UK Newswire Archive
Viva! Incredible Veggie Road Show in Cambridge
03-02-2012 11:11
Viva! FREE Veggie Roadshow in CambridgeLondon Olympics 2012 prices tenants out of homes
03-02-2012 10:40
Greedy landlords are pushing tenants out of their homes in time for the London 2012 Olympics in favour of highly profitable short term rentals.Police kill two in Egypt - update and video link
03-02-2012 07:19
POLICE have shot dead at least two protesters in Suez, as Egyptians continue to rise up against the SCAF military junta.Solidarity Picket Glasgow With IWW Pizza Hut Workers Sat 4th Feb 12 noon
03-02-2012 00:56
Solidarity Picket With IWW Pizza Hut WorkersPizza Hut Argyle St
G2 8BU
Saturday 4th February
12 noon-1.30pm
British Immigration Scaremongering
03-02-2012 00:46
Immigrants are spun more as pests not an economic force.Irish Workplace Occupations Highlight Class Tensions
02-02-2012 23:50

Constant and Co Eviction Resistance in Bristol
02-02-2012 22:02
Constant & Co high court bailiffs have been positively confirmed to be involved in the eviction of Cumberland Street, St Pauls, Bristol. There is to be resistance to this.Any concerned people that would like to assist in resisting or videoing the eviction attempt by this thug bailiff firm would be most welcome
There is space available in Cumberland Street for people to crash.
No Borders week long convergence in London
02-02-2012 18:55
When: 13 Feb 2012 (All day) - 18 Feb 2012 (All day)
Where: London
No Borders London, along with Goldsmiths students and other groups, are organising a week-long convergence aiming to share our knowledge andexperiences in relation to people's freedom of movement and the restrictions on it, and to share skills, network, strategise and take action.
It will create a temporary space for the production of counter-narratives and practices to the very idea of governing people's movement through border controls.
Why a convergence?
As the global economic crisis deepens and climate chaos and energy and food crises loom ever closer,the borders of Europe are being fortified even further to protect the interests of the privileged few at the expense of the rest of the us.
A range of worrying developments can be observed:discriminatory point-based visa systems for oversees students and migrant workers, increased use of detention and deportation in inhumane conditions, military-style operations in the Mediterranean sea to intercept migrant boats, often leading to deadly tragedies, high-tech surveillance and intelligence gathering, externalising Europe's borders by bribing neighbouring countries to act as the EU's border police, and so on and so forth. For most migrants from the global south, Europe is increasing looking like a fortress and a labour camp.
At the same time, there has been a wave of grassroots movements around the world demanding radical changes to the current economic and political system that is responsible for the suffering of the majority of the world's population. From the Arab uprisings, through students' and workers' protests and riots, to anti-capitalist occupations across Western 'democracies', more and more people are realising that this mode is no longer tenable, and are taking things into their own hands. Migrants' struggles are also part of this awakening and the very idea of Europe is being redefined as a result of these struggles and the new policy developments mentioned above.
Like capital, the nationals of the EU and other 'first world' countries are free to travel wherever they want. Yet those on the wrong side of artificially erected borders, whose countries are often torn apart by capitalist and imperial conquests, are illegalised, criminalised and prevented from doing what humans have done for thousands of years: moving in search of a better life, to escape poverty, abuse, discrimination, persecution, gender oppression, war and so on. The right of everyone to travel and live where they want is denied for those with the 'wrong' skin colour, passport or bank account.
This inherently racist system of border controls not only creates hierarchies of 'good' and 'bad' migrants, useful and unwanted, it also subjects those rendered 'illegal' to repression and exploitation, legitimised by increasingly racist and right-wing political rhetoric and media coverage.
What, where, when
The No Borders Convergence, to be held in London between 13 - 18 February 2012, will include seminars and workshops on a wide range of topics, from immigration detention and forcible deportations, EU immigration policies and its border agency (Frontex), through institutional racism and social services provision, the exploitation of migrant workers and students, to No Border camps, radical solidarity, direct action and much more.
However, we don't want to just talk; we hope that during this week people will also get together to plan and take action against various aspects of the border regime in London and the surrounding areas. The convergence will be what people make of it, but we would like it to be a laboratory of radical thoughts, discussions and actions; a convergence of many different people brought together through a common struggle against borders, both external and internal.
Join us in London from 13th to 17th of February 2012. We will endeavour to provide a video link so that people who can not attend in person can still follow and participate in the discussions. More information and details at
The following link also provides details of a Carnival planned around the event:
Boycott the University of Florida: Do not apply to UF across the pond
02-02-2012 18:42
We are confident that, working together as a coordinated international community, we can force the University of Florida to shut down their primate experimentation program. Animal torture is entrenched at almost every university worldwide. We can set the precedent at UF and, in the process, begin to take a sledgehammer to the University Vivisection Complex.Occupy Liverpool Granted Adjournment at Civil Court Eviction Hearing
02-02-2012 17:57
Occupy Liverpool Eviction HearingPeace News Winter Appeal aid delivered to Afghanistan
02-02-2012 17:48
January is always a desperate time of year for the occupants of the Chamne Babak refugee camp in Kabul. Temperatures at night drop to well below freezing and the little work that the men in the camp can find dries up as the snow begins to fall. This year however some relief was delivered thanks to the readers of Peace News and members of the National Union of Journalists at the Financial Times.Afghanistan Behind the Headlines: Stories from the Grassroots
02-02-2012 17:43
Slide talk and film screening by photojournalist Guy Smallman, recently returned from Afghanistan. With ex-soldier Ben Griffin.Maya Evans Afghanistan Speaking Tour Begins this Saturday (4 February)
02-02-2012 17:34
Activist Maya Evans, who spent Xmas in Kabul on a peace delegation with Voices for Creative Nonviolence and the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers, begins her UK speaking tour this Saturday (4 February) with a talk at Housmans bookshop in London: 7pm, 5 Caledonian Rd, N1 9DX (tube: King's Cross).Other events are already booked for Glasgow, Helensburgh, Edinburgh, Stirling, Darlington, Stroud and Faringdon.
Battle of Saltley Gate 40th Anniversary Commemoration
02-02-2012 17:08

Time: 11:00
Where: Gate St off Saltley Gate roundabout opposite Alum Rock Rd
IWW Pizza Hut Workers Day of Action - Sat 4th Feb
02-02-2012 15:07
On 4th Feb, Pizza Hut Workers in Sheffield are taking action to improve theirworking conditions. Management have not meaningfully listened to our
concerns so far. West Mids IWW will be picketing Pizza Hut on New Street in solidarity, from 12 noon.
Bristol Radical Film Festival promo night: Blood in the Mobile
02-02-2012 14:55
event in bristolBristol Indymedia, in association with the Bristol Radical Film Festival, presents: BLOOD IN THE MOBILE plus speaker & Q+A
(Mon 2nd Feb/ 8pm / £4/3 but nobody refused for lack of funds)
We love our cell phones and the selection between different models has never been bigger. But the production of phones has a dark, bloody side.
The minerals used to produce cell phones come from the mines in Eastern Congo, home to a civil war that human rights organisations claim is the bloodiest conflict since World War II. By buying these so-called conflict minerals and phones we therefore contribute to the financing of this war, which for the last 15 years has claimed the lives of more than 5 million people, and during which 300,000 women have been raped.
Blood in the Mobile shows the connection between our phones and the civil war in the Congo, and exposes the extent to which contemporary technologies are needlessly perpetuating slavery and child labour in the world today. A speaker will be talking about the issues there too after the screening.
This screening is part of a series of promotional events leading up to the Bristol Radical Film Festival (27th Feb to 4th March), a week of screenings, workshops and debates culminating in a weekend of the best in radical film at The Cube cinema. See or contact for more info, and check out our Facebook pages here: and here:
Protest Outside Atos in Solidarity with the Nottingham 2
02-02-2012 13:08
Friday 3rd February 1-2pm Triton Square.Benefit claimants, disabled people and supporters will be gathering outside Atos’ head office in Triton Square this Friday in solidarity with the Nottingham 2 who were charged with ‘aggravated trespass’ at a previous protest in Nottingham.