UK Newswire Archive
Keep Benoit and his brother together...urgent help needed
24-08-2007 20:27

from his 12 year old brother.
CIA 911 “accountability” report released: A whitewash that raises more questions
24-08-2007 20:26
Preaching accountability to the CIA is like preaching fairness to Wall Street or honesty to the White House. It’s not merely futile, it’s counterproductive. The effort itself reinforces illusions in institutions that by their very nature are committed to double-dealing, fraud and lies.Hillary’s “New War”
24-08-2007 19:28
Come November, 2008, Democrats will, not unlike pre-programmed Stepford wives, line up behind Hillary Clinton. Democrats have no other choice, as most of them are disgusted with two terms of Bush, that is to say the neocons. Of course, Hillary is not much different, maybe in minor style but hardly in substance, and a vote for Hillary—call it the Clinton dynasty, following on the heels of the Bush dynasty—will be a vote for more mass murder and incalculable misery.Oxfordshire Peace Campaign: 2 Forthcoming Events
24-08-2007 16:10

2) KeepSpace for Peace, Croughton, 12noon, Saturday 6th October
This Week In Palestine – Week 34 2007
24-08-2007 15:35

Scottish prosecutors investigate CIA torture flights
24-08-2007 13:17

Protests in solidarity with Tony Onouha, killed by cops, Thessaloniki
24-08-2007 11:44
The state repression hasn't degraded at all, despite the upcoming elections and the hot summer. During the evening of Saturday 18th of August 2007, according to reports, undercover policemen were after the 25-year-old Tony Onouha, immigrant from Nigeria, who had been selling CDs in a cafe in Kalamaria, Thessaloniki.Uncertain future in Liberia
24-08-2007 10:59
A petition for restoring communities in Liberia has been launched by and the Liberian Networking Organization, as former refugees return to areas without adequate shelter and safe water.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Bicycology Climate Camp outreach day (late report)
24-08-2007 10:54

October mobilisation against IMF/World Bank
24-08-2007 09:48
The 50 Years Is Enough Network and our allies are calling for a National Mobilization in Washington DC against the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank during their annual meetings, from October 19-21(activists' air miles to travel to mobilisations abroad are justified in this regard as being for the wider good, but you can always take measures to be more carbon neutral such as funding ecologically suitable tree planting somewhere - however, this would all ensure that the cost of flying across the Atlantic would be prohibitive to many of us!) Therefore, maybe "we" should do actions over in the UK?
Smash EDO Press Release - Anti Arms Trade Campaigner plan Action Camp
24-08-2007 09:19
24th August 2007Smash EDO Press Release
Tel. 07875708873, email

Anti arms Trade Campaigners Plan Third Protest Camp in Wild Park
Appeal for the life of Pegah Emambakhsh
24-08-2007 06:48
The United Kingdom is violating all the international Conventions deciding to repatriate Pegah Emambakhsh to Iran, where she's condemned to death because of her homosexuality.Full article | 2 additions | 4 comments
Urgent help needed to save the life of Pegah Emambakhsh
24-08-2007 00:18

Assistance is needed urgently from journalists to publicise the case of Pegah Emambakhsh, who is due to be deported to Iraq from the UK within the next three days. She faces imprisonment and execution for the crime of having been in a sexual relationship with another woman. Note to Editor: Although this case was previously reported on Indymedia UK, photographs, petition link and contact details for the Home Secretary were not included. This is NOT a simple repost.
Philippine Democracy Under Arroyo’s Petty Tyranny
24-08-2007 00:05

Andrej is free again.. for now
23-08-2007 23:50

See this Indymedia feature for some background:

every bullet fired is another dollar in the pocket of the arms industry
23-08-2007 22:28
the murder of the young lad from croxteth Rhys Jones - is another example of the madness that is spreading across our communitesIt Will All Fall Down: A Conversation with Seymour Hersh
23-08-2007 22:03
One of the West's remaining respected journalists paints a very different picture than the one on the daily "news".Letter to Guardian reply to Baron (Clive) Soley
23-08-2007 21:49
A reply to the letter from Baron (Clive) Soley which appeared in the Guardian 23/8/07