UK Newswire Archive
Kerry’s Coup from Mediator to Antagonist
11-12-2013 11:25
Kerry’s shuttle diplomacy during his current trip seems more aimed at controlling the damage his “ideas - proposal” caused than at facilitating the deadlocked Palestinian – Israeli bilateral talks.Poster - Some Anarchist Attacks in Bristol
11-12-2013 11:09

carried out. Even lockdown UK with its surveillance and control has weak points and opportunities – we're only as pacified as we let ourselves be! For sure there's much more happening than these “claimed” actions, as well as many different forms of struggle against authority.
The common thread in these actions is direct attack targeting the many forms of
domination, in the age-old struggle for freedom. Beyond that, the motivations and analysis of the individuals and groups behind them are varied. For more info on such actions and others across the world, see / (multi-lingual) /
Glasgow In The 60's and 70's.
11-12-2013 10:55
The WTO pushes through bad deal; Developed countries and TNCs are the big winner
11-12-2013 10:38

My Misdemeanors for Mandela
10-12-2013 22:09

Student demonstration at ULU Malet Street Wednesday 11th December 2pm
10-12-2013 16:24
There is a huge student demonstration against education cuts at the University of London Union on Malet Street in Bloomsbury in central London on Wednesday the 11th of December at 2pm.
on the use value of psychology in current Kiev upsurge in fascism
10-12-2013 09:50
This post is a direct news-related reaction to the discussion started at
Two tendencies of Western EUropean and US discussions do not seem to be terribly helpful in our current fight against the fascistic upsurge in Kiev:
- seeing the East as something far apart and just catastrophic and
-assuming that desturbed minds are on their way just where corporate media choose to show them these days: with folks close to Kiev working classes
Mind, that psychology, as most beople know and practice it is still a distincltly ruling class ideology, especially its "textbook" vulgarisations. Bourgeois psychology wants to keep you normal, average consumer, average subject, average wage earner (just keep your contributions NORMAL). This is completely detached from social reality, a new religion for the toiling class. Hunting for profits in the upper strata of today's European "business community" means asserting your strategy in a bonfire of highly and cynically crazy macho individuals.
Counterfire's Firebox café goes arse-over-tip?!
10-12-2013 01:26
The last thing "progressive minds" needs is a "haven" - what progressive minds need is to communicate with the LARGEST AUDIENCE POSSIBLESolidarity demo with Russian LGBTQ activist facing deportation
09-12-2013 18:08



South Bank Centre, the Undercroft skate space, and restricted photography
09-12-2013 17:53

Fascist uprising in the Ukraine
09-12-2013 13:33

VID (13 mins)- Ciaron O'Reilly speaks out 4 Assange, Manning & Snowden in Dublin
09-12-2013 12:41
VID (13 mins) - Ciaron O'Reilly, recently attacked & censored at the London Anarchist Bookfair & Liverpool Manning solidarity event at the Casa ,speaks out for Assane & Manning in Dublin, no health & safety issues reported.
The Nuclear Menace: Iran? Are You Serious? Or Delirious?
08-12-2013 11:36

Sussex Chief Constable Martin Richards Jumps Ship.
07-12-2013 20:57

Kiev under tripple siege, 2014: reflections and observations for discussion
07-12-2013 19:49
This essay documents some of the latest cases of fascistic violence against voicing any social issue whatsoever at the current Kiev Euro-TV parading grounds. Who has decided to apply the Hungarian role model of fascistic capitalism to Ukraine before even annexing us? Was it you, your tax contribution? What are the Ukrainian oligarchs living next to you in the London city up to? How do we mount defense when triple siege becomes standard practice on crushing working class strongholds?New People's Daily Building in China
07-12-2013 01:16

Does Israel Have a Right to Exist?
06-12-2013 19:00
This question has been asked many times, and more often than not in a merely selective interest rather than from an absolute position. By its own definition Israel is a state entity and therefore it cannot have any of the qualities of a natural person. Material constructs do not bear absolute rights. These are singular to the natural being – nature has a right to exist – and can only be lost but not gained by force – no conqueror of nature can obtain them by taking them away from it. The wording of the question is expressing a conceptual aberration on the matter of hierarchy analysis and it should be rephrased according to the situation in which it might appear. But that it is being asked in this specific form indicates a distortion of meaning within the concept of statehood: There are states which are nothing but functions of other states. The false totality bites itself. Certainly this is a historical footnote on the absurdity of trying to avoid Anarchy. In the misguiding ideology the planet is expected to burden itself with the failing hierarchies of the state, even if they would break it. Does Israel have a purpose on the way out of this capitalist misery or is it no better than the false totality statehood brought about?Riot police assembling near ULU now (Friday evening)
06-12-2013 17:13
Text received from mates on the ground, 16:50 Fri 6 Dec 2013 - 10 riot vans plus 1 squad car lurking in Russell Square, another riot van hiding round the corner in Store Street, Senate House surrounded by security, police helicopter circling overhead. Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU. Nearest tubes Euston Sq, Goodge St and Russell Sq. Get down there quick!