UK Newswire Archive
Massive western moral voice : 'Don't nuke Iran'
04-05-2006 00:21

25.000 innocent people detained .../you have the newspapers you deserve
04-05-2006 00:19
While the racist lobby makes such a big fuss about a few ' foreign criminals' being let on the loose - and gets huge media attention, around 25.000 innocent men, women and children are detained in immigration removal centres - high security prisons in all but in name. Around 15.000 are deported every year, often to countries deemed too dangerous for Brithsh citiziens to travel to. Many are torture and rape survivors. What is the real scandal?Bradford Students sit-in to support lecturers
03-05-2006 23:40
Following recent announcements that AUT/NATFHE lecturers who refuse to mark exams will be subjected to a pay cut of 25%, around 75 students at University of Bradford occupied the corridor outside the vice-chancellor's office. With lots of Samba and a discussion with the pro-VC, a meeting between AUT, Uni and Students Union reps was agreed.Bush's CIA Pensioners Confess their Lies
03-05-2006 23:37
The war against Iraq was resolved as a policy. The US administration was only interested in secret servcie information that supported this policy.. Information that did not fit the long resolved war strategy was consciously ignored. .Regime change was of a mayday socpa challenge
03-05-2006 21:45

WIPO Broadcasting Treaty
03-05-2006 21:19
WIPO Broadcasting Treaty Contains Unsupported Webcasting and “Digital Locks”
Video of anti-nuclear demo
03-05-2006 21:11

aniversary of Chernobyl was commemorated with a procession through the city centre to Cross St
Chapel, where talks about nuclear power were held.
Government’s new proposals for mental health law
03-05-2006 21:10
The Government has decided to keep the present Mental Health Act 1983, making a raft of new changes by asking Parliament to amend the Act.Nottingham's April Critical Mass and Bike About :: The Pictures
03-05-2006 21:10

Setting out from the usual meeting place [Outside the Savoy Cinema on Derby Road, meet at 5.30pm]
World Press Freedom Day 3 May
03-05-2006 21:01

Freedom for Bahar Kimyongür - No Extradition to Turkey No European Collaboration
03-05-2006 19:54
Bahar Kimyongür, spokesman of the DHKC Information Bureau in Brussels and one of the defendants in the “DHKC-trial” in Belgian Brugge, was arrested in Holland in the night from 27th to 28th of April, after the Dutch police stopped him in a car together with another person, approximately 40 kilometres from Amsterdam.IMC at London's Mayday and More Demo Pics.
03-05-2006 18:34

Far left is helpless to stop the rise of the BNP
03-05-2006 18:15
Anarchists, socialists, communists, social democrats and liberals do not seem to grasp the issues fuelling the rise of the BNP among the white working class.Judge Doubts Moussaoui's Claims About 9/11
03-05-2006 17:52
The judge knows that a "confession", gained after years of detention, does not make up for the lack of actual evidence against the man, and that supports the Government's Conspiracy Theory.More Pictures of May Day weekend Crticial Mass and Demo
03-05-2006 16:47

I'd taken nearly 200 photos, which is why it's taken this long to sift through them!
Join the 5th International Conference against Disapperances
03-05-2006 16:37
ICAD has been struggling against disappearances of the opposition by the government or governments for the last 10 years. As part of this Struggle 4 conferences (Turkey 1996, Colombia 1997, Philippines 1999 and Germany 2002) have been organised.SOAS Students take on SODEXHO
03-05-2006 16:18
Students at the London School of Oriental and African Studies are campaigning in solidarity with refugees, against their canteen, which is currently run by SODEXHO, the company which also runs Harmondsworth detention centre.Steven Colbert: The Real Issue Is The Media's Utter Failure
03-05-2006 16:16
Steve Colbert did not make any jokes about George W. Bush. He simply told the truth about Bush. The joke however was on the so called “journalists” of this nation. The target of Mr. Colbert’s comedy routine was our media, not George W. Bush.The country that wouldn't grow up
03-05-2006 16:08
Current debates within Israel and the world Jewish community about the harmful effects of militant Zionist Extremism show that this relatively young nation may be coming into its own, and finally addressing the faults of its past.If this trend continues, we could actually see Zionist rule replaced with a truly representative form of Government, which would place peace, and the welfare of ordinary Israelis, ahead of what this narrow, supremacist ideology regards as "winning".
There is hope for the young state yet.