UK Newswire Archive
It?s a shame
11-04-2003 10:53
IMC's newswire exists for the purposes of giving a forum to independent media, despite this IMC Norway use Censorship and Surveillance to suppress dissidents or what they call reactionaries.US: Iraq's $100bn debt ...we need it back!
11-04-2003 10:51
US intent on recovering Iraq's $100bn debt! The war would not only cost America nothing, but this gives them a ticket for making a HUGE profit from it!US and the Middle East: The Bigger Picture
11-04-2003 10:41
The UK, US and Australia say it is about weapons of mass destruction and liberation of the Iraqi people. A large section of the International community believes it is about oil. The real reason for the illegal war in Iraq may run much deeper than many commentators allude.US Colaborators executed in IRAK
11-04-2003 10:24
US 'Stooges' Chosen For New Govt Executed By Iraqissomething creepy going on
11-04-2003 10:13
is it me or has anyone else noticed a change in the way the bbc has been reporting in the last couple of days100s of CLUSTER BOMBS at Fairford
11-04-2003 10:07

Another Iraqi view on "dancing in the street"
11-04-2003 09:31
This email is from an Iraqi corresponding with Lorna,who was over there as part of the Mid Hudson Valley
Peace Brigade.
Read this article by John Pilger
11-04-2003 09:23
Read this excellent and passionate article about the Iraq war, by John PilgerWEAPONS USED IN IRAQ
11-04-2003 09:00
Suspected use, and questions about, uranium, daisy cutters and thermobaric bombs used by US on IraqFake 'Dancing In The Streets'
11-04-2003 08:50

Ignored looting indicative of US disinterest in WMD
11-04-2003 07:39
All of Iraq, from factories and mansions to government ministries, party headquarters, and military installations is being picked clean by looters. Why is there no US concern that critical evidence of WMD is being lost and destroyed?ATÉ QUE EM FIM, SOMOS HUMANIODADE!
11-04-2003 06:23
...Perceberam que gritar não era o bastante......Xenofobianão é ferramenta contra o terrorismo de estado...
...Analisar a ética na produção e no consumo...
...Quem são os objetos de consumo?...
...Até que em fim, somos humanidade!
Today I Killed My Newspaper
11-04-2003 05:24
I killed my newspaper. I had to do it. I had no choice in the matter. One of us had to go.Fox News: This Just In!
11-04-2003 04:33
Satire on mainstream Fox "fair and unbalanced" news! A spoof on American Propaganda CentralAnti-War on Terror Posters
11-04-2003 03:58

SUICIDE or SELF-DEFENSE. (article 1)
STW Coalition: latest on saturday's peace march (london)
11-04-2003 02:30
STW coalition decided to go ahead with the peace march on saturday, but are saying:The War on Iraq: the despair and hope of an anti-war protester.
11-04-2003 02:15
This is an article discussing the current public mood regarding the current war on Iraq. I aim to warn of some possible developments on the international stage, and to urge people to carry on protesting now more than ever.