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CPGB and child abuse

Zee-Zee | 24.01.2003 16:37

Just got this from a list im on...chilling really

Dear All,
Firstly apologies to any of you who would not want to get this email but as you will see it concerns a serious matter.
The Weekly Worker has again printed an article which trivialises the abuse of children in very offensive terms. I include the URL below so you can check for yourselves.
Although, thankfully, the CPGB are a tiny organisation they are part of the Socialist Alliance and are hence given legitimacy by other Left groups who, I am sure, would be just as outraged as I am by the CPGB's view of paedophilia.
I encourage all of you to look at the article and use the online comment box to show the CPGB that such views are no part of any tradition of fighting for human liberation.
steve davies

