Parliament Sq protest
fairford peacewatch | 18.11.2003 13:48 | Bush 2003 | Anti-militarism | London | Oxford
Most of you here will probably know about Brian from Redditch. He's been camping out on a tiny patch of grass between the pavement and the green at Parliament Sq for nearly 3 years now, in all weathers, in protest against this appalling war against the people of Iraq. He was on hunger strike during the bombing earlier in the year, and has been subject to all kinds of abuse from passers by and tourists.
It is possible that the police will try and move Brian during the visit of the murdering POTUS. It is well known that even some of our own anti-war MPs object to his protest, thinking his presence detracts from the architectural grandeur of the square.
Many of us who camped outside USAF Fairford during the early months of this year sent messages of support to Brian. We know how it feels to be out in severe weathers, but we have no idea how it feels to have spent so long out there subjected to so much hostility. It's raining as I write this, it was a very cold couple of hours outside the CBI conference in Birmingham today. Brian does this day in, day out, night after night. If you'd like to drop him a line the address is:
Brain Haw
Central Island
Parliament Square
London SW1A OAA
Brian likes that mild Drum tobacco, hot chocolate drink sachets, jokes, postcards, messages of support, visitors. Next week is going to be particularly difficult. It's maybe one day in London for most of us, but for Brian it's a full time commitment until we all bring this ugly massacre to an end.
Many of us who camped outside USAF Fairford during the early months of this year sent messages of support to Brian. We know how it feels to be out in severe weathers, but we have no idea how it feels to have spent so long out there subjected to so much hostility. It's raining as I write this, it was a very cold couple of hours outside the CBI conference in Birmingham today. Brian does this day in, day out, night after night. If you'd like to drop him a line the address is:
Brain Haw
Central Island
Parliament Square
London SW1A OAA
Brian likes that mild Drum tobacco, hot chocolate drink sachets, jokes, postcards, messages of support, visitors. Next week is going to be particularly difficult. It's maybe one day in London for most of us, but for Brian it's a full time commitment until we all bring this ugly massacre to an end.

fairford peacewatch