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Bush burns as North East prepares a hot reception for him in sedgefield - photos

Free Spirit | 20.11.2003 22:27 | Bush 2003

The Angel of The North symbolicly fired out the message - BUSH OUT - tonight as the north east prepares to give bush a roasting in Sedgefield tomorrow.

angel of the north
angel of the north


A 30*20 foot fire letters blazed the message to rush hour traffic as fire dancers danced rings round bemused police tonight as the North East prepares for Bush's Visit tomorrow.

This is a general call for anybody capable of getting to sedgefield to get there by whatever means necessary tomorrow - skip work, blag your mates, find a car, hitch etc.

Bush is coming to Sedgefield, the protests start at 10am on sedgefield village green, with Bush expected to arrive around 1pm (according to a little birdy). The police expect to clear demonstrators before 1pm, so the north east needs the rest of the countries support to ensure we stay put and actually get a chance to at least slightly mess up his plans.

Expect road blocks around sedgefield, but should be possible to field hop your way in closer. Bring banners, drums, sound systems, food, water, warm clothes etc. form affinity groups and mount independent actions, or join in with actions ongoing.

Sedgefield is an hour from leeds up the A1, 2.5 hours from edingburgh, 20 mins from Newcastle, 2 hours from Manchester.


Free Spirit


Display the following 7 comments

  1. GIVE EM HELL — Whitey
  2. This rocks! — valeoftheoaks
  3. With you — Another US Veteran in SF
  4. best use for this sinister piece of totalitarian archtecture — george 2nd
  5. Report from Sedgefield demo — Mab
  6. Anti Bush and Anti-America or Anti-Capitalist — Kawah
  7. Ambushed — cza