UK Newswire Archive
Latest additions to the Animal Rights Calendar
07-01-2011 19:53

11th January deadline to oppose plans for Nocton Mega-Dairy
Week of action against Beyond Retro
Zippo's Circus announce start of their 2011 tour
Stroud Protest Against cuts & privatisation: Sat 29th Jan
07-01-2011 18:22
Save our public services
Assemble 10amin Stratford Park car park.
March to Stroud Sub Rooms for Rally at 11.30am
We say:
- No to any cuts - don’t accept the false arguments about the need for cuts
- Build anti cuts groups in every community, build a mass campaign
- Protect and improve public services
- Keep business interests out of the NHS
- Keep Royal Mail public
- Save our library & youth services
- We should not pay for the bank’s crisis. Regulate the City & take the banking, insurance & mortgage industries into democratic public ownership run for the benefit of all.
Useful links
Gloucestershire Anti Cuts Alliance:
Friends of Gloucestershire Libraries
Hands Off Our Forest campaigning against sale of Forest of Dean
This protest has been called by Stroud Against the Cuts and Gloucester & District Trades Council
Contact: 07810 732379
A National TUC organised anti cuts demonstration takes place on Sat 26thMarch
Nothing short of a political coup is being attempted through the ConDem government’s ‘Big Society’ and Gloucestershire County Council’s (GCC) ‘Big Offer’, as they attempt to bring in staggering cuts and privatisation, and replace many public service staff with volunteers. But they have not been given a mandate to destroy our welfare state and take us back to the poverty of the 1930’s. If carried through well over a million public sector jobs will go, alongside pay cuts, but the private sector will also be devastated as another recession is provoked, causing bankruptcies and more job losses, the Financial Times called it the ‘biggest fiscal blunder since the 1930’s’.
Students have shown the way; with waves of protests over £9,000 tuition fees, 80% university teaching budget cuts and the scrapping of EMA (Education Maintenance Allowance), disadvantaging those from poorer backgrounds in post 16 education. In November 50,000 marched in London and nationally 130,000 school, college and university students took part in protests and occupations and tens of thousands more protested as parliament voted on fees. Rednock school students demonstrated and Stroud students occupied MP Neil Carmichael’s offices twice in a week.
NHS plans will end our national health service by 2013.NHS Gloucestershire is transferring the Primary Care Trust (PCT) to a Social Enterprise, after a derisory consultation process, a move that will be used to open the way for further privatisation. The government plans are for all NHS hospitals to have to move to foundation status, functioning as independent ‘non profit’ companies or social enterprises. Other NHS reform is to place 80% of the entire NHS budget in the hands of ‘GP Consortia’ who will operate as private companies commissioning services. But our GP’s are not financial managers. Unless these moves are resisted it will mark the end of the NHS as a national healthcare provider and instead will be an official facilitator for private sector healthcare.
Library services are to be decimated with 43% cuts, yet staff risk disciplinary action if they speak to the public. Around the county 11 libraries are facing the axe, including Minchinhampton. Many like Nailsworth, Stonehouse and Wotton under Edge are condemned to be minimal self service facilities, while severely reduced opening hours and levels of stock threaten others like Tetbury. The jobs of the 176 county staff are at risk, as council leader Mark Hawthorne has said he could envisage library services run almost entirely by volunteers. Highly skilled staff and a coordinated service cannot be replaced by voluntary groups; this is effectively a move towards privatisation. Painswick library has remained closed because insufficient volunteers can be found.
Youth Services around the county are facing meltdown, if the planned 1/3 cut to the youth services budget goes through. Of the 32 council funded youth services, only 5 district hubs, with restricted access, will remain: in Whadden (Cheltenham), Coney Hill (Gloucester), Cirencester, Tewksbury and Coleford, nothing in the Stroud area. The 114 full time equivalent youth worker roles will be under threat.
Cuts to the fire serviceof £3.6 million in Gloucestershire could mean 90 redundancies, including uniformed and non uniformed staff. Lives will be at risk if plans to remove a specialist rescue appliance from Stroud go through, dealing with road accidents, trench and building collapse and heavy lifting equipment, the only one permanently staffed in the county.
The government want to slash local council funding by 28% over 4 years. As Mark Hawthorne has said, ‘the government’s top priority is cutting the deficit and Gloucestershire must play its part.’ Stroud District Council is facing a 27% cut in funding. It’s the young, elderly, disabled, poor and vulnerable who will suffer the most. Instead of accepting the cuts, councillors could join the campaign and demand more funds from central government. We should not be made to pay for the bail out of the banks; the previous government could have regulated the City and taken the banking, insurance and mortgage industry into democratic public ownership for the benefit of all. Instead the banks and finance sector have returned to huge profits and been allowed to again receive massive bonuses, while we suffer.
The deficit is being used as an excuse to sell off the welfare state, the NHS, education, the public sector and even precious public resources like the Forest of Dean. UK debt has been much higher in the past and is lower now than in Germany, France & Japan.
The deficit is £150 billion yet the super rich owe £130 billion in unpaid taxes.
The chief executives of the top 100 companies gave themselves a 55% increase in a year.
The government spends £2.8 billion a year on private consultants.
£3 billon could be raised by taxing big financial transactions
Every year £25 billion is lost in tax avoidance by the wealthy: Boots saved £111 million moving their HQ outside the UK
The Cuts can be stopped. Campaigns fighting to defend services, like libraries and youth centres, are stronger if they support others affected by the cuts. Local campaigns, student groups, trades unions, anti cuts groups and others can build a mass national campaign, alongside coordinated public sector industrial action, forcing a change in government and council policy. Say no to any cuts; make those who created the crisis pay for it.
Dissident Island Radio tonight!
07-01-2011 18:16

David Hart is dead
07-01-2011 18:06
The failure of right-wing extremist David Hart's political antics should serve as a warning.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Newbury Bypass walk (15th anniversary of the evictions)
07-01-2011 15:52

Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Survivors Resistance Network demands an end to Work Capability Assessment (WCA)
07-01-2011 14:12
From April 2011 those of us who have been receiving disability benefits on mental health grounds will start having our eligibility for benefits reassessed en masse using the discredited and ill conceived Work Capability Assessment (WCA) which is a computer based method of assessment. We do not accept that this move is taking place to provide us with a way out of poverty and social exclusion as the government claims but rather that its purpose is to reduce the welfare bill regardless of the distress, destitution, disengagement with mental health services and suicides that will result.The government is specifically targeting people who are living with mental health problems as this group of claimants is less likely to return to work than other claimants. It is not suggesting that we do not have mental health issues; simply that it is still possible for us to work even though we are in mental distress. It is now the case that pain, distress, indignity and an abysmal quality of life caused to us by work cannot exempt us from it; we can only be excused from work if, mechanically, we cannot perform a job and not because work would have negative consequences for us. This is called ‘focusing on what we can do rather than on what we can’t do’; the misery being what we can’t do. Although these changes to the way mentally distressed people are assessed for benefits were introduced by the last Labour government we are aware that Ed Milliband is now undertaking a review of Labour policies and we urge him to abandon support for the WCA in favour of a more accurate, honest, discerning and compassionate way of assessing a mentally distressed person’s fitness for work.
Two more jailed for nonviolent resistance at the School of Americas
07-01-2011 12:27
...send solidarity letters and postcards to prisonersc/- SOA Watch
PO Box 4566
Washington, DC 20017
IDF blankets Bil'in with gas again despite death of Jawaher Abu Rahmah
07-01-2011 12:00

This morning, protesters, EU Parliamentarians, journalists and ambulance crews are being sprayed with skunk water and copious amounts of tear gas in the weekly protest against the wall at Bil'in. Soldiers are also reported to be firing 'rubber bullets' at children in the village.
Photos Of Forest Of Dean Rally
07-01-2011 11:22
3 JANOVER 3000 prople attended rally
Conservative MP Mark Harper refused to attend and justify his proposal to priviatise the Forest of Dean
Wikileaks: British Police Trained Bangladeshi Death Squads
07-01-2011 10:27
Cables released by WikiLeaks reveal how the British government provides training to a Bangladeshi government paramilitary force specialising in executing political opponents.One Family in Gaza
07-01-2011 09:12
An amazing and powerful short film by Jen Marlowe of

Massive rally against sell-off in Forest of Dean
07-01-2011 01:23
plus an examination of the occult by Dennis WheatleyDialect is a weekly Bristol (UK) podcast produced by volunteers. This current affairs and arts magazine programme is recorded at our Queen's Square studios and posted for download every week on Thursday evening/Friday morning. Want to volunteer? Volunteering Bristol, Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol. BS1 4GB Tel: 0117 989 7733. Listen on air: 93.2 FM (BCFM), Sundays at 12 noon. Or listen live on the internet at
Hi Fi Listen
00:00-00:55 Intro
00:55-06:22 Dennis Wheatley
06:22-10:50 Blue Oyster Cult: Don't fear the reaper
10:50-23:12 Keith & Shahid return from Gaza
23:12-28:17 Playgoers Club
28:17-33:34 The Dredge Report
33:34-35:43 Mary Bourke
35:43-38:10 Trevor Carter
38:10-40:05 Bridget White
40:05-50:10 Bishop of Guildford speaking at Forest of Dean
50:10-54:47 What's on guide and song of the week
54:47-56:55 End credits
CSI Palestine
07-01-2011 00:01
The tragic death of an unarmed woman in Palestine last Friday (31st) has lead to a global cry for action against the increasing use of 'non-violent' weapons in the continued repression of the Palestinian people.
On the Newswire: 1
Tory Minister Pied in the FACE (St Andrews)
06-01-2011 22:22
Proving they'll not take the fresh round of ccuts the State and the St Andrews uni Amdinistration have in store, students picketed a private cheese and wine event attended by Coservative Minister David Mundell.
Subsequently he had a Key Lime pie scrunched onto his scalp.
Scale of Opencast Mining in England Revealed
06-01-2011 19:41
A group in Leicestershire has produced evidence about the current and possible future locations for opencast coal England. In all it identifies 23 Current sites and 43 potential sites.The evidence is in the form of a two part review and it has been produced to support the arguments for the 500 Metre Buffer Zone Bill which gets its 2nd Reading in the House of Commons on 11/2/11.Ratcliffe Trial Day 16 – Return for Sentencing
06-01-2011 18:23
5th January 2011
The Judge described Ratcliffe power station activists as "honest, sincere, conscientious, intelligent, committed, dedicated, caring". That they acted with "highest possible motives".
The story so far ..... At the conclusion of the trial on the 14th December 2010, all 20 defendants were found guilty of Conspiracy to Commit Aggravated Trespass.
They were arrested in April 2009 during the biggest pre-emptive arrest in UK history. The 114 people were detained at Iona School, Sneinton, where they were involved in planning an operation to shut down Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station for a week. The facts were not disputed. Giving evidence, this was clearly there intention and that they were equipped to do it. The defence of necessity was employed in that they were acting to prevent a greater harm; death and serious injury to others as a direct consequence of climate changes bought about by the burning of fossil fuels, most notably coal.
Since being found guilty, His Honour Judge Teare had deferred sentencing until today awaiting reports. Two defendants have been further deferred until the 18 January 2011.
It is reported that this trial and police costs add up to £700,000.
Miss Gerry for the prosecution said that a number of defendants did have previous convictions for offences relating to social and environmental matters. None relating to violent or acquisitive crime. She asked the Judge to award £5,000 costs against each defendant. When asked, the prosecution said that the actual prosecution costs against each defendant were £20,000.
[20x = £400,000 stone me!].
In mitigation, Mr Ed Rees for the defences seeks to make some general points pertaining to all the defendants:
• If the action had in fact been carried out, it would have been peaceful and safe in character.
• There is no suggestion of violence or disorder on any of the defendant part.
• There would have been unlikely to have been any damage.
• The planned event never took place.
• The motivation of those involved being of a caring and concerned character. He sites a Court of Appeal authority for this to be taken into account. Jones & Others R. v [2006] EWCA Crim 2942 (20 September 2006)
Mr Rees went on that all the defendants practice what they preach. All had engaged in the democratic and political process and not just in direct action and that this should further mitigate any sentencing. All the defendants have so many character and glowing personal testimonials by professions and peers and had many social concerns.
As to costs, Mr Rees says that the trial length was greatly reduced by defendants admissions. Hence only requiring one prosecution witness. He thus invites the court to take account of what is reasonable and just.
Some defendants were in receipt of a variety of benefits and disability / incapacity benefits and thus the prosecution asking for £5,000 would thus be unreasonable and unjust. Further, ome prosecution work and costs would be common to the next trial to be heard and thus this should also be taken into account.
All three barristers representing the defence then gave individual mitigations for each of their clients.
Returning after lunch the Judge Jonathan Teare makes a brief summary of the facts of the case. He agrees he is thwarted in his wish to make the defendants pay a larger proportion of the costs of the case because of their limited means. Further, with respect to those with previous convictions, he had been minded to give suspended prison sentences. However, after a little discussion, it turns out that as the maximum penalty of three months imprisonment, a £2,500 fine, or both. That this short sentence cannot be suspended.
Thus, dealing with sentencing, five were given community orders [unpaid work] ranging from 18 to 90 hours to be carried out within 12 months.
The remaining thirteen all received conditional discharges ranging from 18 months to 2 years. Most had no order for cost awarded against them. However, two of the defendants had to pay £1000 and £500.
The Judge added as he sentenced them: I have read a great deal about all of you since the trial concluded. There is not one of you who cannot provide glowing references from peers or professionals. And, if I may select, some of the adjectives that recur throughout they are these: honest, sincere, conscientious, intelligent, committed, dedicated and caring. You are all decent men and women with a genuine concern for others, and in particular for the survival of planet Earth in something resembling its present form. I have no doubt that each of you acted with the highest possible motives. And that is an extremely important consideration.
Judge Teare went on and said the protest had been well-considered and well-prepared. You had come from every corner of the country. Transport, food, clothing, climbing and safety equipment had been organised, costing several thousand pounds. Mobile phones, walkie-talkies, gas detectors, hard helmets, sleeping bags and sanitary facilities had all been provided. You had been organised into teams and briefed on your actions.
But while accepting the protest had been intended as a legitimate action by people who genuinely believed in their cause, the Judge said that their motives could not absolve them from punishment.
In concluding, the Judge said that never before had he dealt with so many defendant who were polite, committed and punctual during proceedings.
Two defendants have had sentencing deferred until the 18 January 2011.
So, there you have it!
Over three and a half weeks, all present in the court were informed of the facts by leading experts in the field. I received a three and half week seminar on the subject. Although I knew a thing or two about the issues before my involvement in the trial, I came away knowing far more. Further, my own sense of alarm has been significantly increased. Something must be done!
The problem is that the jury weren't so convinced as I was and didn't accept the defence. They didn't accept the idea of the democratic deficit. They still clearly believed that democratic means are sufficient to bring about the required changes and that the actions of these defendants were thus un-necessary.
There was never any dispute about the scientific facts and opinions presented during the trial. The prosecution didn't take on any of the experts in their evidence. They were thus all agreed. Action is required within a very few years to avert our arrival at the 'tipping points' much referred to. Points beyond which almost anything industries and governments do will no longer have any effect, since the materials causing changes have such a lag before their effects come into being. I can only guess that the jury was as alarmed as I was about some of this evidence, but they still didn't accept the need for urgent 'direct actions' by individuals on these matters. What I would call social responsibly in fact.
The jury are of course, representatives of the public. To make a sufficient difference to these issues, people must be informed and convinced of the need for action in large numbers, and shortly. The jury at the earlier Kingsnorth case were so convinced and acquitted those defendants.
Now, we can all cry about it. It should have been otherwise in this case too. How can I listen to the same evidence as they did and come to completely the opposite conclusions?
Those of us with concerns about all of this should make a better effort at 'sharpening our pencils' and trying to take millions more people with us in the need for more significant changes than we currently see. Direct action has to be an increasing component of this greater picture.
One of the defendants in this trial, Bradley Day, has contributed this article to the Guardian and hope it will help others to see ways ahead. There is so much to do.
The climate movement is in desperate need of renewal - Bradley Day Guardian 5 January 2011
If a jury that received extensive education on climate change could not vindicate the Ratcliffe activists, then who will?
Please also check out an article by Mike Schwarz. He is a partner in the Bindmans law firm and was instructing solicitor in this case.
Why did Ratcliffe defence fail where Kingsnorth Six succeeded? - Mike Schwarz Guardian 16 December 2010
Two separate trials of environmental activists that both targeted coal-fired power stations produced different results. Lawyer Mike Schwarz examines the reasons why.
Another trial of 6 other people arrested during the police operations in April 2009. will be starting on Monday 10th January, 10am at Nottingham Crown Court. As ever, I wish them the very best.
Will the last one alive on the planet, kindly turn the lights out!
Final statement from the defendants: post sentencing
We are twenty of the 114 who were part of the biggest pre-emptive arrest in British history as part of the increasing legal drive which priorities the protection of polluting business, and not people. As the UN Climate talks in Cancun produced embarrassingly inadequate legal responses, it's time for people to stand up and take action. We planned not only to stop carbon emissions from Ratcliffe but to be part of a much wider movement for global social justice.
We know the road to a sustainable future will not be easy. Today its hard to ignore the impacts of runaway climate change. Post sentencing we still feel our actions are a reasnable response to the irrational destructive situation we are in. Its a story which has been repeated time and again but in 2011 the show must go on. We will have to see huge shifts in the legal system to make the British judicial system set a global example – by redirecting their attention to the real criminals, the profit hungry fossil fuel industries. Dealing with climate change means looking at its root causes and we need to question why the profits of corporations such as e.on are being prioritised over people on the front line of our changing climate and the protection of our children's futures.
This scheme requires long term commitment and increasingly staunch political will – through creative direct action and other methods people can change the story of humans future. This is not an exercise in abstract science lessons - it requires us to stare hard into our communities and start joining up the dots. It’s the same energy companies that cling to coal who force pensioners into deadly fuel poverty. It’s the same government who fails to invest in green jobs that cut the UK flood defence budget. There are many avenues for making the links and connections and we are ever more determined to do all we can to stop emissions. As erratic weather patterns create more disasters, as people continue to choke on fumes and see their houses engulfed in floods – taking action on climate change is no longer an option – its a necessity. We want to reiterate our support for everyone everywhere fighting for climate justice.
Indymedia daily coverage of the progress of this trial:
Ratcliffe Trial: Nottingham Crown Court November 2010
2009 Nottingham Mass Arrest of 114 Climate Activists in Raid in Nottingham
2010 Nottingham Ratcliffe Conspiracy Trial Begins [Feature]
2010 Nottingham Ratcliffe conspiracy to trespass trial opens today
2010 Nottingham Ratcliffe Trial Day 2 - Prosecution’s Opening
2010 Nottingham Ratcliffe Trial Day 3 - Prosecution case continues
2010 Nottingham Ratcliffe Trial: Prosecution Opens [Feature 2]
2010 Nottingham Ratcliffe Trial Day 4 - Prosecution case concludes
2010 Nottingham Ratcliffe Trial Day 5 – Defence case opens
2010 Nottingham Ratcliffe Trial Day 6 – The Defence Continues
2010 Nottingham Ratcliffe Trial Day 7 ‘Snowed off’
2010 Nottingham Ratcliffe Trial Day 8 – Defence Calls MP's
2010 Nottingham Ratcliffe Trial Day 9 – Defence Calls More Experts
2010 Nottingham Ratcliffe Trial Day 10 – Defence Calls more Defendants
2010 Nottingham Ratcliffe Trial Day 11 - Defence Concludes its Case
2010 Nottingham Ratcliffe Trial Day 12 – Concluding Speeches
2010 Nottingham Ratcliffe Trial Day 13 – Final bits & Jury Retires
2010 Nottingham Activist Speech On The Ratcliffe Trials
2010 Nottingham Ratcliffe Trial Day 14 – Jury Still Retired
2010 Nottingham Ratcliffe Trial Day 15 – Jury says Guilty
2011 Nottingham Ratcliffe Trial Day 16 – Return for Sentencing
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Final statement from the Ratcliffe defendants
06-01-2011 18:23
Final statement from the Ratcliffe defendants: post sentencing
We are twenty of the 114 who were part of the biggest pre-emptive arrest in British history as part of the increasing legal drive which priorities the protection of polluting business, and not people. As the UN Climate talks in Cancun produced embarrassingly inadequate legal responses, it's time for people to stand up and take action. We planned not only to stop carbon emissions from Ratcliffe but to be part of a much wider movement for global social justice.
We know the road to a sustainable future will not be easy. Today its hard to ignore the impacts of runaway climate change. Post sentencing we still feel our actions are a reasnable response to the irrational destructive situation we are in. Its a story which has been repeated time and again but in 2011 the show must go on. We will have to see huge shifts in the legal system to make the British judicial system set a global example – by redirecting their attention to the real criminals, the profit hungry fossil fuel industries. Dealing with climate change means looking at its root causes and we need to question why the profits of corporations such as e.on are being prioritised over people on the front line of our changing climate and the protection of our children's futures.
This scheme requires long term commitment and increasingly staunch political will – through creative direct action and other methods people can change the story of humans future. This is not an exercise in abstract science lessons - it requires us to stare hard into our communities and start joining up the dots. It’s the same energy companies that cling to coal who force pensioners into deadly fuel poverty. It’s the same government who fails to invest in green jobs that cut the UK flood defence budget. There are many avenues for making the links and connections and we are ever more determined to do all we can to stop emissions. As erratic weather patterns create more disasters, as people continue to choke on fumes and see their houses engulfed in floods – taking action on climate change is no longer an option – its a necessity. We want to reiterate our support for everyone everywhere fighting for climate justice.
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Save EMA - student protest central London Jan 11th
06-01-2011 17:07
There’s not long to go until 11 January, and it’s early in the New Year, but let’s mobilise the biggest possible protest movement to stop the Tories in their tracks and save EMA.