UK Newswire Archive
The Blair's Brothel (by Latuff)
18-11-2003 17:33

Bush visit: Parliament Square protesters demand protection and rights
18-11-2003 17:29
President Bush’s visit:As huge sums are spent on security arrangements, MPs call for protection for Parliament Square protesters and their rights
Bush to arrive RAF Northolt
18-11-2003 17:16
bush to arrive northolt not heathrow as stated in mediasedgefield (blair's constituency) visit by bush
18-11-2003 16:21
bush will be visiting blair's constituency on friday 21st december for lunch with blair and his wife, along with some locals too. turn up and let your voice be heard. it's a village off the M1, and i suspect that you're more likely to get nearer bush here than you are in london.Protest and Orange Overalls action @ Blairs visit to the CBI in Birmingham
18-11-2003 15:57

Princes Park under attack
18-11-2003 15:15

We all Make Mistakes, I suppose?
18-11-2003 15:06
When the Post or the Echo write a storey and say something wrong about an ordinary citizen they get away with it and there is nothing people like me can do about it. It is absolute. Our side of the storey is seldom printed.Migrant Voices
18-11-2003 14:44

Student Action against Bush Builds
18-11-2003 14:34
London Students to hold a theatrical picket of Exxon-Mobil HQ as part of George W Bush State Visit. LSE Student Union voted for a 'teach-in/sit-in' today ahead of the protests.No WMD No Lie
18-11-2003 14:21
My humblest apologies to Bob Marley; please, please forgive me.Bring Down Bush - Solidarity from America
18-11-2003 14:04
I am writing you in solidarity to applaud your protest. Make it loud and vivid for your sisters and brothers in America who no longer can.ISM Reports: The Latest Activist Reports From Palestine
18-11-2003 13:56
Tuesady 18th November 2003The Latest ISM Activist Reports From Palestine
Parliament Sq protest
18-11-2003 13:48
Most of you here will probably know about Brian from Redditch. He's been camping out on a tiny patch of grass between the pavement and the green at Parliament Sq for nearly 3 years now, in all weathers, in protest against this appalling war against the people of Iraq. He was on hunger strike during the bombing earlier in the year, and has been subject to all kinds of abuse from passers by and tourists.Simultaneous Policy - A Simple Solution?
18-11-2003 12:55
"How can we the people get our leaders to listen to us and not just to the rich and powerful?"How can we make our values their values, values like:
fair trade and decent livelihoods
respect for life, health and environmental sustainability
true democracy – not 'corporatocracy'
freedom, security and equal opportunity for all
zero tolerance for terror of all kinds – state terror and domestic tyranny included
unity in diversity among peoples, nations and cultures
an end to weapons of mass destruction and to war itself as an obsolete means of conflict resolution ..."
Doubts when duty calls
18-11-2003 11:41

Police Filmed Returning ESF Visitors at Waterloo
18-11-2003 11:14
surveillance society...