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film by rikki of saturday's london freedom of assembly protest

14-01-2008 09:23

around 200 people arrived in trafalgar square and began a roam around the socpa zone. later in the afternoon the peaceful protestors were attacked by territorial support group officers, and brian haw was injured in a targetted attack

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Report of the 4F trial - Anarchists facing 11 years in frame-up

14-01-2008 07:58

3 anarchists in Barcelona are accused of attempted murder after a cop lies in a coma after a skirmish near an illegal rave. 8 other people are arrested, simply for looking like squatters and being near the area. They all are fitted up to satisfy the authorities need for revenge and try to get away with it. Solidarity needed!!

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83 Arrested U.S. Supreme Court *J11 Solidarity with NVDA to Close Gitmo!

14-01-2008 06:34

On January 11th., the 6th. anniversary of Guantanamo, 400 people walked from the Washington D.C. mall to the Supreme Court to employ nonviolent direct action to shut down Guantanamo. 83 were arrested inside the court, and on the steps, of the U.S. Supreme Court dressed as Guantanamo prisoners.

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JNV suggested answers to SOCPA consultation

14-01-2008 01:25

Some sample answers drawn up by anti-war group Justice Not Vengeance to send in for the consultation on the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (2005) - deadline 17 Jan.

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Monday: London Autonomous Students Meeting

13-01-2008 22:09

Next LASN is on Monday...

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Child soldiers (by Rafaela Tasca and Latuff)

13-01-2008 21:48

Child soldiers
Copyleft artwork by Rafaela Tasca and Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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End the Siege on Gaza Demonstration

13-01-2008 21:34

Siege on Gaza
Protesters converged opposite Downing Street January 12th 2008

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Refuse workers take to the streets

13-01-2008 21:25

Bin men and women blockaded roads around Waltham Forest Town Hall earlier this week to protest at proposed pay cuts of up to £8,000 each.

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Glasgow mechanics strike solidarity

13-01-2008 21:16

On Tuesday, nine mechanics walked out on official strike after failing to agree to a pre-Christmas pay deal, over 50 other workers refused to cross picket lines.

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Freedom of Assembly Demonstration

13-01-2008 21:02

Determined protest January 12th 2008

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Cambridge anti-SOCPA action montage

13-01-2008 19:50

A short montage illustrating the issues behind the new SOCPA consultation, with the Cambridge action as a background:

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Police Farce Belgravia - Absolute Bollocks!

13-01-2008 19:11

Same shit, different day.
Same shit, different country.
Same old shit no matter how you slice it or dice it.
Corruption is an ugly state of democracy.

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Birmingham Shitty Council Demonstration

13-01-2008 18:08

Council House = Shit House
Saturday 12th January 2008- West Midlands IWW attended a demonstration in front of the council house against Birmingham City Councils intended ‘re-structure’. We felt that our feelings had to be expressed about the council’s proposed plans – Birmingham has a SHITTY council!

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Freedom to protest - Aldermaston

13-01-2008 17:54

Om Saturday 12 January, Aldermaston Women's Peace Camp(aign) joined others around the country in holding a demonstration claiming the freedom to protest. The Atomic Weapons Establishment is subject to SOCPA and military lands byelaws - both of which intend limiting the right to protest.

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Resist, Rebel and Revolt!

13-01-2008 17:31

All places where the elite caste talk, control and package the news, are monopolized and not accessible by university workers.

It is time for the revolt!

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Mapuche Comunero Died in Confrontation with Police near Vilcun, Chile.

13-01-2008 17:09

A young Mapuche 'comunero' (member of the local community) died early this morning, it is thought after being wounded by police officers that fired at him at a farm under police protection on the outskirts of Vilcun, in the Araucania region.

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Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace to join forces!!!

13-01-2008 17:01

This is good news. They are on the same side - so why not?

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Starbucks United!

13-01-2008 16:59

Fast workers die young....take a break!
On Christmas Eve, local IWW members organised a drive to raise awareness of the benefits of forming and joining employee union branches amongst the baristas working in Birmingham’s seven city-centre Starbucks stores.

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Activist arrested while trying to give tree protester water

13-01-2008 15:51

An activist is arrested for "on suspicion of littering" while trying to throw Gabriel, the Bonn Square tree protester, some water.

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liber tea, egali tea, fraterni tea, eterni tea etc

13-01-2008 14:59

Anyone for Tea with Queen?