UK Newswire Archive
FoE members vote for more honesty regarding meat/dairy devastation
10-09-2007 19:12
At the annual Friends of the Earth conference, local group members have voted strongly in favour of a motion drafted by Redditch Vegetarians & Vegans! The motion called for FoE to publish detailed information regarding the massive environmental impact of meat/dairy production, therefore allowing the general public to make an informed choice about their diet.100 Professors Question 9/11 Commission Report
10-09-2007 18:03
Senior academics from a variety of disciplines come forward to express their disquiet and present their criticisms of the official US government 9/11 Commission Report.
Picket of Raddison Mayfair Hotel
10-09-2007 18:02
The Raddison Mayfair Hotel was today being used for a UK Defence Conference. Protesters weren't happy about this.Manchester mental health staff strike again
10-09-2007 17:46

Local government unions break ranks over latest offer
10-09-2007 17:43

Brown’s “new politics” a cynical cover for authoritarianism
10-09-2007 17:41
The proposals advanced last week by Prime Minister Gordon Brown as the basis for “a new type of politics” show that his government has continued the anti-democratic and rightward lurch of his predecessor, Tony Blair.Prison Was Created For The Poor - New Pamphlet From Leeds ABC
10-09-2007 17:11

Disrupt the DSEi Dinner at the Dorchester! - Thu 13th Sept
10-09-2007 16:46
Disrupt the DSEi Dinner at the Dorchester!Thursday 13th September 2007
7pm Cocktails
8pm Dinner
The Dorchester, Park Lane, London W1.
(Tubes: Marble Arch, Hyde Park Corner, Green Park.)
London mayoral publicity - genuine candidates must SAY NO to Crossrail
10-09-2007 16:33
The UK Tories are today [Monday 10 September 2007] mounting their propaganda offensive around the selection of their party's candidate for mayor of London.IRAQ: Between Dealers and Death Squads
10-09-2007 15:35
On May 12th 2005, the United Nations organization which monitors drug trafficking announced that Iraq "is about to become a transit station for transporting the heroine, which is manufactured in Afghanistan and is heading towards Europe through neighbouring Iran".Daily Mail publishes Oona King's revisionist history on Crossrail
10-09-2007 15:00
The Daily Mail is now publishing propaganda on behalf of Oona King, who was deposed as an MP after she openly ridiciuled constituents who said if she did not start to address the needs and concerns of her local citizens - she would be voted out. Oona King lost to George Galloway MP not because people wanted him but they wanted her out. She lost her massive majority despite evidence of vote rigging through postal fraud. She claims to have informed residents about Crossrail missing out the fact she hid facts and only did this after local people informed themselves of the most harmful project in their area.Location of the Gatwick No Border Camp disclosed
10-09-2007 14:17
The organisers of the Gatwick Area No Border Camp have announced the location of their camp site. The rented field is located near the village of Salfords, Surrey, which lies approximately 3 miles south of Redhill on the A23 road that runs between London to Brighton. The site is close to both the M23 and Salfords Train Station.It Costa Nothing! Reclaiming the Cowley Road
10-09-2007 14:12

Socialist Presidential Candidates at America’s Crossroads
10-09-2007 14:08
Today Americans are faced with a broad range of complex issues not seen since the American Civil War; a war that divided America and created a clash of ideologies. Now, more than 140 years since the end of Civil War, Americans are faced with greater challenges and 11 socialist presidential candidates with Socialist Party USA and Peace and Freedom Party believe a new direction for the nation is critical.PETITION IN SUPPORT OF LEONARD PELTIER:
10-09-2007 14:08

News from the streets - SMS news during DSEi
10-09-2007 13:51
To get news from the streets during the various protests against DSEitext the message: follow streets
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Campaigning On The Edge Of Society
10-09-2007 13:48

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Police find Space Hijackers' Tank
10-09-2007 13:47

J. A and N - Removal directions set for Thursday
10-09-2007 13:30
[This article has been amended to remove identifying details]J, a young woman from Uganda, is a torture and rape victim who was accepted by the Immigration Appellate Authority as a 'believable witness'. Her appeal was refused in 2005. Even though it was accepted that she was suspected of being an LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) member and was a torture and rape victim, it was claimed by the Home Office that she would not be in danger of persecution if she was returned to another part of Uganda, such as Kampala.