UK Newswire Archive
World second-largest mining company AGM disrupted
26-04-2006 12:59
Anglo American’s Annual General Meeting was disrupted yesturday (April 25th) by campaigners in solidarity with Indigenous Communities resisting mining in the Sierra Perrija, Zulia. The campaigners demand that Anglo American withdraw their shares in the company Carbones del Guasare that has plans for expanding mining in the regionPetition in support of lecturers' pay action
26-04-2006 11:42
Education Not for Sale has launched an online petition in support of the AUT and NATFHE lecturers' unions' campaign for decent pay. Please add your or your organisation's name, post on relevant websites and elists and forward to sympathetic people!Asbestos deaths- please, can you spare a minute to email a message of support
26-04-2006 09:25

The United Nations International Labour Organisation estimate current asbestos related deaths are 100,000 pa.
This Friday on Workers Memorial Day there is a united call for an worldwide ban on asbestos...
London mayor Livingstone obstructs Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole
26-04-2006 08:59
Within minutes [on Monday 24 April 2006] of aadhikaronline reporting the Conservative Party Chair Francis Maude's backing to Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill campaign, London Mayor Ken Livingstone had his office send a strange communication to Khoodeelaar! The legal and democratic significance of the Ken Livingstone communication are enormous, especially in the last week before the scheduled local elections on 4 May 2006THE PEACE PATRIOTS
26-04-2006 06:34

Immaterial Labour Conference and Negri Cambridge This Weekend: 27-29 of April
26-04-2006 04:03
Ed Emery has organized the Immaterial Labour, Multitudes, and New Social Subjects: Class Composition in Cognitive Capitalism" Conference in Cambridge this weekend (August 28-30th). This conference will have a keynote open to the public by Antonio Negri, co-author of Empire on recent events in France."United 93" Cover-up Film Educational Flyers Now Available!
26-04-2006 02:44

New ID card proposal to flush out those using anonymity
26-04-2006 00:41

Colnsbrook Hungerstrike - Timeline
25-04-2006 23:55
Detainees in Colnbrook detention center were on hunger strike from 10 to 23 April. Here is a timeline:Update on Detention Centre Hunger Strikes
25-04-2006 23:49
24 April 2006: The hunger strikes in Colnbrook have ended. Meanwhile, on 20 April, around 20 Turkish Kurdish detainees began hunger striking in Harmondsworth. A coalition of Kurdish organisations are planning a campaign of support. Here are some details about the situation in Colnbrook:Why Howard must resign
25-04-2006 22:13

Thermite Identified As Likely Culprit Of WTC Collapse
25-04-2006 21:53
author: BrianA new branch of 9/11 research claims to have
identified the cause of the collapse of the twin
towers. The photographic and video evidence
makes a very strong case for thermite being
responsible for the unprecedented implosions
of steel framed reinforced buildings on
September 11.
Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
1in12 club's 25th anniversary celebrations/ Mayday in Bradford
25-04-2006 21:42

I'M THE DECIDER, Koo-Koo-Ka-Choo
25-04-2006 20:39
New song:
I am me and Rummy's he, Iraq is free and we are all together
See the world run when Dick shoots his gun, see how I lie
I'm Lying...
Riots erupt during Condoleezza Rice’s visit to Greece
25-04-2006 18:55

Bush&Co: Making America Safer One Released War Crime Victim at a Time
25-04-2006 18:42
There has been no word about apologies from the U.S. to these captives, but you’d think it would be a smart idea to hand each victim a fat wad of cash before sending them on their way.xenophobia hits all the MSM evening news
25-04-2006 18:10
25th April saw evening news BBC ITV/Channel 4 lead withthe story of Charles Clarkes 'mistake'
Today in Palestine Audio Report
25-04-2006 17:37

Pic of Nepali Embassy, London Demonstration
25-04-2006 17:23