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We are rapidly winning the argument against the war!

Duppy Conqueror | 20.02.2003 10:52

Harlequin- the dim would-be mole - has a post below about "losing the arguement": nothing could be further from the truth.

Harlequin- the dim would-be mole - has a post below about "losing the arguement": nothing could be further from the truth.

The BBC poll at the end of last week showed that close to 50% of the population opposed a war EVEN WITH a UN SEcurity Council resolution. 80%

As it happens, the UN route looks increaingly difficult, with France, Russia, China holding firm with their vetos, and with even the elected members showing surprising resiliance in the face of American bullying.

Blair's popularity has fallen through the floor, and New Labour is for the first time beginning to look shaky.

The "humanitarian" argument for war is so weak, that even Downing Street backtracked on it by Monday, with Blair only making a background appeal to it at the Tuesday press conference, mostly staking his luck on the original UN 1441 resolution.

Right now, you can bet that schemes are afoot to plant WMD evidence in Iraq for the weapons inspectors to find, but without Blix coming out with a denunciation of Hussein ((please stop calling him Saddam, thats his first name)) they wont be able to swing the UN, and that leaves Blair in shit.

Bush has a narrow poll majority in favour of attack without UN sanction, Blair has to face a growing revolt among Labour supporters. They may well grit their teeth and go ahead, but it won't be because they've won any arguments.

Duppy Conqueror


Display the following 10 comments

  1. That "revolt" we are waiting for... — Dump the poodle
  2. we are winning, but there's more to do — hk
  3. Duppy hits nail on head — Auntie Beeb
  4. No we are not winning! — Harlequin
  5. Just say NOoooooooo........... — Pansy Potter
  6. Incapable — andyC
  7. Incapable — andyC
  8. Teenage site — Stuey
  9. Get with the story... — Beast 1441
  10. ah well — -