UK Newswire Archive
Human Shields Leaving London Tomorrow
24-01-2003 13:42
A dozen human shield volunteers are spending their last day in England painting and decorating the double-decker buses that will ferry them to Baghdad. Dozens more will join them TOMORROW 25 January, when the convoy leaves from outside City Hall, London at 2pm.Edwards: Governments Lie
24-01-2003 13:35
Two Words: Governments LieIraq, Oil, Climate Change, and Tony Blair
by David Edwards
Media Lens
January 22, 2003
BNP gain fifth seat in West Yorkshire
24-01-2003 13:27
The far-right BNP have gained yet another council seat in West Yorkshire - link to BBC article followsAppeal to british citzens!
24-01-2003 13:15
We please you in the name of europe to reconsider your position.Edinburgh: Solidarity Picket Plasters Spanish Consulate
24-01-2003 12:48
This is a short summary of the Solidarity picket for jailed Anarchist Prisoners jailed in Spain.The Message from the Bush Camp: 'It's War Within Weeks'
24-01-2003 12:45
· Washington now concentrating on timing· State of union address to 'turn up the heat'
· Blair faces nightmare scenario over war decision
Blockade of BAe and Arc Royal War Ship
24-01-2003 12:39
On Monday 13th, protesters took direct action against the War. BAe, British Aerospace was blockaded in Edinburgh, and access to the Ark Royal, before leaving towards Iraq, was blocked, too, when it was stationed at Loch Long (near Faslane Trident sub base).Switzerland: POLICE WANTS TO SHUT DOWN 18 HOMEPAGES
24-01-2003 11:29

Who Killed Holly and Jessica?
24-01-2003 11:09
This case appears to have been buried with the young victims.THINKING REVOLUTION UNDER WAY
24-01-2003 10:54
If our political leaders can be so gullible as to believe in priestcraft, how can we trust their judgement on important matters of state?Does Indy media give a platform to the facists???
24-01-2003 10:40
The BNP are publishing material on this website, can this be right?POLEMICISE AGAINST THE OBSERVER
24-01-2003 09:08
What hope is there for the mainstream media when the UK's least unprogressive national paper has come out confidentally in favour of WAR?(follow the coloured weblink to see the original article).
Four Indigenous Kuna leaders assasinated: Plan Columbia
24-01-2003 09:08
24-01-2003 09:06
Israel allows Palestinian's to choose punishmentMessage from Stop The War Coalition / Globalisation Resistance / SWP
24-01-2003 08:34
On October 31st we gave you a taste of real direct action such as a lobby of Parliament, Student Occupations of college rooms (which college authorities were happy to allow). And even most exiting of all the odd sit down protest (though just for 5 minutes mind)! We think that really scared the shit out of Blair and will help to stop the war in its tracks!Fotos da marcha do dia 23 - WSF
24-01-2003 07:10

Resistance Stiffens in Antwerp
24-01-2003 05:39
‘Belgians should not be disturbed if they see Apache helicopters flying overhead this weekend,’ said [Defence] Minister [André] Flahaut. The Belgians are indeed disturbed, Mr Minister, and angry as well.Bushs Fascists Bomb Pro Chavez Rally, and Kill One in Venezuela
24-01-2003 04:50

CARACAS, Venezuela - A fascist on bushs payroll bombed and killed one person and injured 15 on Thursday near a huge Pro Chavez rally in Caracas that drew over 2,000,000 people from around Venezuela.