UK Newswire Archive
second 'open day' at the earth centre - 2 months till take over
08-03-2010 14:28
hello to all,there is now only a couple of months before DMBC plan to take bids for the earth centre, its reported that some 30 organisations are interested, we know some of them to be the Police and RTTG. Its an amazing space and could be used to feed a community and educate many children. The plantlife and wildlife are without a voice but they are essential to preserving our culture and environment and are in abundance in and around the earth centre.
RTTG are having another 'open day' on March 31st get your invites quickly by emailing

Defending the Shropshire Hills from UK Coal
08-03-2010 14:16

Bath Radical Debate grop #2 - This Thursday
08-03-2010 09:15
After a great first meeting, Bath Radical Debate group will be coming together again this Thursday (11th) at 7-9pm at the Black Cat CentreUAF Protest vs EDL March – Pix-&-Vidz – 05 Mar 10
08-03-2010 08:51

Brown@Iraq.Inquiry – Pix-&-Vidz – Fri 05 Mar 10
08-03-2010 08:31

Stop the Bradford Animal Labs Take-Over
08-03-2010 02:44
08-03-2010 02:15
'open day' at the earth centre last chance to have your say!
08-03-2010 01:47
"What we think or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end of little consequence. The only thing of consequence is what we do"John Ruskin 1819 1900
8th of March in Palestine (by Latuff)
07-03-2010 23:55

Mordechai Vanunu’s Nobel Stand
07-03-2010 21:41

It was revealed last week that in a letter to the Committee, Mordechai Vanunu had asked for his candidacy to be rescinded. It was unusual enough for Geir Lundestad to acknowledge that a nomination had even been received, let alone publicly disclose Vanunu’s request. But for Vanunu—a man who should have been awarded the Peace Prize long ago—it was in full keeping with the dignity, integrity and uncompromising nature of one to whom the world owes a great debt.
The Accusation that Links Chávez with ETA and the FARC is Fraudulen
07-03-2010 19:50
"The computer in the hands of the Colombian authorities survived a missile attack which killed several people in the encampment and, by chance, confirmed all the arguments of President Alvaro Uribe to enable him to increase his bellicose internal campaign. Strange as it may sound, the “magic bomb resistant” computer has never been shown in public."Anti-Vivisection Week of Action - April 12th- 18th
07-03-2010 19:12
www.vivisectionweekofaction.wordpress.comInternational Womens Day; mass demonstrations against Hijab Tehran 1979
07-03-2010 17:24
demonstrations for womens rights in Iran 1979Chumbawamba Gig Review
07-03-2010 15:55
Chumbawamba at London Passing Clouds, Dalston on 4th March 2010On Cadbury's
07-03-2010 12:09
This is a short article on the recent sale of Cadbury's to Kraft, which prompted some moral outrage in the right wing press. It really doesn't belong on Idymedia but I can't find anywhere else to put it as all the discussion boards on the subject seem to have closed. Hopefully you wont mind!Asylum Seeking Playwright released from detention
07-03-2010 10:44
MULE has been following the story of community campaigner and playwright Lydia Besong since December, when she was taken into detention just days after her debut play premiered at The Zion Centre in Hulme.The electoral politics of the NDF and the CPP in the Philippines
07-03-2010 01:30

EDL attack communists too
06-03-2010 22:27
Editor of For Bolshevism and leader of ForBolshevism-AUCPB(and also Organisation Secretary of UK KFA ) was subjected to an unprovoked and clearly targetted attack by a thug of the "EDL" at anti-EDL demo in London on 5 March.Newcastle protest in solidarity with Yarl's Wood Hunger Strikers
06-03-2010 17:53

Greek Revolt (update 5th & 6th of March)
06-03-2010 16:28
the workers who should print the new law on measures still strike and occupy their working place. unless the law's not published it's not legal and the capitalists will love thatfriday the 5th: 4 hours stoppage/ demos with 10000/
three hours of clashes with police/ lots of helmets and shields bbq'd/
Vyronas after the murder and the attack of the moto-bike-cops
occupied Park in Exarchia
9 weeks of migrant fishers strike and soli-demo in salonika