UK Newswire Archive
AUDIO Americans Protest outside US Embassy Dublin
20-03-2003 00:20
Americans Protest outside US Embassy Dublin200 mainley American Peace Protesters gathered outside the US Embassy to register there disgust at the Bush Aministration role to war.
Its time for regime change at home...
20-03-2003 00:19
The clock has just ticked past midnight, day X has arrived!Agents in neo-nazi organisations
20-03-2003 00:06
The same pattern the world over with Intelligence. Easy to see how in concert with an aggressive police strategy working on highest orders, the Bradford riots of 7/2001 were deliberately created so that Freemason hanging Judge Gillick could send people down for a long time..Fox appointed to look after chicken-coop!
19-03-2003 22:52
The imminent attack on Iraq by US/British forces dominates the news globally and nationally and it is interesting to discover what the elected Government is doing "off-stage" while the public spotlight is understandably focused on the Middle East conflict.Canada: Responsible for International Crimes
19-03-2003 22:42
In 1999, the 26 year Genocide of East Timor came to an end. The slaughter of the East Timorians is considered, by human rights historians such as Noam Chomsky, as the most horrific Genocide of the 20th Century.Critical Mass Rides Against War (London)
19-03-2003 22:10
A call out to all cyclists and others mobile with no engine! Join an anti-oil-war ride, bring your anger & humour, life & energy, to mobile blockades to slow down the pro-war economy – supporting other actions as well as acting independently. Called by some London Critical Massers, these rides will only be effective with your support. Tune in, turn up, make them happen.International Students stage Cardiff Die-In
19-03-2003 21:38

Worcester Students Walk Out Against War
19-03-2003 21:22

A Sick Day For Our Planet
19-03-2003 21:07
This is a sad and depressing day for all of us.Sorry
19-03-2003 20:59

France-Direct action against war
19-03-2003 20:43
Some sarcastic individuals gave some hard time to various symbols of this world of money, cops and specialists in which we are livingSchool students strike and direct action in Edinburgh
19-03-2003 19:52
The school students strike and anti-war protest in Edinburgh was great today.Again the schools students took the iniative and blew everybody away with their enthusiasm, optimism and their bravery to disobey the expectations of society with their battling creativity.
If the bombing starts tonight, there will be a gathering at 12 noon at Parliament Square in Edinburgh. Also another protest has been called for 5pm the same day the war actually starts.
At least one person has been arrested, but promised to let go tonight- you can ring up the police station and check:
telno. 0131 6625000, St. Leonards police station.
Liverpool Protests
19-03-2003 19:39
Protests in Liverpool started with lock-ons at the Town Hall and lead on to sit down road blocks at five city centre locations, blocking up to 9 lanes at a time. The crowd of 600, often lead by Students, marched through most of the City Centre with the police making hardly any attempt at controlling the protesters.International web anti-war movement
19-03-2003 17:54
Crashing down the web page of the American Ministry of Defense the day they start bombing IraqFairford security article
19-03-2003 17:45
From USAFE (US Air forces in Europe) news siteFIGHTING reported near BAZRA
19-03-2003 17:29
According to the Evening Standard troops are pooring into the demilitarised zone and there is heavy fighting near a coastal town.