UK Newswire Archive
Bangladeshi workers step up resistance
01-08-2010 07:39
BANGLADESHI workers have stepped up their inspiring uprising against slave labour conditions.Brittannia Rules The Waves, Cyberspace, Occupied Ireland With Censored Torture
01-08-2010 04:58

URGENT: Activist Jane Burgermeister Threatening Suicide on Her Blog Today
01-08-2010 01:04
Courageous Austrian-Irish journalist Jane Burgermeister, who broke the story of the World Health Organization's genocidal false pandemic, is now in grave danger in Austria from the NWO-controlled Austrian government, which is about to take away her freedom. This could trigger her suicide, with the world losing a valuable life. Here is the story in Jane's own words, and some ideas in mine on what we might do to prevent this.Hunt the urban fox hunters!
31-07-2010 21:11
The Fox Project Please report these people to the MET Wildlife Crime Unit - This is totally illegal !!!!EMAIL:


july critical mass bike ride pics and report
31-07-2010 19:22
around 600 cyclists came out on the monthly critical mass bicycle ride last night. the ride takes place on the last friday of every month throughout the year, and riders meet from 6pm on the south bank under waterloo bridge by the national film theatre. the route is decided by riders on the night, and since last year's high court case, police no longer ride with the bikes.
on a pleasant july evening, numbers were strong, and around 600 cyclists left the south bank at around 7pm. early on there were some drivers irate at being 'corked' (stopped by cyclists from entering from side roads and junctions and causing danger by mingling with the procession). across westminster bridge, some crazy drivers cut up cyclists and drove at speed.
after regrouping in parliament square, the cyclists took over whitehall and proceeded along the mall. approaching buckingham palace, some riders tried to briefly hold back a bmw that had entered the ride, and alerted by a plain clothes officer, a police car raced down the mall to attend the incident. there, after asking a cyclist to move, they attempted an arrest, but other cyclists intervened, and the bmw was still blocked while the rest of the ride passed. it seemed bizarre, that as the bmw pushed into the wheel of the bicycle, police took the side of the motorist. i'm sure if it had been a police bicycle, a completely different scenario would have occurred. some of the police seem to have taken an anti-cyclist stance. boris should have a word with them! meanwhile, as a result of the incident, further police vehicles turned up, causing even more unnecessary traffic chaos. soon, all the riders had passed and the mass moved on, leaving the police obstructing the road.
with the reasonable number of cyclists, it was possible to take over all the lanes of park lane, and cyclists enjoyed taking the space in what can be otherwise a very bike-unfriendly highway.
after marble arch, the front riders chose to go along oxford street. this isn't always the best idea, as the single lane causes the ride to lengthen and spread out, it holds up too many buses (surely public transport isn't a target of protest compared to private cars?), and the string of buses also pump out odious and dangerous fumes which makes the ride less enjoyable.
regent street gave a chance for the ride to bunch up again and at piccadilly circus the crowds loved the sight of so many bicycles.
onwards along the strand and east towards the city, and as numbers started to lessen, the ride headed off up towards angel.
cycling is supposedly getting a boost with the opening of the new 'cycle highways' and the launch of the barclays sponsored hire scheme. but cycling activists are unhappy at many aspects of the ill-thought out highways, and they also see the barclays scheme as aimed at tourists and the middle-classes. already, anti-barclays stickers are appearing on the new bikes, highlighting the company's links to the arms business, and undermining the massive advertising effect of the bikes.
Wkileaks founder 'dissapointed' in Gates
31-07-2010 18:47
"Secretary Gates could have used his time, as other nations have done, toannounce a broad inquiry into these killings," the statement said. "He could
have announced specific criminal investigations into the deaths we have
exposed. He could have announced a panel to hear the heartfelt dissent of
U.S. soldiers, who know this war from the ground. He could have apologized
to the Afghani people.
> "But he did none of these things. He decided to treat these issues and the
> countries affected by them with contempt. Instead of explaining how he would
> address these issues, he decided to announce how he would suppress them.
> "This behavior is unacceptable. We will not be suppressed. We will continue
> to expose abuses by this administration and others."
pics from yesterday's ian tomlinson protest
31-07-2010 17:22
around 200 people listened to an open mic outside the offices of the director of public prosecutions yesterday afternoon, before taking to the streets and marching to the spot where ian tomlinson was attacked by policeman simon harwood.
watched by a handful of police (in a very low-key operation), around 200 protestors gathered yesterday at midday outside the offices of the director of public prosecutions. they were protesting at the announcement by keir starmer that the policeman who attacked ian tomlinson at the G20 protests last year, simon harwood, will not face any charges at all over the incident.
keir starmer qc is known for a noble past as a fighter for rights. he helped bring an end to the death penalty in carribbean countries, and is known for overturning control orders on terrorist suspects. he was also responsible for establishing that the use of evidence derived by torture is inadmissable in british courts. and he gave regular free legal advice to the defendants in the 'mclibel' case.
however, since becoming the head of the crown prosecution service as director of public prosecutions in 2008, he has been involved in several controversial decisions, with the latest being his announcement over the ian tomlinson case.
the crowd listened to speeches and comments from several speakers on an open mic, among them chris knight, and mark barrett, who were very involved in organising and promoting last year's G20 protests, and also sam rigg-david (sean rigg justice campaign) who spoke of how the ipcc failed to interview officers for seven months and frustrated the family's inquiries after her brother died at the hands of police in brixton in 2008.
after about an hour, the protestors began an impromptu march into the heart of the city to the point where ian tomlinson was assaulted and died.
police attempting to facilitate the march were met with non-cooperation as they asked for the route and were continually given misleading information.despite this, they kept up and stopped traffic and closed roads.
after a brief sit-down in the main 'bank' junction, the protestors made it to the spot in cornhill where ian tomlinson met his fate. the road was closed off to traffic, and the demonstrators held a minute's silence.
people drifted away around 2pm, but then a much smaller group made the return trip to rose court to finish the day.
Radio Interference Broadcast 2 now available!
31-07-2010 16:23
The second Radio Interference show, broadcast on Friday 23rd July 2010 is now available to listen online with the player below or to download and listen to whilst tending your whippets, doffing your flat cap or any other suitably northern activity you could care to think of.
Wake up call: Stand up!
31-07-2010 15:51
Wake up call: Stand up!'Multi corporations' are being helped by 'politicians' and 'programmed unconscious people' to wreck our world within shortest possible time. Great rap song: Stand up!
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The Hitler supporting Nazi at the heart of the EDL- REVEALED!
31-07-2010 13:17
Somebody has made a youtube video, kindly exposing the racist, intollerant views of one of the EDL's main admins...Anti-arms trade activists storm stage at Barclays bike hire rally.
31-07-2010 13:07
Several anti-arms trade activists stormed the stage in Leciester Square today at the Barclays bike hire scheme rally. Carrying banners saying "Barclays funds the arms trade", the successfully disrupted the rally and gave speaches on how much Barclays funds the arms trade, before being forced off.Solidarity With Mr Ian Tomlinson (CPS Picket)
31-07-2010 12:22
Ian Tomlinson was killed by police action at the G20 no charges were brought on the copper.Well the Bristol call out was a bit late so numbers weren't great about 14 (7 BCW). But that's 14 more than alot of other places.
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Planned EDL Counter Protest in Bradford fails to raise eyebrows
31-07-2010 12:19

The Need for a 500m Buffer Zone around future Opencast Sites
31-07-2010 11:41
This article provides a link to the 1st article Andrew Bridgen MP has published in support of his arguments for a 500m Buffer Zone around future opencast sites in EnglandWe need to support each other
31-07-2010 11:22
There will be a protest in October, check back for more info.Ahmadinejad: US, Israel plan to attack at least two countries in the Middle East
31-07-2010 11:18

Vengeance is mine,, declareth the Supreme Court Judge.
31-07-2010 11:11
P D James, famed mystery writer, has a character say in effect"Vengeance is mine,, declareth the judge".(who is enjoined by scripture not to judge.) While Britain is among the 88% of the world's countries which have
ended premeditated judicial murder, the US, China, Israel, Nigeria, Saudi
Arabia are among the 12% of countries on the caboose of the train of history.
The Face Of The Officer Accused Of Killing Ian Tomlinson
31-07-2010 09:23

Meet PC Simon Harwood the Territorial Support Group police officer who is accused of hitting Ian Tomlinson and causing his death.
Press Complaints Commission finds in favour of The Drum
31-07-2010 09:23
Hollie Greig Case
The Press Complaints Commission has found in favour of The Drum after an online article about the Crown Office's failure to answer an FOI request for details of legal fees paid by Scotland's Lord Advocate Elish Angiolini was reported to the PCC by law firm Levy and McRae.