UK Newswire Archive
Take action, join the demonstrations for Palestinian hunger strikers
27-04-2012 14:25

Bahrain: on the unintentional eloquence of press releases
27-04-2012 09:45

Last weekend's Bahrain Formula 1 Grand Prix sham has been an object lesson in the political and moral bankruptcy of our age, argues Hicham Yezza.
It takes a lot for something as bland and functional as a press release to make an impression of any sort. So credit is due to the august Bahrain News Agency for releasing one of the most absurd and imbecilic texts ever allowed to see the light.
The Return of the Drones Clones
27-04-2012 08:55
Following the recent Drones conference in Bristol, details have been announced for a major conference and exhibition in Bath.What is food sovereignty?
27-04-2012 07:49
Our current political system chooses to deal with world hunger through the model of “food security”, arguing that there is not enough food to go around and that we need techno-fixes to solve this. This approach ignores the fact that there is a global food surplus – many people just can’t afford to buy food. This problem is being amplified by land grabs- communities that used to grow food for themselves are being forced out of their ancestral homes, often by corporations expanding cash crop production.Take the flour back! Video
27-04-2012 07:21

Update on the Palestinian Prisoners’ Hunger Strike
27-04-2012 06:56

Ramallah, 25 April 2012 – On 17 April 2012, Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons launched a mass hunger strike demanding an end to administrative detention, isolation and other punitive measures taken against Palestinian prisoners including the denial of family visits and access to university education.
Government terminates contract with Addison Lee
27-04-2012 01:09
The UK Government is terminating its contract with Addison Lee, the minicab company which has donated 250,000 pounds to the Conservative Party.Blood spattered ex spy chief joins Jeremy Hunt protection racket
26-04-2012 23:19
Alex Allen has reappeared at last - in the Jeremy Hunt will not resign soap opera! with a mystery reappointment which was done secretly by Downing Street and the Cabinet office to avoid bad press - curiouser and curiouser said AliceClose Supervision Centres ??? Torture Units in the UK. New Pamphlet from BristolABC. April 2012
26-04-2012 20:55

Here to download is the long-overdue pamphlet for printing and distribution about Close Supervision Centres in the UK prison network from BristolABC.
comparism between Arab and Jewish schools in Israel
26-04-2012 18:26

Berlin/NL demos against undercovers/repression
26-04-2012 17:53
As EUROPOL discusses tactics to repress the "threat" of "Euro-Anarchists", people take to the streets in Berlin and Den HaagOccupy Newcastle strike out at ATOS
26-04-2012 17:49

Occupy Newcastle Activists target ATOS' discrimination against the vulnerable and disabled.
Free School day - Sat 28th April - @ Cowley Club in Brighton
26-04-2012 17:11
A mixture of people who love what they do and would like to talk about it for free. Free School aims to talk, share, discuss, inform, develop and more including the all important getting feedback!... There's something for everyone. It's not too late to add to it yourself having a space for random talks and there are lots of workshops and talks already confirmed on the website or in the Cowley itself. Check the Cowley Club or web site for more info:
x Free School x
campaign in support of political prisoners
26-04-2012 17:11
Declaration in support of the “WEEK OF GLOBAL STRUGGLE FOR THE LIBERATION OF PATISHTÁN AND SÁNTIZ LÓPEZ: BRINGING DOWN THE PRISON WALLS”Dutch government wants to silence criticism of queen Beatrix
26-04-2012 16:59
An update from the Netherlands on censorship of a flyer which allegedly insulted the reigning minger and monarch, Queen Beatrix.Repost from

Bobby Robert's Sneaks to sedgefield racecourse: Not If We Can Help It
26-04-2012 15:26
Bobby Roberts and his sick and evil show is planning to slope off after willington in Durham and go to sedgefield racecoursewe URGE EVERYONE contact the race course demand they do not let bobby use there grounds
Peace protester hijacks Vince Cable's speech to arms industry
26-04-2012 12:33
This morning, 26 April, Vince Cable's speech to hundreds of representatives of the arms industry was disrupted when a protester took the stage. Cable's speech was to open proceedings at the UK Trade & Investment Defence & Security Organisation (UKTI DSO) Symposium. UKTI DSO, a government unit which exists to help arms sales around the world, hosts the event to outline its commitment to arms companies. TNon Violent Civil Disobedience in the 21st Century
26-04-2012 10:44
In recent years, the activities of UKUncut, the Occupy Movement, the student movement and the forthcoming Olympics protests can be counted as a resurgence of non-violent civil disobedience, as a means of highlighting social issues in the UK. Today’s article examines the key criticisms levelled at proponents of non violent civil disobedience and puts forward the case that their asking is the path to success rather than the obstacle.EF! Summer Gathering Workshop Call-out.
26-04-2012 10:20
This is a call out for workshops for the EF! summer gathering that will be taking place this year from the 1st to the 6th of August in Shropshire.A24 Solidarity Vigil for Bradley Manning at U.S. Embassy, London
26-04-2012 10:15
April the 24th there has been a vigil at U.S. Embassy, London in solidarity with Bradley Manning.