University of Birmingham re-occupied - building squatted
Defend Education | 23.11.2011 01:34 | Occupy Everywhere | Education | Free Spaces | Public sector cuts | Birmingham

"Despite the university and government taking increasingly regressive measures to make universities inaccessible, we are determined to keep the gates open. Our aim is to advance a set of demands centred on justice in education and educational institutions. We want people to be treated as human beings and the university to be run for public good, not as a business.
We have taken this space as a “free space” on campus, from which we seek to educate ourselves, and all who come into the occupation, to build a stronger movement. We are determined to stay as long we can, we implore the university not to resort to force to remove us as they did last January

Over the course of the occupation, there will be talks from academics, university workers and students, about cuts, fees and privatisation. You are all invited to come down, join in, and use this space to work, study and put on your own events."
This is the second occupation of the university this month as previously reported on Indymedia

The day of action is about mobilising around the following points:
Scrap fees – Free education – Living grants/EMA for all – Stop the White Paper – Nationalise the universities – Tax the rich, take over the banks
Challenging university heads to pledge not to make cuts or convert universities into profit-making companies.

It is vital that we use this Day of Action to make solidarity with the public sector strike day on 30 November, and make links with workers in struggle on our campuses and in our towns.
What you can do:
1. Organise a local demo
2. Organise a walk out from your school or college
3. Occupy your university
4. Link up with local trade union branches to build for November 30
This page will be updated as events unfold.

Defend Education
Update 1.33
23.11.2011 02:07
Defend Education
Update 1.59
23.11.2011 02:08
Defend Education
Update 7.23
23.11.2011 10:01
Defend Birmingham
Update 9.55
23.11.2011 10:15
Defend Education
Update 10.09
23.11.2011 10:16

Defend Education
update 11.14
23.11.2011 12:03
Defend Education
update 11.51
23.11.2011 12:04
Dear Lee Sanders,Stuart Richards, Carolyn Pike
RE: Legal notice
We have been informed that the University of Birmingham has blocked all accesses to the North Gate House. This is a legal offence as we have secured our squatting rights to reside in this building. Indeed, if any residents become ill due to your negligence in restraining access to food, water, legal advice and other supplies you will be considered liable. Furthermore, such practice constitutes “false imprisonment” and is indeed another infringement on our rights.
We therefore demand that you remove all obstructions immediately.
The residents, 1 North Gate House (R), B15 2TT, Birmingham
Defend Education
Update 12:32
23.11.2011 12:35
Defend Education
Update 13:42
23.11.2011 13:46
Defend Education
update 13:49
23.11.2011 14:08
Defend Education
update 14.02
23.11.2011 14:09
Defend Education
They are still there
23.11.2011 18:12
There is still no access to the building, but food has been allowed to be given to the occupiers.
The university have said that they will take disciplinary proceedings against all the students inside and that if they have not left by 9am tomorrow morning they will seek an injunction.
Update 16.34
23.11.2011 21:02
We offer solidarity with students, teachers, pupils, parents and education workers who have been fighting the privatisation and marketisation of education; who are fighting for free and emancipatory education. We are with all who are fighting the so called “Bologna-Process;” which is cutting the quality of education all across Europe and robbing Europe’s youth of a decent education.
While we take action to build local pressure to change our individual institutions and governments, we must always be aware of the global and structural nature of our problems and learn from each other’s tactics, experiences in organizing, and theoretical knowledge. Short-term changes may be achieved on the local level, but great change will only happen if we unite globally.
We are inspired by the students and workers who have lead the struggle against tyranny in the Arab world; who are giving their blood to overthrow the military dictatorship in Egypt right now. The struggles of Greek workers and Chilean students are examples we should seek to emulate.
We back the work of the international students movement which is uniting struggles worldwide and we back the joint international statement.
Defend Education
Update 18:06
23.11.2011 21:12
Defend Education
Update 19.34
23.11.2011 21:15

Defend Education
update 22.44
24.11.2011 01:20

Defend Education
Update 23:30
24.11.2011 01:21
Defend Education
Update 23:40
24.11.2011 01:22
Defend Education
Update 00:03
24.11.2011 01:23
Defend Education
Update 00:09
24.11.2011 01:24
Defend Education
Update 00:21
24.11.2011 01:24
Defend Education
Update: 00:36
24.11.2011 01:25
Defend Education
Update 01:15
24.11.2011 01:27
Defend Education
Update 01:21
24.11.2011 01:28
Defend Education
Update 01:36
24.11.2011 01:52
Defend Education
Update 02:08
24.11.2011 02:13
Defend Education
update Thursday 24th 11.18 am
24.11.2011 16:24
they are meeting at 5pm today at the muirhead tower
“Right everyone, so a few of us decided that we should perhaps all get together for a little bit and discuss what to do next, in terms of solidarity and creating a more visual and dynamic presence, what other things can we do outside the occupation other than just voice our solidarity with the occupiers inside?
Some people have cooked up a few ideas already, but if you have your own then make sure you can come to this today! It’ll only be half an hour.”
Defend Education
Update 11.36
24.11.2011 16:25

Defend Education
update 12.03
24.11.2011 16:26
Defend Education
update 11.51
24.11.2011 16:26

Defend Education
update 16.08
24.11.2011 16:27
Defend Education
Update 16:45
24.11.2011 16:45
Defend Education
Update 18.03
24.11.2011 18:12
To the occupiers,
We are sorry to see the way the university has reacted to your peaceful occupation; we are ashamed of our university’s actions. On a day when over 10 universities all across the country went into occupation it was only the University of Birmingham that decided it would crack down on peaceful protest. The attack on the occupation last night and the blockade that they have enforced on you is entirely disproportionate. Especially considering that your occupation, even according to the university, has not been disruptive.
We believe, like you, that people should be treated as human beings and the university should be run for the public good, not as a business. The cuts to pay and pensions of support staff already on poverty pay is morally abhorrent, especially while high paid university mangers take pay rises of as much as 11%. We stand with you in your opposition to the cuts to staff pensions, which are the main cause of the strike on November 30th; we also want to offer solidarity to staff unions. We like you, think it is important we support the strike on November 30th because if we want to retain the brightest and best academics in the UK as our teachers, then we must give our lecturers fair pensions. We would like to point to the university that the Guild of Students itself fully supports the strike on November 30th, this is clearly not the belief of a minority.
The university seeks to portray you as a minority opinion on campus. This is not true: we are elected representatives from all across campus and we support you wholeheartedly. We would be in occupation with you if it were not for the blockade the university has put on the occupation and for fear of the threat of disciplinary actions that university is using to smother dissent.
Stay strong if the university take action against you, we will be there to defend you.
Edward Bauer VP Eduction
Kelly Rodgers Womens officer Guild of students
Leander Jones Comunity action officer Guild of students
Ben Aylott Chair Postgraduate and Mature Students Associaton, University Senator
Susanne Kluber Chair International students Associaton, Guild Councillor
Daniel Harrison, Chair, Birmingham Labour Students, Guild Councillor
Mma yeebo-Agoe – Ethnic Minorities Guild Councilor
Alice Swift 2nd year Chair of People & Planet, Campaigning & Political Mini-Forum Guild Councillor and Ethical & Environmental Committee member.
Sean Farmelo – Philosophy, Theology and Religion Guild Councilor and Ethical and Environmental Committee member.
Simon Furse Open Place Guild Councillor
Bryn Gough Political Science Guild Councillor
Nazakit Mohammed- Civ Eng Guild Councillor
Carmern Castrillon – Langauges Guild Councillor
Yusri Hamidi- Computer Eng Guild Councillor
Anwar Sattar- Post Grad Guild Councillor
Usamah Khalid- Open Place
Zain Ali- Open Place
Muneeb Akhtar- Chem Eng Guild Councillor
Sam weaver, biosciences and student representation 1st year
Sivan Lavie Oxfam Co-chair
Rosie Pinsent Chair of Art Soc
Sebastian Egerton-Read Secretary Student Broad Left
laura hamilton, 2nd year geology student rep & lapsoc VP
Amanda Moorghen, 2nd Year Philsophy SH Student Rep
Alex Thompson, 1st year hispanic studies
Defend Education
Update 18:17 second occupation planned for tomorrow
24.11.2011 18:21
We are doing a run for our money. The run starts at 9.30am sharp, we will occupy somewhere else on campus. Security are welcome too - just keep up.
Time 25 November: 09:30 - 12:30
Location: north gate University of Birmingham.
We implore the University of Birmingham management to open full dialogue with the protesters inside North Gate, furthermore we implore them to comply with the reasonable demands made by the protesters.
We will not stand for privatised education - We will run from it.
Defend Education
Update 18:35
24.11.2011 18:37
We, the occupiers of Birmingham, are disturbed to see the way the university has reacted to your peaceful occupation. The University of Birmingham has, alone, reacted with aggression and has sought to harass those of it's students that have offered their solidarity to trades unionists and occupiers.
We believe, like you, that the University is an academic community of staff and students. Central to this concept is the ability of all its members freely to challenge prevailing orthodoxies, query the positions and views of others and to put forward ideas that may sometimes be radical in their formulation.
We support the students, academic and other staff members that are proud to defend the right for education to be available to all, that seek to defend UK education from the cuts to its te...aching and research base, to defend the terms and conditions of its staff. To these ends we support the peaceful actions of the occupiers and offer solidarity with the members of staff unions actions in withdrawing their labour on November 30th.
Occupy Birmingham
Defend Education
update 18:42
24.11.2011 19:57
Defend Education
Update 21:40
24.11.2011 21:42
Defend Education
Update: new occupation planned for tomorrow
25.11.2011 03:00

Defend Education
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