UK Newswire Archive
SHAC ENDS. We made history... The future is ours.
15-10-2014 12:52
SHAC (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty) has been the biggest and most effective grassroots animal rights campaign the world has ever seen. Since we started, thousands of people across the globe have taken up the fight to close down Europe’s largest animal testing laboratory; HLS (Huntingdon Life Sciences).Pentagon caught lying about Iraq
15-10-2014 07:12
U.S. troops DID find chemical weapons in Iraq - but the Pentagon kept it secret: Discovery of 5,000 warheads and shells from Saddam Hussein's abandoned weapons program 'hushed up' after soldiers were injuredOpposing the DPRTE arms fair in Cardiff
14-10-2014 23:30

Report from Saturday's Kobane solidarity demo
13-10-2014 14:39

London: a real gangsta's paradise
13-10-2014 14:36

Click on the url below for links & info on each event.
Vigil for Palestine in Edinburgh ahead of commons vote
13-10-2014 00:51

Photos of the proposed drill site at Borras, Wrexham
12-10-2014 21:22

The test drilling is supposed to be for coal bed methane (CBM) - in an area where the government's own report says CBM extraction simply won't work. So what are the frackers really up to?
Planning Inspector overturns Wrexham Council fracking decision. Public meeting 23 October
12-10-2014 12:02

Earlier this week, the Planning Inspector granted the appeal by GP/Dart/now IGas against Wrexham Council's refusal to grant planning permission for a test drill for Coal Bed Methane at Borras (near Commonwood) near Wrexham. Test drilling on the site could now go ahead at any time.
Yesterday, Saturday 11 October, flyers for a public meeting on 23 October were handed out to football fans before the Wrexham vs. Grimbsy 150th anniversary game. If we want to see another 150 years of Wrexham AFC we're going to have to stop the frackers.
Previous indymedia reports from Wrexham and nearby Farndon: Farndon Camp & Wrexham Council planning refusal | Wales Against Fracking Day of Action
11-10-2014 15:35
I read and heard about Hong Kong’s students putting themselves at risk demonstrating for democracy...Liverpoo Shanty Festival 2014
10-10-2014 15:11
A brief review of the festival and its aims - which were to test the waters to judge the viability of a much larger event in 2015.Call-out for international solidarity with social centre De Vloek, NL
10-10-2014 13:37

Deregulation rules while Ofcom and Ofgem behave as Ofscum and Ofshame
10-10-2014 11:59
Is it free for all for all the giant corporations?A month of solidarity with Chelsea Manning (Part 2)
09-10-2014 20:18

International solidarity call for D.A.F & The People of Kobanê
09-10-2014 09:57

War against ISIS/Daesh: Solidarity actions, demos, occupations, clashes.
09-10-2014 09:41

Kurdish groups in Europe and Turkey have stepped up protests in solidarity with their comrades on the frontline in Kurdistan.
Call-Out For Solidarity Actions For De Vloek!
08-10-2014 13:08
De Vloek (The Curse) is a 12 year-old squatted social centre in the city of The Hague (Holland). The council now plans to evict and demolish it to build a luxury sailing centre. De Vloek has no intention to leave! On the 16th of October the council will decide if the demolition will go ahead. We are therefor launching a call-out for solidarity actions on Monday the 13th of October (think banners, dutch embassies, etc.).Does Britain care about ordinary democracy at all?
08-10-2014 12:07
Does Britain care about ordinary democracy at all?If so, where is the best place to find out about ordinary stuff that are going on?
policeman thinks he doens't need concent of home occupant;
08-10-2014 04:09

Cory Doctorow: Information Doesn't Want to Be Free
07-10-2014 22:07