UK Newswire Archive
Birmingham Tenants & Homeless Action Group - What we are doing
27-08-2012 16:15

Tenants & Homeless seize abandoned council house
27-08-2012 10:49

AZ Knock Out: Day 1, Monday - Facebook Fight Back
27-08-2012 08:10

For day 1 we're excited to try a new style of targeting using Facebook. Every 3 minutes another animal is tortured to death inside HLS, how many die while you're logged into FB each day? Use your time on there to help them!
Bullying by RSL chums of Baroness Pola Manzila Uddin - East End of London
27-08-2012 06:44
"While in Notting Hill, Peter Rachman’s old SLUM OPPRESSION patch they “celebrate” a Carnival today [Bank Holiday Monday 27 August 2012], in the East End of London, innocent and socially conscious people are being bullied by employees or recent employees of “social landlord” outfits who do not want the community to defend itself against bad landlords, shoddy housing and serious failings by the local Tower Hamlets Council..."Bradford Stop the Killing in Burma Demo in Photos
26-08-2012 20:55
The protest in Centenary Square outside City Hall, Bradford on Monday 13th August 2012 against the Killing of Rohingya people in Burma attracted a large crowd of mostly young people from Bradford and its surrounding areas. This short notice demo with its large crowd is a testament to the way George Galloway reaches out to people. Credit also goes to the young people who worked behind the scene in organising and spreading the word on Twitter, Facebook, by text, e-mail and word of mouth. The big media outlets maybe silent but the voice of the ordinary people cannot be stopped.
The Rohingya community in Bradford and elsewhere know we have not forgotten them. It was heartening to see the Rohingyas who found sanctuary in Bradford and to hear their stories. The Rohingya girl who grew up in a camp in Bangladesh described the mistreatments, especially of women at the camp. How can anyone who has a mother, sister, wife or daughter ignore their plea?
As Salma Yaqoob said, use your mobile to tell people about the plight of the Rohingya people. This is just the beginning, the momentum is gathering, God willing, the world will know about Burma’s killing of Rohingyas. Aung San Suu Kyi will have to break her silence too.
Here is what you can do:- Write to your MP (use this page to find your MP) and the Foreign Minister William Hague.
- Write to the Bangladesh High Commission in London (e-mail:
- Donate money to charities working with Rohingyas e.g. Islamic Relief, HRF.
- Lobby the media e.g. ask why the BBC is silent, do it online here.
- Most important of all, tell others about it, via Twitter, Facebook, Text, E-mail etc.
- Channel4 – Dangerous waters for rohingyas forgotten people
- Restless Beings Project: Stateless Rohingya
- Bradford Rohingya Community
- Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO)
- Local Bradford Newspaper: Hundreds gather for Burma protest
- Salma Yaqoob – Leader of the Respect Party
- David Green – Bradford Labour Council Leader
- David Ward MP – Bradford East Liberal Democrat MP
- Naveeda Ikram – Former Lord Mayor of Bradford
- Nijam Uddin – Bradford Rohingya Community
- Sajeeda – A Rohingya from refugee camp in Bangladesh
- George Galloway – Bradford West Respect MP
- Ummah Channel Speaker
Protest Brand Israel’s Batsheva in Bradford & UK
26-08-2012 18:55
Boycott Israel Network is a member of Don’t Dance with Israeli Apartheid campaign, which is organising demonstrations against Israeli State-funded Batsheva at the Edinburgh International Festival and across the UK in November. Batsheva is part of the Brand Israel effort to shift attention away from Israel’s crimes: ethnic cleansing and mass violence against the Palestinian people.
- Wherever you are, please send off the letter supporting the call from Don’t Dance with Israeli Apartheid to cancel the invitation to Batsheva. It only takes a few seconds.
- Join the protests at the Playhouse Theatre, Leith Walk, Edinburgh on Thursday 30th August from 6.00pm and two following nights.
- Support the daily activity during the Edinburgh Festival in support of Palestinian freedom. If you or your friends are visiting Edinburgh in August get in touch or volunteer.
- Link up now with protest organisers across the UK to plan demonstrations at every Batshevaperformance during their 8-city UK tour in ‘November’, including the two opening slots in Edinburgh’s Festival Theatre (Oct 30 & 31), email
- Make a donation to help produce Don’t Dance with Israeli Apartheid banners, leaflets and posters. To make a donation, please use the following bank account details:
Account name: Scottish PSC Delegation
Bank Sort Code: 80-02-83
Account number: 06001229
IBAN: GB93 BOFS 8002 8306 0012 29
Branch: Edinburgh Newington
Address: 51 South Clerk Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9PP
Please make cheques payable to Scottish PSC Delegation and include a note indicating your donation toward the ‘Don’t Dance with Israeli Apartheid’ campaign.SPSC
c/o Peace & Justice Centre
Princes Street
Batsheva UK tour in October/November.
Edinburgh, Festival Theatre Tue 30 Oct & Wed 31 Oct
The Lowry, Salford Quays Fri 2 Nov & Sat 3 Nov
Bradford, Alhambra Theatre Tue 6 Nov & Wed 7 Nov
Brighton Dome, Concert Hall Fri 9 Nov & Sat 10 Nov
Birmingham Hippodrome Tue 13 Nov & Wed 14 Nov
Leicester, Curve Theatre Fri 16 Nov
London, Sadler’s Wells Mon 19 Nov, Tue 20 Nov & Wed 21 Nov
Plymouth, Theatre Royal Fri 23 Nov & Sat 24 Nov
London Anthropology Talks every Tuesday evening
26-08-2012 18:05

Who rigged Britain’s hung parliament? ‘The Institute’ rigged it.
26-08-2012 17:10
Quote from ‘The Institute for Government’ Annual Accounts, 2011:'Just think of the role that The Institute for Government ....played for preparing the ground for a hung parliament and enabling the creation of a coalition government...’
Communications Blockade - ATOS Thursday 30th August
26-08-2012 16:51
Block Atos's communications by email and fax to cost them money. It's the only thing they care about. Contact the Head Office, the CEO and the office nearest to you. Free faxes can be sent from this website:
Equivalent of 75,000 homes worth of empty office space in Bristol
26-08-2012 14:45
After calling Savilles I was astounded to find there was around one-and-a-quarter million square feet of empty office space in Bristol. I set out to discover how many homes that floor space was equivalent to.Call to boycott Sainsbury's in Oxford
26-08-2012 13:25
I just went to the local branch of B&Q at Temple Cowley to get a couple of things and have discovered that it is closing down, due to close on the 1st September. This is because the owner of the land the store sits on apparently wished to double the rent. A new Sainsbury's supermarket is to be located on the site, and the City Council have not used their powers to intervene. Is another Sainbury's supermarket really what we need?USA Karl Rove’s Secret Kingdom
26-08-2012 01:02
USA Interview with Craig Unger on Stolen Votes, Political Attacks, Billionaire TiesATOS Kills: Mass 'Die-in' in Cardiff against Benefit Cuts
25-08-2012 18:03
The campaign group, Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC) will be holding a mass 'die-in' at the Aneurin Bevan Statue, Queen Street, Cardiff, at 5.00 pm on Wednesday, 29th August, as part of nationwide protests against ATOS, the French IT company that carries out Work Capability Assessments for the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP).US Agency Has Decided To Let Animals Burn Alive In Idaho Fires
25-08-2012 16:26

Zaoatista orisoner suffering political persecution
25-08-2012 15:58
This article from Mexico's La Jornada newspaper summarises a report released by a Human Rights centre cataloguing political persecution.see

From Bristol With Love #25
25-08-2012 08:35
From Bristol with Love is a showcase for local music, local news and new forms of local thinking.Free Soup for the Revolution - FnB gig
24-08-2012 19:53

Worldwide Declaration in support of the Zapatistas
24-08-2012 15:48
24-08-2012 14:55
Earlier today, activists from Derby Animal Rights engaged with Saturday shoppers outside the Guildhall meat and fish market in the centre of Derby, discussing the controversial issue of animal agriculture. In addition to an information stall, two activists were naked, wrapped in meat packaging and labelled up as "oven ready humans", drawing attention to the often overlooked reality that trays of sanitized and unrecognisable flesh in a shop chiller were once living, feeling individuals. There was a blood spattered butcher wielding a cleaver to highlight the inherent violence of the industry and a hard hitting narrative delivered over a megaphone.
Earlier today, activists from Derby Animal Rights engaged with Saturday shoppers outside the Guildhall meat and fish market in the centre of Derby, discussing the controversial issue of animal agriculture. In addition to an information stall, two activists were naked, wrapped in meat packaging and labelled up as "oven ready humans", drawing attention to the often overlooked reality that trays of sanitized and unrecognisable flesh in a shop chiller were once living, feeling individuals. There was a blood spattered butcher wielding a cleaver to highlight the inherent violence of the industry and a hard hitting narrative delivered over a megaphone.
The veggie campaigners distributed leaflets from various animal rights organisations such as Animal Aid ( and Viva (, whose undercover investigations have revealed widespread malpractice and brutality in the farming industry.
In the UK alone, 850 million animals and hundreds of millions of fish are killed every year to put meat on tables - that's more than three million animals a day. Before they are slaughtered, hundreds of millions lead desolate, disease-ridden lives on factory farms.
Rainforests are cleared for grazing; methane from livestock causes global warming; soil is eroded by cattle; slurry poisons waterways; and the seas are laid to waste by overfishing. The global appetite for meat and the industrial techniques of the meat industry are destroying the Earth.
Further, while 750 million people go to bed hungry every night, one-third of the world's grain is fed to farmed animals... A typical Western meat-based diet can only feed 2.5 billion people: a plant-based diet will feed every one of us.
Also worth noting is that Vegetarians live longer and suffer less from diseases such as hypertension, obesity, coronary artery disease, certain kinds of cancer and diabetes...
It was Sir Paul McCartney who first observed "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian" (see for more from this British music legend). On the evidence of today's Derby Animal Rights initiative, it seems he was right. The response from the public was generally very positive, several pledging to permanently give up meat after seeing pictures from behind the scenes of its production.
There were also petitions against the selling of kangaroo meat by Lidl, and of course against the widely hated plans to build the biggest factory farm the UK has yet seen, in Foston, just up the road.