UK Newswire Archive
bombs target civilian people in istanbul
21-11-2003 03:37
in istanbul bombing attacks target civilian people. Just 5 days after the suicidal bombings to two Sinagogues in istanbul (15-11-2003 / 25 dead, 300 wounded), there were 2 new bombing attacks. One to the british consulate and the other to the HSBC bank head quarter. (27 dead, over 450 wounded)trafalgar square pic-the police are lying bastards
21-11-2003 03:08

Peace, Chinese Food, and Sprinklers
21-11-2003 02:49
England's people show opposition to illegal war, while for London, life goes on as normal, on an evening dominated by peaceful happenings in a jumbled-up city.The SHORTWAVE REPORT 11/21/03 ¡Listen Globally!
21-11-2003 01:41
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quick download (3.2MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, China, and Cuba.Thessaloniki 7 supporters at bush demo
21-11-2003 01:26
During the Thursday Stop Bush Demo, I spotted a black and white banner in support of the Thessaloniki 7.The"war on terrorism" or the "war on Islam"? - The Neo-Conservative's geo-strat
21-11-2003 00:55
The war on terror is but a facade for the real American agenda. The war against Islam.We Need Freedom From Bush and His Brother: Protests in the US No Longer Allowed
21-11-2003 00:17

Hundreds of Thousands of Protesters Decry Bush Visit in Week of Resistance
21-11-2003 00:12
Summary of independent and commercial news reports on convergence and demonstrations surrounding George Bush's visit to UK. Reprinted from
Fiery scenes from Trafalgar Square Thursday evening of Bush visit
20-11-2003 23:33

all power to you from the US people
20-11-2003 23:23
this IS what democracy looks likeMy favorite placards of today. (and a bit of graffiti)
20-11-2003 23:14

U.S. to Get Billion-Dollar U.N. Oil for Food Programme
20-11-2003 22:59
The U.S.-run Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) will get control of billions of dollars in Iraqi oil revenues beginning midnight Friday when it formally takes over the seven-year-old, U.N. administered "oil-for-food'' programme (OFFP).Bush burns as North East prepares a hot reception for him in sedgefield - photos
20-11-2003 22:27

First batch of pics from Trafalgar Square Thursday evening
20-11-2003 22:04

Derby Rolls Royce Blockaders Found Guilty
20-11-2003 21:43
The trial of eight anti-nuclear protesters finished today at Derby Magistrates Court after a hearing lasting two and a half days. Protesters from Faslane Peace Camp and Trident Ploughshares had blockaded the gates of Rolls Royce in Derby during an action to highlight Rolls Royce's part in the illegal UK nuclear weapons programme.Esso Garage Action
20-11-2003 21:18
Anti War Activists close down Esso garage in Chalk Farm, North LondonBush statue toppling in Swindon
20-11-2003 21:09