UK Newswire Archive
Community Profiling of Information Needs and Providers: PhD thesis of Broomhall
20-03-2011 09:17
This is my final PhD thesis at the University of Sheffield, which I submitted in partial fulfillment to obtain my doctoral degree. It is a scientific study in the field of library and information sciences which I conducted in Broomhall, Sheffield, UK, from 2003 up to 2006. The thesis was submitted in 2007. The successful viva voce examination held in 2008. And my PhD degree finally conferred in 2010. This is a humble way to fulfill my research aims with working class people of Broomhall, to show the world the scientific results of my study. And a way to show my thankfullness and gratitud to all who took part in this study and who helped me to succeed. The access to the full thesis is available at the Web link shown above, but it is also available at the University of Sheffield Library, see library record here:
Militant Workers Bloc: Reloaded! Everyone To The Streets // 26.03.11 // 11am ULU
20-03-2011 08:20
Please forward to your group lists, friends, families and co-workers.Squatting is to change from being a civil offence to a criminal offence
20-03-2011 01:11
Squatting is to change from being a civil offense to a criminal offense This is the first attack on the most essential tool for the poor to be able to live a life of of the streets, something must be done
SchNEWS 763: Losing His Wragg
19-03-2011 23:31
Animal rights activists in Cambridge scooped the jackpot this week as they were awarded compensation for a wrongful arrest back in 2009.March 26th: Occupy Everything!
19-03-2011 22:24
Let's turn March 26th into a Day of Occupations. Why we need to occupy ... and how.Obama to Qaddafi: Comply with UN resolution or face military action
19-03-2011 21:24

A coalition of as many as 25 U.S., Canadian, and Italian vessels, including the USS Mount Whitney command vessel, led an attack that included U.S. Tomahawk cruise missiles and aerial jamming, according to a Pentagon official"
Press Release: Bin Veolia Campaign
19-03-2011 18:22
*Human Rights Campaigners lobby Leeds Council to exclude Palestinian Occupation complicit company Veolia’s bid for controversial city incinerator contract*
Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
Oxford's Big Society Hospital - Video & Photos
19-03-2011 17:51

Notts Joins March Against Cuts
19-03-2011 17:23
On March 26th, Notts residents will join hundreds of thousands of people from across the country to protest against the government’s austerity drive.
Our friends at Indymedia London will be covering the protests. On the day you can:
- Text sms news updates direct to the website on 07943 103 736
- Call in breaking news reports to 07929 469 640
- Visit a mobile friendly version of the website at:
Other groups will also be reporting live on the day.
On the newswire: (Not) Wanted Jon Collins | M26 Posters, art, agit-prop, maps | UK Ungoverned: a call to action on March 26th | #NetworkX Call for TUC Demo + Class Struggle
Notts Travel Details: Notts TUC | False Economy
After a few faltering starts, the anti-cuts movement in Nottingham really got going in late-September last year, with a public meeting organised by Notts TUC serving as a catalyst for the launch of Nottinghamshire Save Our Services. Since then the city has seen a wave of protests including a march of 1,000+ in the city centre and a similar number at a march against Royal Mail privatisation in Beeston; an occupation of Nottingham University; actions against tax dodging corporations and bailed-out banks; disruption of the city council budget meeting; strike action at the county council; and attacks against government, corporate and party political targets.
Much of this activity has taken place with one eye to building for the national demonstration which is likely to be huge. Reports from local trade unions suggest that there are more coaches booked from the region than there were for the 1 million+ march against the war on February 15th 2003. The RMT Union have even booked an entire train which is making various East Midlands stops.
While the TUC has been actively collaborating with the Met to try and keep control of events, a wide array of non-TUC authorised activities are planned. Including (but not limited to) an education bloc feeder, a radical workers bloc, a South London feeder, an occupation of Oxford Street, a dissident feeder march, a mass bottling/egging of Ed Miliband and a 24 hour occupation of Hyde Park.
Nottingham residents may be particularly interested to discover that city council leader Jon Collins will also be attending the march. He revealed this to campaigners during a confrontation on the day his council set a budget slashing millions from vital public services. Since then he has been excitingly tweeting that he will be “joining” Unison Vice President Chris Tansley and even comedian Mark Steele on the march. Wanted posters have been produced to ensure Collins cannot evade identification, should anybody want to have a friendly chat with him about the council’s recent budget.
LibDem Freepost Address
19-03-2011 16:23
Local LibDems have recently distibuted a special edition of their "Focus" newsletter looking for residents' views on local and national issues. In order to encourage responses, they've set-up a freepost address.
The more stuff they receive, and the heavier items are, the more they have to pay. Why not send them something to let them know what you think about the policies of Nick Clegg and Co? Like a brick or a fridge.
The address is:
Nottingham Liberal Democrats
34 Brookside Avenue
Lockheed Martin and the 2011 UK census
19-03-2011 16:22
Demonstration against Lockheed Martin and 2011 UK census processing
A small demonstration was held outside Victoria station to raise awareness of the fact that the government has paid Lockheed Martin £150m of public money to help run the 2011 census. London, UK, 19/03/2011.
According to information compiled by 'Count me Out', (a collective taking action against the 2011 census as a result of the ties with Lockheed Martin UK) the government awarded the World's second biggest arms company a £150m contract to help run the data processing for the 2011 UK census.
Count me out take the view that "Our government shouldn't be paying an arms company, which fuels conflict and war, huge amounts of money to help run the census."
The company used to have offices in Victoria but they were recently moved to an unknown location.
Perhaps best know in the UK for producing Britain's Trident nuclear weapons, they have also sold weapons to Bahrain which have been used recently against anti-government protesters in line with sweeping protests across the Middle-East.
The census is undertaken by the government every 10 years and is a method of counting people and households in the UK. Under UK law, every household is obliged to fill in the relevant information which can be done online, by post or collected by census agents.
Census day for this year is March 27th.
Woodland Violated!
19-03-2011 15:26
Sinister invasion of beautiful ancient woodland!The Animal Liberation Archive:
19-03-2011 12:28

collects and distributes material concerned with animal liberation and the animal liberation movement. Currently over 120 documents are online of which some reach back to the early 90s.

UCU Stirke Support Statement
19-03-2011 12:22
Members of Anti-Cuts Action Bristol, Bristol Anarchist Federation, and Bristol IWW wish to express support for, and solidarity with, UCU members who will be going on strike regarding pension reform (further information available here... wish to express our support for, and solidarity with, those members of the UCU in England who will be taking part in the forth coming strikes, on the 22nd and 24th of March, with particular regard to members at the University of Bristol and the University of West England. We also wish to express our support for, and solidarity with, those UCU members who have or will be taking part in strikes in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland on the 17th, 18th, and 21st of March respectively.
It is perverse, in a time where students fees are being raised, that staff are being subjected to such an attack on their pension schemes. We see, reflected in this move, further evidence of attacks – justified in the context of a crisis we neither created nor facilitated – on the services on which millions of working class people depend, either for education or for employment.
Further more, we wish to plead with those members of staff who will take it upon themselves to undermine strike action by performing their duties on the day. As fellow workers we understand the cost of a days wages, and of the potential repercussions that supporting this action may entail, but also understand and whole heartedly believe in the power of collective action. It is only by standing together that – in any such struggle – objectives can be met.
Equally, we call upon the students of these institutions to support their staff, much as the staff supported them in the struggle against the rise in Tuition Fees. Support your staff in any way you can, by attending the picket lines or refusing to cooperate with scab staff, or through more inventive measures. Again, it is important to recognise the power of collective action.
Yours in Solidarity,
Anti-Cuts Action Bristol
Bristol Anarchist Federation
Bristol IWW
Lockheed Martin revealed as UK Census Sponsors: Protests Planned
19-03-2011 11:58
The world's second largest defence company are helping to run this year's census: will you participate?Orion coaches transporting the EDL
19-03-2011 10:43
Manchester based Orion coach travel have been supporting the English Defence League spread their racist message. They were most recently spotted at the Rochdale gathering.Audio Report: Housing under The Condems: Cuts Cafe
19-03-2011 10:23
Between 31st January and 6th February Cuts Cafe in Leeds held a series of events, including talks on a number of subjects
The attached files were derived from a workshop linking the crisis in relation to housing, the cuts and reforms of the Condems.
Brad Manning & Going to see Laverty/Loach's "Route Irish" an SAS Iraq WarVeteran
19-03-2011 09:51
Brad Manning & Going to see Laverty/Loach's "Route Irish" with my mate Ben an SAS Iraq War veteran!Last night I went to see Ken Loach/ Paul Lavety's latest effort, the film "Route Irish". I was invited along by a friend, Ben Griffin, who is an Iraq S.A.S. combat veteran.
SUNDAY MARCH 20 2PM- U.S. Embassy - Stop the Torture of Bradley Manning!