UK Newswire Archive
UK children have the worst lives (Unicef report)
14-02-2007 08:59

for money laundering title buying barons but according to the United Masons it is the pits for children. an I thought is was a left wing Utopia.
The League tables are posted below plus the UN report "An overview of child well-being in rich countries" (PDF 1.5mb)
Activists shut down construction of LNG gas terminal in Milford Haven.
14-02-2007 08:26
Protesters against the continued and unrestrained promotion of fossil fuel projects by the UK government have blockaded the main vehicle access route into the new LNG pipeline terminal near Milford Haven, South Wales. Their aim is to highlight the serious environmental and safety issues surrounding this project, and to call for a more sober approach to the impending energy crisis.Eyewitness Lebanon - Caoimhe Butterly and Guy Smallman Talk
14-02-2007 02:54
Solidarity activist Caoimhe Butterly and photojournalist Guy Smallman present a slideshow and presentation on their experiences and work in Lebanon during the last 6 months.Australian militants 'prepared' for Afghanistan anti-occupation resistance
14-02-2007 02:05

Stand up against BBC's support for US war propaganda on Iran
14-02-2007 00:45
As the US is deploying a massive armada in the Persian Gulf to threaten Iran, the BBC ‘s top in-depth news programme has supported the totally unfounded US propaganda against the five employees of the Iranian consulate in Arbil arrested after the US forces raid last week.Sen. Hillary Clinton Refuses to Acknowledge Making Mistake Over Voting for Iraq
14-02-2007 00:34

The great global action 2007
14-02-2007 00:02

If you want to know the great action global 2007 it watches east video

RAWwake - Robert Anton Wilson remembered in London
13-02-2007 23:29

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Valentine's Blood Service protest
13-02-2007 22:30
Valentine's Day Wed 14th Feb 2007Staff at National Blood Service centres around the country will be protesting between 12 noon + 2pm.
"From the Wonderful Folks Who Brought You Iraq"
13-02-2007 21:58

Russian President Putin lambastes US foreign policy
13-02-2007 21:09
Just a few hours after the opening of this year’s 43rd annual Munich Conference on Security Policy, the organization’s motto of “peace through dialogue” proved to be worth less than the paper it was printed on. Instead, the word “drumbeat” was the one most frequently heard to describe the proceedings, while others spoke of a “fiery speech” and even of a “new Cold War.”Rafik Hariri and the Salvador Option in Beirut
13-02-2007 20:19
As Al Qaeda's 'trademark' suicide bombings now begin in Lebanon, who is behind them and what is the link to the Hariri murder and the other connected assassinations over the last few years? Is the US and Israel involved?Unite Against Fascism national conference, Saturday 17 February
13-02-2007 20:10
Unite Against Fascism national conference, Saturday 17 February, central London. For more information go to LOVE - EROS PICCADILLY SAT17th NOON
13-02-2007 19:59

World's Hottest January Ever Recorded
13-02-2007 19:05
The [meteorological] agency said that last month was the world's hottest January on record, with temperatures across the planet 0.45 degrees Celsius above average.Anti-nuclear campaigners block UK WMD factory
13-02-2007 18:53

Rhythms of Resistance joins the Bremen Carnival to raise awareness about the G8
13-02-2007 18:40
Rhythms of Resistance Manchester joined the Rhythms of Resistance bands in Germany at the Bremen (Germany) Carnival parade to put the politics back in the streets.Bernard Mathews given the all clear to ship live birds into exclusion zone
13-02-2007 17:48
It beggars belief that Bernard Mathews was allowed to continue processing poultry at their Suffolk site during the avian influenza crisis, continued exporting to Hungary, and within days of the slaughter of 159,000 birds, were able to ship live birds into the exclusion zone created around the infected site. Yes, it's business as usual.