boycott campaign against them. Instead of accepting the letter they got violent, then making a point of shredding it.Letter urging Glinwell PLC to divest from Israeli Edom UK
23-11-2011 13:32
This was the letter handed in to the management of Glinwell PLC, who own 20% of the shared in Edom UK. They claimed to know nothing about that, but admitted that they did grow produce in Israel.British companies targeted for investment in Israel
23-11-2011 13:09
Yesterday Palestine solidarity campaigners targeted the British company ValleyGrown Salads in Roydon, Essex, and Glinwell in St Albans, for their 20% each share in Edom UK -an Israeli agricultural exporter. Campaigners also picketed Macilvin Moore Reveres in Harrow, the UK representative of Bickel Flowers.
Sparks demo leads to occupation of Grattes Brothers Head Office
23-11-2011 11:12
The Sparks weekly picket and demo became an occupation this morning as the group of 200 or so barricaded a door at the Grattes Brothers Head Office.a documentary about the egyptian revolution
23-11-2011 10:55
"Egypt, Insights Into a Revolution"
A documentary about the Egyptian revolution
Cairo, April 2011. Two months after the fall of Mubarak regime, bloggers, activists, artists, opinion leaders or simple citizens revisit their Egyptian revolution. How did they felt during the eighteen days of protests who eventually forced Mubarak to abdicate on February 11, 2011 after some thirty years of an autocratic presidency? How did the revolution change their lives? What are their hopes and fears whereas Egypt is slowly moving towards democracy?
A film by Sebastien Saugues
With: Wael Abbas, Dalia Ziada, Mahmoud Salem "Sandmonkey", Hany Adel (Wust el-balad), Amir Eid & Sherif Hawary (Cairokee), Aya Hemaida, Samia Jaheen & Achraf Nagaty (Eskenderella), Mohamed Safi (Nile Fm), Fath'allah Mahrous, Engy Khirfan, Seif Khirfan.
Fracking Gas = Climate Crash
23-11-2011 04:52

Egypt, updates from Tahrir Square
23-11-2011 02:03
Tahrir square, the beginning, and the transition back to the beginning and the revolution, after nine months of standing still, getting back on its feet again, violently, and raging with anger, non stop.Full article | 45 additions | 3 comments
University of Birmingham re-occupied - building squatted
23-11-2011 01:34