UK Newswire Archive
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Report from Plymouth Fossil Fools
01-04-2008 18:08
Report from PlymouthFossil Fools in Sheffield
01-04-2008 17:56

34 4x4's and sports cars 'disarmed'
01-04-2008 17:18
Loads of gas guzzling 4x4's and around 10 swanky sports cars were disarmed last night as part of the 'Fossil Fools' day of action.Iran: 3rd US International Crime in the Making
01-04-2008 16:49
If only America had an independent media and an opposition party. If there were a shred of integrity left in American political life, perhaps a third act of naked aggression -- a third war crime under the Nuremberg standard -- by the Bush Regime could be prevented.Note that, unlike Afghanistan and Iraq, the hand of Israel's Extremists in starting this war is not hidden at all, except perhaps by the media/propaganda factory.
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Cambridge Fossil Fools Day Protest at RBS Bank
01-04-2008 16:27

Banner Hang for Fossil Fools in Wrexham
01-04-2008 16:01

Major left rebellion cripples anti-democratic agenda
01-04-2008 15:45
The Labourite/Right-wing/Corporatist establishment of NUS have suffered a shock defeat at the Student bodies annual conference. The big debate of this year's event, the controversial Governance Review, has been voted down by a margin of just 20 votes, despite progressives preparing to see democracy eroded, and in some cases removed by the Union's anti-grassroots establishment.Full article | 2 additions | 8 comments
Protesters Threatened at Bobby Roberts Circus
01-04-2008 15:30
Animal exploitation and threats just a normal day for the likes of Bobby Roberts![Bobby Roberts Super Circus will be in Hitchin (Butts Close – Bedford Road, Fishponds Road) from 1st – 6th April 08]
Palestine Today 040108
01-04-2008 14:44

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Tuesday April 1st, 2008.
Mithraic Temple Discovered under Terminal 5
01-04-2008 14:31
Worldreviewer archeological expert Professor Avril Buffon from the Institute of Classical Archaeology at the University of Nantes announced today that formal excavations will start next month on a Mithraic Temple complex discovered during the construction of Heathrow’s Terminal Five.ID Cards MP pays Cambridge a Visit.
01-04-2008 14:29

Her visit received a 'welcoming committee' of NO2ID activists, who staked out two of the main entrances to Jesus College.
Banner Drops Against Leeds Uni Vivisection
01-04-2008 13:40
01-04-2008 13:28
Roger Robinson has asked for a Development Control Consultation Forum re the controversial "World's largest ever, highest level virus containment facility and animal testing lab" due to be built on a Camden Council housing estate - Somers Town.Gagged! #23 - South Wales Anarchist Newsletter
01-04-2008 13:04

Promote market panic
01-04-2008 12:00
Add to panic in credit markets by voting in FTs survey of credit market conditions.Pakistan: Another U.S.-Made Disaster
01-04-2008 11:15
The article is about how Pakistan has been devastated by U.S. imperialism.Full article | 2 additions | 47 comments
9/11 Truth Movement vs. 9/11 Truth
01-04-2008 10:14
Or, who are these people and why do they keep yelling at me?Women are more troubled by bag theft than rape, says senior BNP candidate
01-04-2008 10:05
How vile is the BNP? Very.Climate Change Activists Blockade Major Gas Terminal
01-04-2008 07:47
Earth First! UK activists today blockaded the UK's largest off shore gas terminal at Bacton in Norfolk. 40% of the UK's domestic gas comes ashore here, is processed and distributed by pipeline. Activists blockaded the main road outside the site at 6.30 am this morning, preventing construction workers and shift owrkers from arriving.