UK Newswire Archive
Introductions to Kebele and consensus decision making
31-01-2011 23:22
Regular info and skill sharing sessions at Kebele, for horizontal, self organisation and communities in resistance.Introductions to Kebele infoshare: 7-8pm Thursday 10th Feb.
This session aims to give practical, useful info about the workings of
Kebele; our history, ideas and principles, how decisions are made, how to
host cafes, how to get more involved etc... It is intended mainly for
people new to Kebele, but old hands may learn a thing or two as well!
Consensus decision making: 8-9pm Thursday 10th Feb.
Why do we use consensus decision making? What’s it all about? How can it
make our meetings much better and a reflection of the world we want to
see? An introduction to the politics and practicalities of effective
consensus decision making.
For lots of useful information on consensus, facilitation and getting
organised see
The next info/skillshare in March will focus on facilitation skills for
If you’d like to come and take part, please respond to or sign up on the sheets in the front cafe
and events room at Kebele. There will be cake!
For collective learning and liberation!
Demonstrate on 01 February for Egypt !
31-01-2011 22:23
The European Commissian published today their Council conclusions on Egypt. Since this action does not go beyond a declaration (diplomatic action of degree 1), it is a slap in the face from the Egyptian freedom movement and every sincere democrat. Time is running out, don't wait 'till friday !Feb 6/7 - International Callout - "Free Manning! Free Assange! Free Speech!"
31-01-2011 21:33
Feb 6/7 - INTERNATIONAL CALLOUT - "Free Manning! Free Assange! Free Speech! Close Guantanamo!" - Solidarity Vigils at U.S., British, Australian embassies/consultes/high commissions & sites of significance in the "War of Terror"Cardiff Egypt/Tunisia Solidarity Demo
31-01-2011 21:26
31-01-2011 21:23
We have received this account from an eye-witness in Manchester.
Police have abused ASBO legislation to obtain the personal details of anti-cuts demonstrators.
Manchester police ended a day of orderly rallies and breakout groups of protesters by abusing legislation on anti-social behaviour in order to extract the details of around a hundred protesters kettled in the city centre. Police do have the power to require an *individual* to give their name and address if they are believed to be/have been acting "in an anti-social manner". Clearly protesting and even being kettled isn't inherently anti-social and yet the police refused to release anyone from the kettle who hadn't given their details.
The Manchester demonstration for "a future that works" on 29th Feb, unlike the one in London on the same day, was officially organised and supported by NUS and the Trade Union Council. This meant that there were dozens of volunteer stewards, police and even paid private security guards out in force. They geared into action unexpectedly early in the demonstration, hurrying NUS President Aaron Porter away from hundreds of protesters chanting 'Aaron Porter sold us out' and 'You're a fucking Tory too'. (NB 'Tory too', whilst it could arguably sound a little like Tory Jew' to a passing Daily Mail photographer, is actually in no way anti-semitic []). Regardless, Aaron Porter ended up barricaded inside the Manchester Metropolitan Student Union building by the police while the students he claims to represent demonstrated without him.
Several thousand marched to a TUC rally in a park although the crowd was noticeably restless. A Labour MP and NUS Vice President Shane Chowen were booed, heckled and egged off the stage. Eventually, part way through a speech, around 1000 broke away and headed into town. Evidence gatherers and motorbike mounted cops initially scrambled simply to keep up. Before long however, police made a few dodgy arrests and several attempts to kettle the group. Some kettles were briefly successful but hundreds managed reach tax avoiding shops in the Arndale shopping centre. By this time successive kettling attempts had dispersed and reduced the numbers on the streets, eventually ending up with over a hundred kettled five deep on a pavement in the city centre.
Police seemed to prioritise getting protester's personal details with one man outside the kettle arrested simply for refusing to give his details and everyone inside the kettle being forced to submit to a search and give their name and address before being released.
Cuts Cafe Occupied!
31-01-2011 21:22
A group of Leeds residents have reclaimed a disused city building for a week of community-led events.
Today, in the early hours of the morning, a group of Leeds residents occupied 10 Templar Street, part of the Eastgate and Harewood Quarter development, which they hope to hold for a week1. The group have announced a timetable of events and activities orientated around protest over planned welfare cuts and city-centre gentrification.
Video: UKuncut action at Boots (b4 pepper spray)
31-01-2011 21:22
Boots on Oxford street was shut down by protesters campaigning against cuts on Saturday 30th January 2011. Also targeted were Vodaphone, BHS, Topshop and Tescos.
All was fine, until a particular police officer decided to use CS spray against protesters! This is a short video of the demo before the trouble.
The Ukuncut protest was part of a nationwide series of around 30 actions.
See report + pics of the action + report of CS spray incident.
Excerpts of a chat: The revolution is everywhere
31-01-2011 21:22
Excerpts of a conversation. We are still here, we are still angry!
Anti-cuts demo 29 january, a few random pics
31-01-2011 21:22
Here there are a few more random pics of the first part - the official bit - of last saturday's anti-cuts demo in central London.
London *Sat. Feb 5th. - "Free Manning! Free Assange! Free Speech!
31-01-2011 21:15
*Please circulate to those who maybe interested!Flyer for event.....

WHERE - Giuseppe Conlon Hall, 49 Mattison Rd. Harringey, N4 1BG
* Speakers/ Muscians to be announced Thursday Feb 3rd.
EDL in Luton - a preview
31-01-2011 21:07
As the far-right EDL build for their big demo in Luton on Saturday 5th February, it's a good time to analyse their recent progress and ponder how they might be developing.Crisis in Care: Interview with an anarchist support worker
31-01-2011 20:57
The Fargate Speaker talks to a local support worker about the problems in social care as a result of the recession and the proposed austerity measures.EDL Funding - show me the money!
31-01-2011 18:25
A quick enquiry to see if anyone has any info.Audio interview from Oxford UKUncut Vodafone demo
31-01-2011 17:57
Here is audio report from the UK Uncut demonstration held in the Vodafone shop in Corn Market Street, Oxford on Sunday 30th January.In Defence of the Royal Wedding
31-01-2011 17:41
Well, not quite, but I do think the calls that have gone out to disrupt the wedding need to be seriously thought through.Update from The Happendon Wood Action Camp
31-01-2011 17:40
The Happendon Wood Action Camp struggled through a particularly snowy winter but is still going strong. So, what have we been doing these past few months, you might ask? Well, we’ve asked ourselves the same question many times. Here’s what we came up with: