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Time & Casual Work

17-12-2013 13:42

Time operates on casual workers in many different way and increases their alienation from the rest of the workforce.

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UN’s Syria “Aid” Appeal is Bid to Relieve Trapped Terrorists

16-12-2013 20:20

As the UN prepares to flood the Syrian conflict with another 6.5 billion dollars, tales of how “aid money” is ending up facilitating the activities of terrorists inside and along Syria’s borders suggest the UN is not trying to provide mercy for the Syrian people, but perpetuate the tragedy further still. Should the UN decide to truly care about ending the ongoing catastrophe that is the proxy invasion of Syria by foreign-backed terrorists, it could always point out the true nature of the conflict and hold those responsible for it, NATO and its regional axis, fully accountable. Anything less is but a criminal rouse meant to intentionally perpetuate the conflict and give the West yet another chance to end it on terms they find favorable.

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Palestine Today 16 12 2013

16-12-2013 19:35

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Monday December 16, 2013.

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195 Mare St Evicted.

16-12-2013 19:11

Today (Monday 16th December, 2013), high court bailiffs evicted 195 Mare St in a morning raid.

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Eco-Warriors needed for Cat Hill protest at Middlesex University

15-12-2013 15:10

Hundreds of local residents at Cat Hill, protesting against the demolition of Middlesex University and five acres of ponds and woodlands with hundreds of 400-year-old oak trees and protected endangered species like bats, great crested newts, and dormice, are preparing to occupy the site and blockade the developers to stop them from destroying one of the finest and most beautiful natural wildlife habitats in Britain.

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Christmas Casual Work

15-12-2013 15:08

We are writing a series of articles on the nature of casual work. Please contact us if you have any experiences we can discuss at:

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Dissident Island Radio - 13 December 2013 - Episode 131 - Safe city cycling

15-12-2013 14:42

Listen to the last D*I Radio show for 2013...

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Amsterdam - 100 refugees squat place

15-12-2013 02:18

After a camp and several previous squats (church / office / flat), the 'We Are Here' group has now squatted the office part of a derelict parking garage, deep in the south of Amsterdam...

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Far-right meeting in central London today.

14-12-2013 12:53

A meeting of the far-right and openly racist "Traditional Britain Group" is being advertised on Facebook to take place today in central London with the intention of establishing an anti-immigration, pro-repatriation reactionary "counter-establishment".

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Bedroom Tax is unlawful! Newcastle delegation to submit letters and protest

13-12-2013 22:05

Newcastle council breaking 1985 and 2004 Housing Acts by charging Bedroom Tax on rooms of less than 70sqft!

Protest at Newcastle Civic Centre (customer service centre entrance)
Thursday 19th December, 11am

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EDL in Whitechapel now.

13-12-2013 14:51

Currently happening.

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Anonymous Australia Preparing to Release an Extensive List of More than 10,000 N

13-12-2013 02:11

Anonymous Australia is now currently preparing to release an extensive list names of police, defence personel and activist informants as well as twitter and facebook profiles of more than 700 infomation sources.

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For once, a huge police mobilisation didn’t beat students up! - #copsoffcampus

12-12-2013 22:25

As more than a thousand students and supporters marched through London yesterday, a massive police mobilisation shadowed and chased them without resorting to violence. As a result, the march remained fluid and peaceful. It would make sense that the next step is to stop wasting public money and deploy few or no police in future.

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Palestine Today 12 12 2013

12-12-2013 18:38

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Thursday December 12, 2013.

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UK media blackout of cops off campus student protest

12-12-2013 12:22

There has been a total media blackout of the recent cops off campus protest by hundreds of students. While foreign news agencies have given broad coverage to the protest every media outlet in the UK has imposed a complete black out on the event.

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NATO’s War on Syria Just Got Dirtier

11-12-2013 21:51

West scrambles to cover up Syria false flag revelations as Pulitzer Prize-winner & Syria’s Electronic Army expose all.

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ULU London - TV coverage takes #copsoffcampus message to hundreds of millions

11-12-2013 19:39

TV coverage takes #copsoffcampus / ULU London protest message to hundreds of millions of people -

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Palestine Today 11 12 2013

11-12-2013 19:25

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Wednesday December 11, 2013.

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Charlie Sargent Interview

11-12-2013 18:31

The following is a genuine interview with Charlie (Paul) Sargent of the failed Nazi Combat 18 gang who stabbed a ‘racial comrade’ to death and received a very long prison sentence, the naughty boy! It took place over several weeks on Facebook (home of digital fascism). No money was exchanged but a lot of insults were.

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Cops Off Campus protest at Nottingham University

11-12-2013 16:55

About 40 people, students and non-students, protested outside the Trent Building on Nottingham University's lakeside campus today. They were there in solidarity with the students in London who've been beaten and arrested over the past week by the metropolitan police.

The ULU students in London initiated a sit-in last week with a number of demands. They were there partly because of threats to the funding of the union and partly in sympathy with the cleaners and other casualised workers at the university who are struggling for better conditions and the recognition of their union. They are also concerned about the commercialisation of the university. All of these issues should be familiar to current Nottingham staff, students and alumni. Last Wednesday the University of London management gave the nod to the police, who violently evicted the occupation and assaulted many students inside and outside the building.