UK Newswire Archive
5/3: Recent Photos Shows U.S. Military Brutality in Iraq from Peace No War
03-05-2004 17:07

America Facing Collapse:Review of Richard Clarke's "Against All Enemies"
03-05-2004 16:48
"After the first shock over September 11, the prescribed patriotism has given way to sober reflection. Many American intellectuals conclude: Bush jr has deceived the country and drags the whole world into ruin.. The Iraq war is the greatest gift that could be given to terrorists.."RTS Party Pics - Dublin EU / Mayday Continues...
03-05-2004 16:19

Dublin Reclaim the Streets - Breaking News
03-05-2004 15:08
Hrere there are the news as they arrive from today's Reclaim the Streets in Dublin.Press freedom: Deliberately targeted for doing their jobs
03-05-2004 12:43

Video of Dublin Mayday Standoff
03-05-2004 12:21

MAYDAZE! A thesis on the Celebration of Alienation
03-05-2004 09:24
The Left breathes a sigh of relief - now it can begin protesting all the same things it protested in 1935; it can "organize" workers who are once again desperate enough to listen to it. It can find new fuel for its delusions, ranting about "the bosses" and their "profit system". Gimme that ole time religion!Is it time for Bush to press the panic button?
03-05-2004 08:19
I propose a series of International Rallies, perhaps mock memorial services, with the stated purpose of stopping Bush's planned False Flag Operation.Students in Mexico are victims of the Dirty War
03-05-2004 04:10
In the last few months, several students have been attacked and beaten by undercover infiltrators for trying to have a voice in the university councils and the center of activism at UNAM - Okupa Che Guevara - is under threat of eviction. The current situation with Pavel (see below) has had very little coverage outside of the university and has continued to be declared by the media as a suicide.Root of Islamist Fascism:
03-05-2004 03:37

Khomeini’s real father, William Richard Williamson, was born in Bristol, England, in 1872 of British parents and lineage.
Terror alert: Benetton in Argentina
02-05-2004 23:35
Benetton evicts Mapuches, intl. day of action.IT'S RAINING ROCKS - MAYDAY IN BERLIN
02-05-2004 21:33
Greetings from the land of the bratwurst sausage and the annual Mayday riot!Poland's President to visit UCL Wed 5th May
02-05-2004 19:36
Poland's president Aleksander Kwasniewski is to visit UCL to unveil thefoundation stone of SSEES (School of Slavonic and East European Studies) new
building on Taviton St (behind the chemistry building), on the Wed 5th May, at 4PM
Residents protest to save community forest
02-05-2004 17:37

02-05-2004 17:05
Can we please stop calling it a quagmire? The United States isn't mired in a bog in Iraq, or a marsh; it is free-falling off a cliff. The only question now is: who will follow the Bush clan off this precipice, and who will refuse to jump?Pix of Mayday March, Sat 1 May 04 - Set 1 of 5
02-05-2004 15:39

Pix of Mayday March, Sat 1 May 04 - Set 2 of 5
02-05-2004 15:33

Pix of Mayday March, Sat 1 May 04 - Set 3 of 5
02-05-2004 15:25