UK Newswire Archive
Report/ Photos - London Solidarity with Bradley Manning & Julian Assange, RAP TV
19-10-2012 16:01
Report/ Photos - London Solidarity with Bradley Manning & Julian Assange, RAP TV "Assange V Murdoch", Ft Meade Manning ReportDale Farm activists take ‘Fight for Sites’ to Pickles’ doorstep
19-10-2012 15:49

Taking Radical Banners & Flags to #Oct20
19-10-2012 14:07

Oct20 - How The Cops Know Everyone's Names Already
19-10-2012 13:26

say helo wave goodbye to the level
19-10-2012 13:07
thanx to a support group called FRIENDS OF THE LEVEL brighton council and their gangster jobs for the yuppie boys mates hav now taken the last bit of common land for miles around under the guise of IMPROVEMENTS. even the great storm couldnt destroy the level but its gone now and thats a mega sad day for the common people of our county and town..the bulldozers are allready in and the kids are gone ..thankyou friends of the babylon level you hav served your masters purpose well. hope your payoff is good...hope dwindles these days..but with hope left a little..maybe one day soon we take over..sieze the bulldozers load sum members of friends of level into the scoop and bulldoze their yuppie shit bak down and reclaim our common land a treasury for all to sit and sow..Cardiff Family Brutally Arrested and Face Illegal Deportation
19-10-2012 11:16

A UK Border Agency immigration raid, Dont let them spilt up the El-Attar family!
In the early hours of Yesterday morning, Fariman Saleh and her two children we're brutally dragged from their beds, handcuffed and taken to Heathrow Airport to be deported, All infront of the eyes of her eldest daughter, Shrouk El-Attar.
Video of raid:

The Family were due to appear before a Judge in November to decide on their Asylum Seeker application and status.
The incident has sparked outrage and massive response in the community at the actions of the UK Boarder Agency in Cardiff and other areas, and have spoken out against the families right to a fair trial and to stop a potentially illegal deportation.
Hundreds of people have contacted their MP's, Local News Desks, created Viral videos, Signed Petitions and created a facebook page in a bid to hopefully stop the deportation proceedings
It is a Human Right to stand a fair trial. The events of yesterday morning deprived Mrs Saleh and her children of that right, dignity, and worst of all treated brutally and unremorsefully by the state she sought refuge, safety and Sanctuary in.
If deported tomorrow, The Family may face 'honour-killing',
torture, rape and even death. They are in grave danger.
BNP continue to implode
19-10-2012 11:08
With a little effort we can bury Griffin for good100,000s expected at TUC march – know your rights
19-10-2012 10:58

We recommend that you take a minute to look at our bust card, which can be found in the resources section on the left-hand side of our website or in this post.
OxIMC film night for November: Even the Rain
19-10-2012 09:16

Drowning Dog and Malatesta plus Redbeard play Birmingham Benefit
19-10-2012 08:45

Guerilla Democracy
19-10-2012 06:32

West Yorkshire Solidarity With Prisoner John Bowden
19-10-2012 06:23

John Bowden in ‘Tear Down The Walls’
TUC March preparation...
19-10-2012 06:04
There's going to be a lot of raids before the march, so keep one step ahead...Also since the last big student march in November last year snatch squads are back to normal...
Stay Safe: Stay Anonymous! #2: Masking Up
19-10-2012 06:01

This is possibly the easiest form of FITwatching that can be done. It is 100% legal (although you need to read the Legal Information at the bottom of this post), keeps you off a database and, when done en masse, creates a sea of obscured faces that are much harder to identify. This is something everyone should be doing on demonstrations, particularly in London – a city smothered by blanket surveillance.
However, there are a few things we should bear in mind when engaging in this form of FITwatching:
When, Where, Who, Why…
- If travelling alone or with a small group of friends (an ‘affinity group’), move quickly and smoothly round the streets to find the demonstration. It is not advisable to mask up before reaching a crowd, as this draws attention to you. However, you should use your initiative – if the cops are already making moves towards you, you might want to mask up.
- Once there, mask up in a nice spot in the crowd, an enclosed doorway or other public-accessible space; toilets, alleyways etc. away from the obvious glare of the police, journalists, CCTV or other people who might (intentionally or otherwise) be documenting your movements and jeopardising your anonymity.
- If there is civil disobedience, direct action or crowd responses to aggressive policing taking place, then make sure you mask up if you haven’t already. These are crucial moments when intelligence gathering cops of all stripes will be on the prowl and the best moment to disrupt their activities.
- If the FIT shove a camera in your face, it goes without saying you should do whatever you can to obscure it. It is, after all, your legal right to individually refuse FIT photography/filming. If you have a mask, put it on. Ideally, you won’t let it get to this far without masking up, but it’s never too late.
- Just because you aren’t going to do anything unlawful when you leave the house that day, doesn’t mean you don’t need to defend your anonymity. With draconian powers handed to the police on a plate for their arbitrary use, you never know when you might get your collar felt. Better safe than sorry.
Amnesty International Denounces Torture in California Prisons
19-10-2012 04:35

Cardiff Poor People's Campaign Meeting
19-10-2012 01:24
7 pm, Thursday 1 November, Wallace Lecture Theatre, Main Building, Cardiff University, Park Place (opp. Student Union)Keynote Speaker - LINDELA FIGLAN,
Chair of Abhlali baseMjondolo (South African Shack Dwellers Movement)
LaDIYfest Sheffield Weekender - 2nd-4th November
18-10-2012 19:46

Don’t be on a database
18-10-2012 17:51

65yr-old dies during today's protests in Athens
18-10-2012 15:38

Calais: Manifestation Against Police Harrassment!
18-10-2012 13:28

Starting outside the clothes distribution area we took the roads through town, creating a resounding carnival of drums and shouting through the pouring rain, occupying a main roundabout in town before blaring noise outside the town hall using whatever means – drums, bins, horns, whistles, sirens and bellowing chants. Undocumented kids battled over the megaphone and a make-shift samba band got people bouncing on their feet. Banners in Arabic, Pastu, Farsi, Tigrinya, Polish, Latvian, English, French… decorated amongst the crowd and sprawled across walls and buildings as we passed. The demo ended outside Salam, the food distribution area, with more drumming, shouting and dancing in the street.
News coverage from the day: