UK Newswire Archive
Bliar To OK Wiretapping Of MP's
15-01-2006 19:43
Are these a part of the powers Bliar seized for himself after the still-uninvestigated False Flags of 7/7/21?The Bush family, the Cuban mafia and the Kennedy assassination
15-01-2006 19:36
One of the most tantalizing nuggets about Nixon's possible inside knowledge of JFK assassination secrets was buried on a White House tape until 2002. On the tape, recorded in May of 1972, Nixon said: "And it was the greatest hoax that has ever been perpetuated," - without making clear why he considered the Warren Commission findings a sham and a hoax.Japan misleads public about whaling protests
15-01-2006 17:30

Harpoon line dumps Greenpeace activist in Antarctic waters
15-01-2006 17:22

critical mass manchester bike film and food nights
15-01-2006 16:48

My Dream to Save the World: Bishop Tutu
15-01-2006 15:18
Bishop Tutu's dream could be lifegiving for us. The vision of equality leveling the power of the machos and raising the modest could recreate our overly materialist culture where the center cannot hold.II WW Nazi-Germany partner takes Legal Actions
15-01-2006 14:01
Finland’s habitants have suffered during the last 20 years from missing legal protection. Lining taken place during the deep economical depression in the late 1980’s is main reason, why Finns do not have enough money to spent on necessary things and why there is no Legal Protection available - except from politicians mouth.Bush to criminalize protesters under Patriot Act as "disruptors"
15-01-2006 11:16

Slaughter in Bajaur
15-01-2006 11:08
This indiscriminate attack on the villagers in Pakistan is just one more example of collective punishment and it is another event that is, by any standards, a significant and major war crime.Campaign against Crossrail hole Bill attracts community support
15-01-2006 10:33
Community meeting in Brick Lane London E1 held on Saturday 14 January 2006 to support KHOODEELAAR campaign against the Crossraol hole Bill during the scheduled sitting of the Select Committee starting this coming weekFull article | 1 addition | 4 comments
KHOODEELAAR the BRICK LANE LONDON E1 COMMUNITY campaign against the Crossrail ho
15-01-2006 10:01
On Tuesday of this coming week, 17 January 2006, a UK House of Commons committee is due to start formally looking at the Crossrail hole Bill in view of the petitions that have been submitted mainly by objectors to the Bill. There is no room in that process for the truth of the real political machinations and betrayals during the past three years by the ‘elected’ politicians for the area affected in LondonThe QUICKTIME REPORT 15/1/06 - SEE and LISTEN GLOBALLY!
15-01-2006 01:54

Pic's of Tony Blair visit in Nottingham
14-01-2006 20:28

Re-Packaging the Official 911 Mythology
14-01-2006 20:20
All of the Bush/PNAC Regime's efforts to sell the Official Mythology to the public only underscores their complete inability - in well over four years - to actually support their own "Arabs are evil, let's fight them" Conspiracy Theory with even the most basic but still absent pieces of compelling evidence, such as airport surveillance images showing "ze terrorists" boarding the planes that day.Full article | 1 addition | 33 comments
Oxford anti-vivisection demo + important AR info
14-01-2006 20:02
report back from the SPEAK demo in Oxford against the £20 million vivisection lab under construction.Story from Fallujah
14-01-2006 18:18

Radical film night in Brighton
14-01-2006 18:01
A RADICAL cinema evening is being held in Brighton on Wednesday February 1.Palestine talk in Brighton
14-01-2006 17:52
A PRESENTATION and talk on the work of voluntary organisations in the West Bank is being held in Brighton on Thursday January 19 2006.Brighton group to march on Grosvenor Square
14-01-2006 17:31

Blair hypocrisy over nukiller power
14-01-2006 15:10
On his whistle stop visit to Nottingham today, Blair is moving forward in paving the way for new nuclear power station in the UK. He is acutely aware that the UK is in a dire position with it's coal industry dismantled and it's north sea oil and gas reserves in decline having been exported for a quick buck around the world. Now, the choice is to either invest big time in tried and tested renewables such as wind and solar, along with developing tidal and energy conservation technologies... or just bung up another few dozen nuclear power stations and leave the problems to future generations.Meanwhile, Iran is seeking to establish it's own nuclear power plants and Blair is joining Bush in nashing their teeth and threatening some kind of action to stop them obtaining the technology.
Blair would like us to think it's about stopping Iran getting the technology that could led them to obtain nuclear weapons. Perhaps that is Irans goal, although today the Irans president yesterday stated that they don't need nuclear weapons, he said only countries that see force as an answer to any problem require such weapons, I wonder who he might be talking about...