UK Newswire Archive
What is Bilderberg?
25-08-2001 11:46
Just a link to more information for others like me who knew nothing about thisBlack Panther Party Cofounder Bobby Seale Relates Struggles of 1960s...
25-08-2001 11:01
On June 20, Seale returned to New Haven, and spoke about the relationship between the radical politics of the 1960s and the rebirth of activism and today's growing worldwide movement for social justice(A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found At
War Crimes, Saudi Arabia and Tessa Jowell
25-08-2001 10:34
Robert Fisk: Why don't we try to collar all the war criminals?'After my articles on Iraqi gassings, a Foreign Office man asked my editor: "Don't you think Bob's pushing it?" '
Bilderberg Quiz / round two
25-08-2001 10:17

Could anyone kindly confirm John Micklethwait of the Economist, with a view to identifying the architects of
gloabalisation .. absolutely no dodgyness involved .
Were you in Genoa?
25-08-2001 10:06
genoaResistance is collecting first hand accounts of what happened in Genoa during and after the g8 summit and your story is important to us."The market controls everything, but the market has no heart"
25-08-2001 09:38
"The Body Shop is now really a dysfunctional coffin" "You will not see another Genoa. You will not see another Seattle because its a waste of time"Hannibal Lecter wearing Ronald McDonald mask(pic)
24-08-2001 23:42

rape the nature and piss on you.
And they force you to pay them for doing that!
Mossley factoy, 62th day of occupation
24-08-2001 22:24
August 22, after 60th day of occupation of their spinning mill, Mossley workers launched two actions commandos. One at the house of a former director, whose garden was copiously filled with reels of wire. The other at the Damart company in Lille, where balls of wire were flaringAsbestos, Asthma, and Your Rattling Last Breaths
24-08-2001 20:29
This is a more complete overall view of the "Moronic Asbestos Modus", which I have also addressed in "Chemical Modus II" and the postscript to "Israel, A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken". UK IMC is still the worst on earth due to your "Andi" boy.Is America still a great idea as well as a great country?
24-08-2001 19:52
Bono addressed the graduating class at Harvard University.Dressed in olive-green clothes, a camouflage hat and his trademark shades.Online Petition to Defend XXXX 24 August 01
24-08-2001 19:45
XXXX remains stranded in "Area A" Palestine. He has been granted temporary asylum by the Palestinian National Authority, but he is unable to travel onward to a third country because of the boarder closures by the IDF. We believe, based on our own expert knowledge of the region, that if he is captured by the Israel authorities, he will be imprisoned, beaten, tortured and possibly killed by the police.America needs a revolution, says Sean Penn
24-08-2001 18:48
The film actor and director Sean Penn said yesterday he believed America needed a revolution and spoke of his admiration for the direct action campaigns launched by anti-globalisation activists...The bankers' vision is limited
24-08-2001 18:16
Free trade is all very well - until we run out of resources to exploitMary Midgley
Friday August 24, 2001
The Guardian
The Office
24-08-2001 18:04
What did everyone think of The Office? I thought it was pretty funny but what is its cultural and political significance?cbc: Grizzly protests in Vancouver and London
24-08-2001 18:03
Vancouver - A group of environmentalists dressed as grizzly bears has gone to the American Consulate in Vancouver to apply for political asylum in the U.S.Doctor Mengele(s) in Genova
24-08-2001 17:10
Bolzaneto inquiry about doctors behavior.Italian authorities are investigating allegations that the
doctors present at bolzanetto torture centre during the
G8 hostilities, abused prisoners. examples are given
of body piercings being violenty ripped out ect ect .
Plutonium Alert: UK Govt considering export drive!
24-08-2001 12:14

Bilderberger I.D parade
24-08-2001 11:30

if you can please help , other phot's would be handy .
Earth First! Activist and Bombing Victim Darryl Cherney Describes Lawsuit...
24-08-2001 09:30
Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Darryl Cherney who explains what the activists hope to gain from the lawsuit and the relevance of the case to progressive movements across the nation.