UK Newswire Archive
ROTC in Puerto Rico Paralyzed for three days
25-01-2003 14:27

Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees - Events
25-01-2003 12:19
Two items from Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees - solidarity with firefighters event, and appeal for support of destitute asylum seekers.THE FEMA REPORT ON THE COLLAPSE OF WTC SEVEN IS A CRUEL JOKE.
25-01-2003 11:47
The Federal Emergency Management Agency report into the collapse of World Trade Center Seven is seriously flawed.Flawed to the point where it is considered a JOKE.Who Controls the World Economy?
25-01-2003 11:45
If Americans are responsible for global war and terrorism, it's only because we've been disinformed by the media-money monopoly that we don't control....Urgent Appeal from Mexican Sweatshop Workers
25-01-2003 11:22
This is an appeal for messages to be emailed to Puma to stop them pulling out of Matamoros Garments in Mexico. Urge them to put pressure on the company to stop victimising trade unioists in the factory.Iraq war, starting shot of a new worldwar?
25-01-2003 10:04

Fairford Jan 26th - join the protest
25-01-2003 09:27
Huge crowds expected Sunday Jan 26th to protest the use of USAF Fairford to attack Iraq.Bureaucrats get Bonus for Cuts
25-01-2003 02:57
Is it true that the Queen can dissolve a Canadian government if she finds it displeasing? Would she, if she know what this one is up to?An article written by
Russ Francis for
Victoria's Monday Magazine (January 23rd - 29th, 2003; pg. 5)
Russ Francis
Monday Magazine (January 23rd - 29th, 2003; pg. 5)
24-01-2003 23:01
Front espousers of war are all former draft dodgersHUMAN SHIELDS TO IRAQ
24-01-2003 21:51
The first convoy of human shields to iraq leaves london saturday 25th from city hall, queens walk london, se1. We need more volunteers to stop this illegal and injust war on iraqCzech forces pack up and head home
24-01-2003 18:03
Military experts greeted the news with amazement."It's certainly a unique approach [to troop morale]," said Ian Kemp, news editor of Jane's Defence Weekly in London.
TURKEY: Conscientious objector Mehmet Bal being transferred to Adana
24-01-2003 17:27

Protest at Manchester Army Careers Office
24-01-2003 17:20

CPGB and child abuse
24-01-2003 16:37
Just got this from a list im on...chilling reallyThe United States of America has gone mad
24-01-2003 16:01
God appointed America to save the world in any way that suits America. God appointed Israel to be the nexus of America’s Middle Eastern policy, and anyone who wants to mess with that idea is a) anti-Semitic, b) anti-American, c) with the enemy, and d) a terrorist.Baku Ceyhan pipeline funders visited again
24-01-2003 15:29
Following Thursday 23 January occupation of offices of European Bank for Reconstruction & Development, the bank was visited again today, Friday 24thHuman Rights Activists On Trial for Action at SOA
24-01-2003 15:01
Defendants Aim to Expose Double Standard in War on Terrorism, Put SOA and US Foreign Policy on TrialHOW CAN WE STOP THE WAR?
24-01-2003 14:38
Another point of view, from Socialist Worker:HELP PAY FOR SUPER BOWL ANTI-WAR TV AD
24-01-2003 13:52
Time is running-out! Help pay for an American Anti-War TV ad from "Move-On" to play on this Sunday's SuperBowl.