UK Newswire Archive
Afghanistan under occupation: An assessment—Part 1
14-02-2007 20:57

14-02-2007 20:12
Why are people in S/Yorkshire attacking SUVs and claiming them as ALF attacks?Basque political prisoner Iñaki de Juana in risk of death
14-02-2007 20:07

reclaim love (iv)
14-02-2007 19:59

Boomchukka Circus
14-02-2007 19:49
Latest report from the Boomchukka Circus from Jenin. More details and reports on the website.Cuban Hip Hop bands to tour UK in March
14-02-2007 18:18

Six hours of disruption at LNG terminal
14-02-2007 18:00
Since November there has been lots of protests around the gas pipeline currently being constructed in Wales, and shortly Englans. Today people paid a visit to sunny pembokeshire to take direct action on one of the root causes of climate change; fossil fuel corporations seeking more profits for their shareholders.Launch of London Guantánamo Campaign weekly demonstration outside US Embassy
14-02-2007 17:32

Faslane Family Blockade 19th 20th May
14-02-2007 16:01
A family block has been announced as part of the Faslane 365 action, for the 19th and 20th of May. The organisers are calling for help/support from clowns, cooks and cyclists, storytellers, face painters, strolling players and piano players, anyone else who'd like to lend a hand- and most of all FAMILIES!
remember ohio - cuyohoga says 2004 U.S. election CRIMINAL : 2 IN PRISON ALREADY.
14-02-2007 15:59
Cuyohoga is a place in Ohio that shall get into the textbooks about the end of a fraud . . . . a very big fraud . . . .Autonomous bloc on Feb 24th 'No Trident' Demo
14-02-2007 15:37
This is a callout for an automomous bloc on the 'No Trident' demo taking place in London on Saturday 24th Febuary. All participation is welcome.Invitation au contre sommet Biovision 2007
14-02-2007 14:59
This message is adressed to all people in Europe who want to resist actively GMO’s, cloning, nano-technologies, biometrics, DNA registration, industrial experiments upon animals, BioPatent and more generally agrochemical multinational policy.Weed contamination
14-02-2007 13:53
Weed problems continue - Check your skunk for dodgy ingredients!Military-Industrial Complex
14-02-2007 13:18
The fusion of the new American patriotism with religious fundamentalism developed into the most powerful legitimation resource for continuing the MIC.. Stability and containing conflict in the Middle East are obviously not the goals of the neoconservatives.Deportation afghan people?
14-02-2007 12:30

The police officers returned to the attack this Tuesday February 13, by driving out the Afghan refugees
John Howard: Profile of a Coward
14-02-2007 12:15
The Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, has managed to gain some international attention after his hysterical attack on presidential candidate, Barack Obama. The seasoned Australian politician knowingly stated that a victory for Obama OR the Democrats would be a victory for al-Qaeda, “I mean, if I we're running al-Qaeda in Iraq, I would put a circle around March 2008 and pray as many times as possible for a victory not only for Obama but also for the Democrats”.How a Symposium on Iran Cinema Turned into Glorification of Islamic Revolution
14-02-2007 12:13
British universities turned into platforms of propaganda by Islamic Republic embassy in London.OaxacaLibre english weekly
14-02-2007 11:53
The subject of the elections in the APPO assemblyFriends of John Okello
14-02-2007 09:39

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Critical Mass London extra video.
14-02-2007 09:23