UK Newswire Archive
IRAQ: Former US Marine Matt Howard, “No-one is talking about the real violence”
10-09-2007 13:03

Basra: An Ignominious Defeat: The UK's Saigon Moment
10-09-2007 12:46
Last week the British armed forces left Basra Palace, their last base in the Southern Iraqi city, and moved to an airbase outside the city.Their withdrawal will be followed by the official handover of Basra province sometime in the next few months. Once that is complete, the British will finally leave Iraq.
The British withdrawal has led to a classic propaganda battle over how effective the British were in their four years of occupation.
Occupied Iraq: A Horizontal View
10-09-2007 12:43

Birmingham International Airport: A 'greenwash' on climate change?
10-09-2007 12:42
Original analysis that questions some of the climate science behind Birmingham International Airport's claim to 'sustainability', ahead of the forthcoming release of its 'master plan' that will outline the airports strategy for expansion.Call on Brown to endorse the IAEA-Iran agreement on Iran's Nuclear Programme
10-09-2007 12:30
Delegation goes to Downing Street to highlight important developments on IranThe War on Lebanon: Stage of a Broader Middle East Military Road-map
10-09-2007 12:08
It is apparent after careful examination, that there has been longstanding intent to attack Lebanon, Syria, and Iran. Alleged reasons or pretexts are merely a form of justification to implement otherwise unjustifiable intentions and actions. These intentions (mens rea) and the subsequent actions (actus reus), meaning aggression and war, against Lebanon, Syria, and Iran are criminal acts.BLOOD to greets un-welcomed guests and delegates in Mayfair
10-09-2007 10:27
This morning an action took place in from of the Mayfair Hotelwhere the DSEi conference is taking place from 9 am this morning.
An unidentified substance was spelled out in the pavement around the
entrance and on the walls of the Hotel
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FIT Watch Bingo For DSEi
10-09-2007 09:04

Gatwick No Border Camp Location Announced
10-09-2007 08:35

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video of boycott israel demo at the Israel-England Eur 2008 qualifier
10-09-2007 08:34
the demonstrators were calling for the suspension of Israel from international football until she complies with international humanitarian law'Anarchy' in Piccadilly
10-09-2007 00:43

bikes not bombs - critical mass against DSEi Tuesday meet 10:30am Bank tube
09-09-2007 22:08

There will also be a ride on Thursday evening for the arms dealers' dinner, leaving from by the NFT under Waterloo Bridge at 6:30pm.
!950's Uncle Sam Revisited Newly Reconstructed for a Contemporary Audience.
09-09-2007 20:43
A Tale of Paraphilia, CIA/CIA Proxy Torture, the Churches, the Judiciary, the Medical Profession, Mass Media and Mass Psychosis.*Call for Solidarity* - Eviction and Social Cleansing in France
09-09-2007 14:41
Here below is a call for solidarity for a recent treat of eviction of more than 80 families beacause of thesocial cleansing for the Rugby World Cup taking place in Paris. As already many evictions experienced
in London for the preparation of the Olympic Degeneration ( an many more evictions to come).
"Fair Play for Housing Rights: Mega-Events, Olympic Games and Housing Rights".
published on 5 June 2007 by the ‘Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions’.

'Lies' by Transparency International 'protect UK corruption'
09-09-2007 13:42
The anti-corruption organisation Transparency International is refusing to withdraw or amend a report on anti-corruption mechanisms in the UK, despite the fact it contains false information and has serious omissions. The British government paid for the report, and anti-fraud activist Rob McCartney points out that all the false statements and omissions he's spotted distort the picture in favour of the government.Loose Nukes Looming Near
09-09-2007 13:14
Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, takes a much-needed look at the implications of the loose nukes story that has been reported (badly) by the mainstream media, and is still the focus of the cyber community.Mexican Indymedia Activist Speaks In Nottingham
09-09-2007 09:54

On Friday 14th an Indymedia activist from Oaxaca, Mexico will come to the Sumac Centre to speak of their ongoing struggle against the unpopular and corrupt governor and the repression that followed an annual teachers strike. Since then, the resistance in Oaxaca has turned into the largest popular rebellion in over a decade. The hundreds of illegal detentions, disappearances and injuries, and at least eighteen documented deaths mark an unignorable part of modern Mexican and world history. Please come on the 14th and show your support. There will be short films, a talk, some music and food... Entry will be by donations to be able to contribute towards the travle costs of the speaker. If you can, please pick up copies of the flyer and poster at the Sumac Centre and distribute... Otherwise, see attached PDF.
Links: Oaxaca tour feature article (UK Indymedia) | Oaxaca Topic Page (UK Indymedia) | Indymedia Oaxaca
Previous talks at the Sumac Centre: Argentinian film makers screen Indymedia film | Indigenous Woman from Ontario, Canada voice their struggle in defend of land
09-09-2007 09:50

Imperial College's wilful dilapidation of Wye Agricultural College
09-09-2007 09:08
The Wye Community Farm tender for the tenancy of the Wye College Farm has been rejected by land agents acting on behalf of Imperial college. it is another further kick-in-the-teeth for local residents of the village of Wye and former Alumni of Wye College...Was a Covert Attempt to Bomb Iran with Nuclear Weapons foiled by a Military Leak
09-09-2007 08:30
Speculation about a possible covert nuclear operation