UK Newswire Archive
Urban Movements at the G8 Action Week 2007 in Rostock
29-05-2007 04:05

Whale slaughter in Southern Oceans
29-05-2007 02:33
Why is a Northern Hemisphere nation, JAPAN, permitted to flagrantly slaughter whales in Southern Hemisphere waters? Perhaps widespread inaction in the face of blatant Japanese smugness, arrogance, contempt for the environment, the International Whaling Commission and other nations is related to the world’s toleration of criminal wars resulting in hundreds of thousands of innocent human casualties! What chance do whales have if innocent HUMAN BEINGS are treated as expendable?The Shacks Fight Back! 3 Talks by Richard Pithouse
29-05-2007 00:00

3 talks by Richard Pithouse of the South African shack dwellers movement, Abahlali baseMjondolo
Not going to the G8? Come to No Borders G8 migration night - June 8th
28-05-2007 22:21

Rampart, 5-7 Rampart St, off Commercial Road, E1
Porn and empathy
28-05-2007 21:50
I have previously written about pornography. I have decided to write again, and present articles and websites that I believe present basic values of the anti-porn movement and why we are outraged that the sex industry is not targeted by humanitarians, and anti-globalization. If you consider yourself a humanitarian and are a porn user, please spend an evening reading through the information provided.South Pacific Struggles Film Night, South London
28-05-2007 20:46

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Riots at EU/Asia economic meeting
28-05-2007 20:19
We declare war on the leaders of the world...A sailing protest heading towards Rostock
28-05-2007 20:13

Flash Radio: Podcast No.2: G8 summit, counter summit and actions.Background info
28-05-2007 19:48

The feed is located at

The myth of Al Qaeda is now almost totally exposed
28-05-2007 18:45
In raising the ante in Iraq, Lebanon, the West Bank and the Gaza by again raising the empty spectre of ‘al Qaeda’ in order to get at Iran, Syria and Hizbollah, the US and the Israelis have exposed their hand about the myth of ‘al Qaeda terrorism’ in the Middle East.Bush administration failing to achieve its “benchmarks” in Iraq
28-05-2007 17:38
US President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice have all personally warned Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki that time is running out. Deadlines have gone or are fast approaching. Still, the Bush administration is no closer to achieving the “benchmarks” it demanded of the Iraqi government on January 10 and linked to the success of its current military “surge”.Biofuels protest in Aberdeen
28-05-2007 16:41
Aberdeen Campaign Against Climate Change held a protest inside the auditorium of the All Energy conference in Aberdeen on Wednesday 23rd May. They unfurled anti-biofuels banners and interrupted a speech by US Ambassador to the UK, Robert Tuttle, in which he was praising the efforts of the US to fight climate change and was claiming that biofuels are part of the solution.Belfast 1907 General Strike Commemoration in Liverpool
28-05-2007 16:17
100th Anniversary CommemorationSaturday June 2nd 2007, Liverpool
Assemble 12.30pm Combermere Street, off Park Road, Liverpool 8.
March to City Centre. March led by James Larkin RFB.
Afternoon function in the Casa Bar, Hope Street
Questa settimana In Palestina – Settimana 21 2007
28-05-2007 15:57

La resistenza non violenta contro il muro e gli insediamenti nella West Bank continua, mentre Israele continua la sua offensiva contro la Striscia di Gaza e i palestinesi chiedono l’intervento della comunità internazionale. VI racconteremo queste ed altre storie, rimanete con noi.
Bush expects everything to be solved with a bang.
28-05-2007 15:32

King’s Cross development: campaigners’ legal challenge fails
28-05-2007 15:31
The King’s Cross Think Again campaign, led by King’s Cross Railway Lands Group, failed in its bid to quash Camden’s outline planning consent for the £2bn development at King’s Cross.It is now time to act against demolition of historical building and agianst the construction of another office city in central London . contact

visit our web site
Labour party shares blame for Iraq
28-05-2007 15:01
put the Labour Party on trial for War Crimes, similar to the Nuremburg Trials because they "were only following orders!" It was no excuse for the NAZI Party, it's no excuse for Labour!