UK Newswire Archive
17-04-2004 13:15
SchNEWS at Ten National Tour 2004:SchNEWS, the UK’s weekly direct action newsletter, is going on tour around Britain to talk about SchNEWS, alternative news media and more…
Schnews at Ten hits Edinburgh on Friday 23rd of April.
Israel bans Palestinians aged over 35 from leaving Gaza Strip
17-04-2004 10:00
Israel bans Palestinians aged over 35 from leaving Gaza
War Crimes - Act NOW
17-04-2004 09:59

[Biddu] Israeli Army Use 12 Year Old Child As Human Shield after Beating
17-04-2004 09:13
1) Child Used as Human Shield after Beating2) Palestinian prisoner solidarity _TAKE ACTION
3) 'Picking their battles'_Aviv Lavie, Haaretz
SHAC Cambridge March Today!
17-04-2004 08:56

Stop Seal Hunt - Hunters Allowed To Kill 350,000 Young Seals This Year
17-04-2004 08:32
Since you are clearly interested in helping these defenseless seal pups, we thought you should know about a great organization, The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). They are working on an urgent project to stop the slaughter of young seal pups on the ice fields of Canada. Read to find out more!US drop 1000kg bomb on Falludja
17-04-2004 07:56
according to dpa/ap the US dropped a 1000 kilo bomb on Falludja, claiming it would destroy the main building of the resistance.see:

The US is also accused of dropping cluster bombs,

United Colors of Bush (by Latuff)
17-04-2004 03:46

Advertising apartheid
17-04-2004 01:49

Iraq whistleblower speaks
17-04-2004 00:10
This story has parallels with the case of Katharine Gun, the GCHQ whistleblower.In both cases, the informant has risked prosecution to tell the truth. The truth
in this case is that the Danish Prime Minister lied to the Danish people to try to
force the case for war in Iraq. Sounds familiar?
16-04-2004 23:34

Road Construction Disrupted at Blackwood
16-04-2004 22:44
Protesters continued to disrupt construction work at Blackwood this week by climbing onto diggers, obstructing the path of construction vehicles and occupying land on which work was taking place. These tactics proved so successful, despite the small number of protesters, that extra security staff were drafted in by construction company Costain, and extra fencing has been commissioned in an attempt to keep protesters out (yeah right!).1000 HAVE-NOTS STORM ELITE HOTEL IN MONTREAL
16-04-2004 22:33
-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-Meeting about the Roundhouse
16-04-2004 21:12

(This was initially posted as a comment to this article...

New Kids on the Black Block N'asturianu
16-04-2004 21:01

Gold digging: Drilling on RMGC’s last nerve
16-04-2004 20:27
Rosia Montana Gold Corporation/Gabiel Resources and Romanian authorities keep ignoring the law inspite of popular contestations.Cyclist goes to jail for slashing 2,000 car tyres
16-04-2004 20:10
A British cyclist was jailed for 16 months after admitting to slashing almost 2,000 vehicle tyres in revenge for the actions of "inconsiderate" motorists.Ashley Carpenter, 37, began his one-man campaign attacking tyres on 548 cars, vans and lorries with a sharpened screwdriver after one car almost knocked him off his bike and another splashed him with a puddle.
Judge Stephen Lennard, sentencing Carpenter at Bournemouth Crown Court in southern England, called the scale of the revenge spree, costing an estimated 250,000 pounds (375,000 euros, 460,000 pounds) in new tyres and other expenses to victims, "breathtaking".
"In December last year, motivated by frustration and anger at what you considered to be the inconsiderate manner of motorists as experienced by you as a cyclist and a pedestrian, you embarked on your astonishing and extraordinary campaign," Lennard said.
Unemployed Carpenter -- described by his own defence counsel as a "socially inadequate" loner -- had decided to "send out a message to motorists", the judge said.
"In a period of 10 to 11 days, armed with a sharpened screwdriver, probably sharpened for the purpose, you went out and punctured 1,728 separate tyres on 548 different motor vehicles" in Bournemouth and nearby Christchurch.
"The scale of the damage and the financial consequences of it are breathtaking."
16-04-2004 19:15
US marines are shooting hundreds of Iraqis for objecting to the illegal invasion of their country or, in many cases, for nothing. This is crass, open, straightforward imperialism. If we don't oppose it meaningfully what's the point of whinging about it?SMASH CAPITALISM FOR CRICKET MAYDAY LONDON
16-04-2004 18:09
The fine chaps and ladies at NOT CRICKET (Nice Overtly Tailored Chaps Rebelling Insisting Capitalism Kills Everything Totally)