UK Newswire Archive
Can YOU Scupper this Unjust Deportation in Just Three Clicks ?
06-02-2008 10:33
Now the inquest has decided his wife was killed unlawfully by the NHS hospital which employed her, Arnel Cabrera is to be deported. Naughty man, he's foreign and was only allowed to live and work in England because his wife, the one the NHS killed, was a theatre nurse. You can protest -- right now -- without leaving your comfortable chair. Unless of course you know different.Full article | 1 addition | 8 comments
London: Photos/video from demo against fascist and state attacks in Greece
06-02-2008 03:14

Brummies rise up against their shity council
06-02-2008 03:02

Stop the Deportation of Two Iranian Asylum Seekers in Brighton police raid
06-02-2008 03:01
Join the Picket of the Home Office, Marsham St. London SW1 at the threatened deportation of two Iranian asylum seekers living in Brighton and presently held at Dover Detention Centre. Both were arrested over the weekend when their house was raided by police and immigration officers. If returned to Iran both of their lives are in grave danger.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
The Bugging of Babar Ahmad
06-02-2008 00:36
Having been a member of the Senior Civil Service for six years, I can assure you of two things:a) The logging and tracking system for MPs' - let alone shadow cabinet members' - letters arriving into No 10 is very tight. It is not possible David Davis' letter was lost and unrecorded. Nor do I see any reason to doubt that Mr Davis sent it.
b) There are some very right wing people in the security services. It is essential for our democracy that they are not allowed to interfere with our lawmakers.
'Smarter than yeast' Climate Activities Day
06-02-2008 00:32

Mass homelessness is now official UK govt. policy?
06-02-2008 00:28
According to todays Guardian the Government now plan to create mass homelessness by threatening about a million council tenants with eviction if they can't find work. As there are only 0.6 million vacancies, this makes it impossible for more than 60% of these - at the very most - to find work.Update on Smash EDO Conspiracy Case
06-02-2008 00:27
the Smash EDO conspiracy case is now set for July 28thBallymurphy 11 Daughters Campain Tour Report
06-02-2008 00:19
A report on the speaking tour, organised by the Troops Out Movement, by two daughters of people murdered by British soldiers in BelfastLeaflet ban will hit democratic debate
05-02-2008 20:35
"On the pretext of anti-litter, Swindon Borough Council are bringing in restrictions on rights to distribute literature that are more severe than the restrictions that the Chinese Communist Party impose upon Hong Kong."Tesco Biofuel Protest and Chain mail
05-02-2008 20:23

Demonstrators in ‘stop Iraq oil raid’ call
05-02-2008 19:57
Campaigners protested at proposals for multinational corporations, including British companies, to control the development, production and depletion of Iraq’s oil reserves.MediaLens: 'Creative Destruction' – The Madness of the Global Economy
05-02-2008 17:32
Watching the corporate media report the ‘financial crisis’ is instructive. From the perspective of power, it is important that a steadying hand is applied to the tiller of news and commentary on the crisis, and the global economy itself."Independent Kosovo", a Territory under US-NATO Military Rule
05-02-2008 16:33

While the European Union and the US, have acknowledged that they would be "opposed" to a " unilateral" declaration of independence of Kosovo, the secession of Kosovo from Serbia is already de facto. It is part of a US-NATO military agenda. It is the culmination of the 1999 NATO led invasion. It responds to US-NATO strategic objectives.
Gorilla tactics – Every Little Helps the rainforest burn
05-02-2008 16:32

Aldermaston byelaws - judicial review update
05-02-2008 16:26

Palestine Today 020508
05-02-2008 15:45

Human Rights Watch - Word Report of events in 2007
05-02-2008 14:41
In its World Report 2008, Human Rights Watch surveys the human rights situation in more than 75 countries. Human Rights Watch identified many human rights challenges in need of attention, including atrocities in Chad, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia's Ogaden region, Iraq, Somalia, Sri Lanka, and Sudan's Darfur region, as well as closed societies or severe repression in Burma, China, Cuba, Eritrea, Libya, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam. Abuses in the "war on terror" featured in France, Pakistan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, among others.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
911: Taking a scientific approach to the collapse of all 3 high rise buildings
05-02-2008 14:20

Also following are some photos from the 11th January 2008 International Day of Truth Action protests, for videos and more information see

Join us on 11th February 2008:

The wide spread of corruption
05-02-2008 13:51
The UK's law enforcement machine grinds to a halt due to the extensive ramifications of a high-level case of fraud and corruption.