Special Relationship
Socialist | 18.11.2003 12:48
Some facts concerning the special relationship between Bush and Blair.
Prime Minister Tony Blair is recognised as President Bush's closest ally (or "best friend" in Dubya's terms). On the eve of President Bush's imminent stste visit to the UK, we review some facts concerning the two men. I have prepared this rather hurredly and would welcome further contributions - there's room for more facts.
FACT: President Bush's election was assisted by his brother's governorship of the state of Florida. During Bush's election, Florida disennfranchised thousands of black voters who would have opposed Bush's election. The investigation into the election concerning the 'hanging chads' affair was stoped by a Republican member of Florida's judiciary. All in all, there are real grounds for concern that president Bush is not the democratically elected president that he claims to be.
FACT: President Bush's administrationis is largely composed of Neo-Conservatives - largely Zionist, extreme right-wing Christian/Zionist fundamentalists. Bush's closest advisors are associated with Neo-Con 'thinktanks' such as the 'Project for a New merican Century' taht proposed fighting many wars simultaneously and deposing Saddam Hussain by force for the benefit of Israel.
FACT: Bush's Whitehouse has obstructed investigation of the 911 disaster.
FACT: Blair has aligned himself extremely closely with Bush, and in the infantile, simplistic language of George Bush, they are "good friends". Since Blair has aligned himself so closely with Neo-Conservative policy and ambitions, and shown such support for resident Bush, he and his government should be regarded as Neo-Conservatives.
FACT: The British public showed huge opposition to the war on Iraq at a demonstration in London on February 15, 2003. Although the estimated attendence figures vary, the demonstration was acknowledged as the largest ever in British history with at least one million participants and probably two million.
FACT: Despite this huge show of opposition to the Iraq war, Blair and his 'New Labour' government ignored these protests and continued with their unfaltering support for president Bush in the war with Iraq. Considered in combination with Blair's insistense that members of the House of Lords should be appointed, Blair should be considered as essentially opposed to the principles of representative democracy and accountable government.
FACT: Blair's government created the 'dodgy dossier' which it claimed was from intelligence sources from information contained on the internet.
FACT: Blair and his government (most notably Jack Straw and Geoff Hoon) repeatedly LIED about claimed 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' (WMDs) that Iraqi forces supposedly had.
FACT: Blair's second dodgy dossier refers to Iraq being able to launch weapons within 45 minutes. We now know that there was huge disquiet amount the UK security community regarding this claim. During the Hutton enquiry it was claimed that the weapons referred to conventional weapons.
FACT: After Blair's WMD lies were effectively countered by opponents to the war, Blair claimed that there was a humanitarian duty to fight the Iraq war. This argument is severely flawed since the US and UK administrations have caused excessive suffering and death to Iraq during the imposition of sanctions under the 'Oil for Food' programme e.g. by restricting essential supplies of medicenes and equipment for public utilities.
FACT: Blair LIED when he stated that he was not involved in the decision to reveal Kelly as the source of disquiet within UK security services about the government's claims / lies.
FACT: Gordon Brown, the UK treasurer (paraphrased) said there was as much money as it takes to fight the war in Iraq. Gordon Brown has been a leading member of Blair's 'New Labour' government as UK Chancellor since Blair's government's election in 1997.
FACT: Blair has been awarded a Congressional Medal of Honour by the US for his unstinting support in the war against Iraq.
FACT: Blair claims to be leader of the Labour Party.
FACT: The US and UK are the main occupying forces of Iraq.
FACT: The US government has aggressively pursued profits for its companies in the 'reconstruction' of Iraq.
FACT: The Stop the War Coalition is supporting a campaign to report Tony Blair for war crimes. see
Prime Minister Tony Blair is recognised as President Bush's closest ally (or "best friend" in Dubya's terms). On the eve of President Bush's imminent stste visit to the UK, we review some facts concerning the two men. I have prepared this rather hurredly and would welcome further contributions - there's room for more facts.
FACT: President Bush's election was assisted by his brother's governorship of the state of Florida. During Bush's election, Florida disennfranchised thousands of black voters who would have opposed Bush's election. The investigation into the election concerning the 'hanging chads' affair was stoped by a Republican member of Florida's judiciary. All in all, there are real grounds for concern that president Bush is not the democratically elected president that he claims to be.
FACT: President Bush's administrationis is largely composed of Neo-Conservatives - largely Zionist, extreme right-wing Christian/Zionist fundamentalists. Bush's closest advisors are associated with Neo-Con 'thinktanks' such as the 'Project for a New merican Century' taht proposed fighting many wars simultaneously and deposing Saddam Hussain by force for the benefit of Israel.
FACT: Bush's Whitehouse has obstructed investigation of the 911 disaster.
FACT: Blair has aligned himself extremely closely with Bush, and in the infantile, simplistic language of George Bush, they are "good friends". Since Blair has aligned himself so closely with Neo-Conservative policy and ambitions, and shown such support for resident Bush, he and his government should be regarded as Neo-Conservatives.
FACT: The British public showed huge opposition to the war on Iraq at a demonstration in London on February 15, 2003. Although the estimated attendence figures vary, the demonstration was acknowledged as the largest ever in British history with at least one million participants and probably two million.
FACT: Despite this huge show of opposition to the Iraq war, Blair and his 'New Labour' government ignored these protests and continued with their unfaltering support for president Bush in the war with Iraq. Considered in combination with Blair's insistense that members of the House of Lords should be appointed, Blair should be considered as essentially opposed to the principles of representative democracy and accountable government.
FACT: Blair's government created the 'dodgy dossier' which it claimed was from intelligence sources from information contained on the internet.
FACT: Blair and his government (most notably Jack Straw and Geoff Hoon) repeatedly LIED about claimed 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' (WMDs) that Iraqi forces supposedly had.
FACT: Blair's second dodgy dossier refers to Iraq being able to launch weapons within 45 minutes. We now know that there was huge disquiet amount the UK security community regarding this claim. During the Hutton enquiry it was claimed that the weapons referred to conventional weapons.
FACT: After Blair's WMD lies were effectively countered by opponents to the war, Blair claimed that there was a humanitarian duty to fight the Iraq war. This argument is severely flawed since the US and UK administrations have caused excessive suffering and death to Iraq during the imposition of sanctions under the 'Oil for Food' programme e.g. by restricting essential supplies of medicenes and equipment for public utilities.
FACT: Blair LIED when he stated that he was not involved in the decision to reveal Kelly as the source of disquiet within UK security services about the government's claims / lies.
FACT: Gordon Brown, the UK treasurer (paraphrased) said there was as much money as it takes to fight the war in Iraq. Gordon Brown has been a leading member of Blair's 'New Labour' government as UK Chancellor since Blair's government's election in 1997.
FACT: Blair has been awarded a Congressional Medal of Honour by the US for his unstinting support in the war against Iraq.
FACT: Blair claims to be leader of the Labour Party.
FACT: The US and UK are the main occupying forces of Iraq.
FACT: The US government has aggressively pursued profits for its companies in the 'reconstruction' of Iraq.
FACT: The Stop the War Coalition is supporting a campaign to report Tony Blair for war crimes. see
