UK Newswire Archive
An attack on democratic rights: New Zealand man jailed for sedition
25-07-2006 22:03

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Nicky Cruz/TRUCE Gig "Un-Banned" At Police Insistence
25-07-2006 21:27
Gigs at the Hackney Ocean by a gangster turned evangelist homophobe had apparently been cancelled folowing a local outcry (see the Hackney Gazette website)Now local police are saying these reports were "premature" and the events may be back on.....
25-07-2006 20:46

48 Hour Ambulance Strike This Weekend!
25-07-2006 19:25

Rice begins Mideast tour to promote US-Israeli war aims
25-07-2006 19:05
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived in Beirut, Lebanon Monday, the first stop in a trip whose purpose is to shore up the joint US-Israeli military campaign against Hezbollah and give more time for the Israeli military to use American bombs and weapons to devastate Lebanon.Crossrail Bill Select Committee defies the community, backs hole
25-07-2006 18:39
The UK House of Commons Crossrail Bill Select Committee has just published a set of ‘decisions’ that confirm what Khoodeelaar! The campaign against CrossRail hole attacks on the East End of London had said from the start.
Emergency assembly for direct action against invasion of Lebanon and Palestine
25-07-2006 18:21
Emergency assembly called for direct action against the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and PalestineArtivists' Flyer Drop!
25-07-2006 17:42

Review of New Indymedia Film, "i"
25-07-2006 16:39

"i,” the powerful and occasionally frustrating new film by independent directors Raphael Lyon and Andres Ingoglia, tells of one such democratic moment, the Argentinean economic collapse of 2001 and the social uprisings that accompanied it. Along the way it also functions as one of the first, if not the very first, feature length films about the Independent Media Center (IMC, or Indymedia) movement, which chronicled the Argentine struggle as it unfolded.
Anyway. Here's an advance review of the Indymedia film "i" that I did for the upcoming issue of the Indypendent.
!!!Act now to save Stag Works!!!
25-07-2006 16:32
Hot on the heels of the proposed development of the General Cemetary is a planning application that has been submitted to build two 5/6 storey blocks of flats, containing 299 bedrooms right next door to Stag Works on John Street in Sheffield. Stag Works is used 24 hours a day by bands and artists to make amazing music, yet the planning application makes no provision for acoustic protection.The Real Enemy
25-07-2006 16:03

At present, many writers in the alternative media are feeling extremely angry, depressed and frustrated at what is happening in Palestine and Lebanon. Despite hundreds of editorials and essays eloquently decrying Israeli aggression and provocation and spelling out the very obvious reason for the long-standing violence in the Middle East, Israel continues its murderous rampage, killing almost 70 Lebanese civilians yesterday. Yesterday's attacks involved Israeli bombing of entire Lebanese villages, such as Srifa in the south west of Lebanon where Israeli F-16 jets, supplied free of charge by the US government, destroyed 15 houses, killed at least 20, and wounded at least 30, men women, young and old alike. The truly horrifying thing however is that the inhabitants of the villages were fleeing on the orders of the Israeli government itself, yet as the villagers attempted to leave in their cars and vans, they were targeted by Israeli jets and blown to pieces...
Israeli Aggression on Lebanon: What kind of WMD causes this damage?
25-07-2006 15:55

Tearing down the US Embassy fence last Saturday
25-07-2006 15:49

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Save Sharrow Cemetery: zombie march this Friday
25-07-2006 15:28
A 'zombie march' will take place this Friday 28th to protest the planned commercial development of the Anglican chapel in Sheffield General Cemetery, Sharrow; fancy-dress zombies to congregate at the Lion Gate of the Cemetery 1-2pm, and march to the Town Hall by 5pm to present a petition of 3500 signatures condemning the plans.Titnore volunteers urgently needed to resist imminient eviction.
25-07-2006 15:25
On Monday, 24th July Tinore Woods Action Camp in Durrington West Sussex was served with a summons to appear at crown court in london. We are expecting an attempted eviction at any time from Thursday 27th July and urgently require support from local residents, activists and anyone who wishes to help protect this ancient woodland from development/destruction.The Welfare Reform Bill: A move to a 21st Century version of the Workhouse?
25-07-2006 14:29
The government is targeting millions of disabled people with the threat of losing up to 30 pounds per week if the claimant does not comply with their plans. The proposed replacement to Incapacity Benefit (IB), the Employment Support Allowance (ESA), will only rise above £56 a week (JSA levels) if the claimant meets very strict requirements.Manchester NO2ID Dates for your Diary
25-07-2006 14:19

If you can't make any of these events (or even if you can), please sign up to the Manchester NO2ID e-mail list at

Support AirportWatch - demand a rethink! of aviation policy
25-07-2006 13:58
The Government is publishing a 'progress report' this year on an aviation policy that would wreck the UK's climate targets, inflict more noise and traffic on more and more people and concrete over acres of countryside. Demand a rethink of this crazy policy at of yesterday's SOCPA arrest and assault
25-07-2006 13:46