UK Newswire Archive
20-02-2003 11:31
20-02-2003 11:30
Holy Tony outmorals everyone on the planet. Every sentence he utters is glazed with morality. He corners the world market in morality. But now, it seems some bishops dare to disagree...We are rapidly winning the argument against the war!
20-02-2003 10:52
Harlequin- the dim would-be mole - has a post below about "losing the arguement": nothing could be further from the truth.What Happened in New York [f15]
20-02-2003 10:48
The weekend of February 15 and 16 marks an historic, global uprising for peace. The number of marches is uncounted: the number of marchers estimated in the range of ten million. There were marches and vigils and protests in national capitals and small towns, in the heartlands of middle America and in small Pacific islands, in the freezing cold of Alberta and in the heat of an Australian summer.warning! anti-MAB posting is a hoax!
20-02-2003 10:36
The recent posting ascribing homophobic statements to the Muslim Association of Britain is a hoax:We are losing the argument against the war!
20-02-2003 10:15
We are rapidly losing the argument against the war. Immediatly after the massive anti-war march last Saturday there was a barrage of criticism against the anti-war movement from people like Tony Blair, The Sun and even Mirror columnist saying that no one wants war but something has to be done about Saddam and his continued oppression of his people and the Kurds. We need answers to agruments put forward for war like that!An American attack on my country would bring disaster, not liberation
20-02-2003 09:45
Having failed to convince the British people that war is justified, Tony Blair is now invoking the suffering of the Iraqi people to justify bombing them. He tells us there will be innocent civilian casualties, but that more will die if he and Bush do not go to war. Which dossier is he reading from?Stop The War Demo, London 15th February 2003
20-02-2003 08:05

France's UN office inundated with fan mail
20-02-2003 05:53
If you haven't already sent France and Germany a THANK YOU (merci, danke), please do so makes a difference! While you’re at it please contact all the Security Council members telling them that you are AGAINST Bush’s war. Be sure to encourage France, Russia and Germany to use their UN Veto against any resolution calling for war.COMPLETE SECURITY COUNCIL CONTACT INFO at:
Petition for the Resignation of Prime Minister Tony Blair
20-02-2003 05:52

British/Welsh activist shot in Nablus
20-02-2003 05:44
British national shot in NablusBritons Now Face Extradition for 'Thought Crime' Online
20-02-2003 04:13
British citizens will be extradited for what critics have called a "thought crime" under a new European arrest warrant, the Government has conceded.DOCUMENTS REVEAL BUSH BRIBES BLAIR
20-02-2003 04:06
---------------------------------------------------------CNN continues working hard to build a false watertight version of history that they are rewriting. By disconnecting the dots in your world, CNN ensures that all patterns get lost, evaporate and mentally dissolve.
Let's Show Support for France, Germany and Russia!
19-02-2003 23:23
In an earlier posting, suggestions were made for taking direct action against the U.S. war machine. Now let's take direct action to support those nations who oppose America's imperial war!Powell-Blair Iraq Dossier Was Cooked In Israel
19-02-2003 23:02
[T]he spin-meisters at the Coalition Information Center--the Washington-London civilian government propaganda unit that crafted both the Blair dossier and major portions of Secretary Powell's own lighter-than-air book of evidence--did not reveal the sources of their information. The entire cooked intelligence picture was "Made in Israel." It was cooked up at a right-wing think-tank complex notorious as a hotbed of radical Likudnik propaganda, and with links to the Office of Vice President Dick Cheney, via his Chief of Staff Lewis Libby and his former client, Marc Rich.Richard and Judy also offer handy hints on surviving armageddon
19-02-2003 23:01
the richard and judy show C4, has recently taken to offering british citizens useful advice, in the event of some kind of nuclear attack/armageddon, handy hints about compiling everyday armageddon survival kits,Brits Move to Dump Blair
19-02-2003 22:58
Wishlist 1Is this just wishful thinking? Whether it's Blair or another Bilderberg
stooge, makes no difference. Or is he going to become the new millennium's
Lee Harvey? Fwd for info only.
Broken promises How the United States failed the Iraqi resistance
19-02-2003 22:44
Given the American track record, Ataya -doesn't trust the Bush administration to create a democratic Iraq. What he fears, in the wake of a successful war unseating Hussein, is a continuation of suppression and terror - just in another name."One and a half million people in Iraq have died already," he says. "How much more can they give? If there is a war, then more will die, and who will come after that? It will be the same struggle."