UK Newswire Archive
Online booking of event spaces at Rebellious Media Conference
02-10-2011 15:36

Preview of the London stock exchange occupation demo!
02-10-2011 15:01
Here is a preview of what the occupy the London stock exchange demo will be like:
A similar protest was held in the City of London two and half years ago when thousands protested against the G20 Summit in London. Similar scenes are expected for this latest event.
Nuclear blockade plus U.S. undeclared war on Commonwealth country Pakistan?
02-10-2011 11:00

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
Protest against property profiteers!
02-10-2011 10:08

Nottingham protest rattles Atos
02-10-2011 08:36
On Friday, a large protest temporarily invaded the Atos Medical Assessment Centre on Stoney Street in the Lace Market. Campaigners had gathered as part of a nationwide day of action against the company which is responsible for the Department for Work & Pensions’ ‘work capability assessments’ which have been condemned by disability rights and claimants groups. The protesters handed out leaflets and spoke to members of the public about Atos before Atos employees called the police in claiming that they were being harassed by the protest. Two protesters refused to leave and were arrested for aggravated trespass. A solidarity demonstration was held until both were released.
On the newswire: ATOS National Day of Action: Notts contribution 1 | 2 | Critical Mass Welcomes Release of Atos Arrestee
Elsewhere: Birmingham | Brighton | Glasgow | Islington | Oxford
Previous feature: Protests against Office Angels and ATOS
Since ATOS took over the £100m per year contract for assessments in 2008, the number of people with severe illness and disability being found ‘fit for work’ and having their benefits withdrawn has increased dramatically. A recent open letter to the British Medical Journal claimed that Atos assessors “work to targets which have nothing to do with patients’ individual health needs or with the realities of the job market which sick and disabled people are being thrown into.” 12 Atos doctors are under investigation by the General Medical Council for improper conduct. One of their staff was recently found to have been referring to the people assessed as “parasitic wankers” and “down and outs”.
When protestors invaded the waiting room of the assessment centre to make their views known, the police were called and Atos staff claimed to have been intimidated by them. The police told the occupiers that unless they left the property they would be arrested for aggravated trespass. Two people remained, one of whom was arrested and one wheelchair user whose wheelchair was too big for the police vans was bailed to return to a police station. Supporters held a solidarity vigil outside Bridewell custody suite until the other man was released at about 6.30. Shortly before he got out the Critical Mass bike ride took over the area in front of the Magistrates Court to join the solidarity demonstration and were there to see the prisoner released.
The Nottingham protest was supported by local anti-cuts and anarchist groups including Notts SOS, Notts Uncut and Nottingham Anarchist Federation.
Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
Five Things That #OccupyWallStreet Has Done Right
02-10-2011 06:14

#OccupyWallStreet protests are now well into their second week, and they are increasingly capturing the public spotlight. This is because, whatever limitations their occupation has, the protesters have done many things right.
The Land is Ours - Talk with Colombian community leader resisting the expansion of Cerrjón open cast coal mine
02-10-2011 00:00
Sunday 16th October // 5-7pm // Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh (17 West Montgomery Place)
Full article | 1 addition | 12 comments
Class War in Manchester & Manhattan
01-10-2011 21:40

Brum: Photos and report from Action Against ATOS
01-10-2011 20:11

15 people joined a demonstration in Birmingham on Friday as a part of a national day of action against ATOS, called by Benefit Claimants Fight Back, and supported by a host of disability and welfare campaign and support groups.
In Birmingham, DPAC, Birmingham Against the Cuts, Right to Work and Enable joined together for a lunchtime demonstration outside the building that ATOS use for the Work Capability Assessments (WCAs).
Bridgwater marchers call for an end to nuclear power
01-10-2011 16:58

Squatters extend solidarity to the TUC
01-10-2011 15:59
Letter to the TUC from convergence space in Manchester against the tories.ATOS National Day of Action: Notts contribution 2
01-10-2011 14:55
12.00 noon Friday 30th September 2011
People in Nottingham, joined a National Day of Action against ATOS Healthcare and the government's attack on benefits for people with disability and illness through the 'Work Capability Test' and Welfare Reform Bill.
Protesters assembled in Hockley, Nottingham city centre, to head over to protest at the ATOS assessment centre on Stoney Street.
This organisation has the government contract to re-assess claimants for the disability allowances. But folks claim that all they are doing is shifting people from this benefit to other lesser benefits like Job Seekers Allowance. Irrespective of the claimants abilities.
On arrival at the office, people gathered arround the entrance, displaying banners and handing out leaflets. Protestors, including many in wheelchairs and some partialy-sighted then entered the office. Claimants and supporters then exchanged stories of what assesment by Atos had meant to them.
After about 30mins, 4 police cars containing 7 or 8 police officers arrived at the building. After talking to Atos management, then proceeded to read out the section of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, concerning 'aggrevated tresspass'. This included the bit about obstructing or disrupting a lawful activity and workers there feeling intimidated by all these folks in wheelchairs in the outer office! As you would expect, this was greeted with a certain amount of credulity!! Anyway the threat was clear. Leave within minutes or all would be arrested.
Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994
69 Powers to remove persons committing or participating in aggravated trespass.
(1)If the senior police officer present at the scene reasonably believes—
(a)that a person is committing, has committed or intends to commit the offence of aggravated trespass on land [ the open air]... ; or
(b)that two or more persons are trespassing on land [ the open air]... and are present there with the common purpose of intimidating persons so as to deter them from engaging in a lawful activity or of obstructing or disrupting a lawful activity,
he may direct that person or (as the case may be) those persons (or any of them) to leave the land.
(2)A direction under subsection (1) above, if not communicated to the persons referred to in subsection (1) by the police officer giving the direction, may be communicated to them by any constable at the scene.
(3)If a person knowing that a direction under subsection (1) above has been given which applies to him—
(a)fails to leave the land as soon as practicable, or
(b)having left again enters the land as a trespasser within the period of three months beginning with the day on which the direction was given,
he commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or a fine not exceeding level 4 on the standard scale, or both
[ the open air] [ the open air]
these words removed by the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003 sect 59 ...... Hence now, anywhere!
Most then leave, but one man in a wheelchair and another, did remain and where then arrested. One was then lead off in handcuffs to the Bridwell Police Station for processing. I was expecting the man in the wheelchair might have been dragged out in handcuffs and manhandled about [Joddy McIntyre style], but seeing my photo-opportunity they might have created, 'street bailed' the individual and he was allowed to leave un-molested.
Atos being true to form [with police assistance] thus showed themselves to be the bullying organisation, many of the most vulnerable people amoungst us already knew.........
Atos Origin have £300 million contract with the Con-dem Government to continue carrying out ‘work capability assessments’. It is claimed assessments are to test what people can do rather than what they can’t. The real purpose is to strip benefits from as many people as possible. This testing system has already led to people with terminal illnesses and severe medical conditions being declared fit for work and having benefits cut. GP’s are ignored in favour of decisions made by Atos Origin’s computer. Plans announced for the scrapping of Disability Living Allowance have also revealed that this intrusive testing is likely to be extended to everyone on some form of disability or health related benefit. To date around 40% of appeals against Atos Origin’s decisions have been successful.
Atos have now extended their harassment of sick and disabled by using legal threats to silence websites which have been critical of them, see the Benefit Claimants Fightback website below for more details.
JCP and Atos Origin superglued shut
Superglue Atos: The glue in question :-)
National Day of Action Against Atos – Latest News
Campaigners are threatening a boycott of next year's Paralympic Games because of links between the International Paralympic Committee and a company that tests disabled people's "fitness to work" - Channel4 News
Atos Inspired Art
Groups campaigning in Nottingham to protect welfare include:
Notts Save Our Services:
Notts UnCut:
Anarchist Federation (Nottingham):
Critical Mass Welcomes Release of Atos Arrestee
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Nuclear Power Station Mass Blockade
01-10-2011 14:55
Activists from all over the UK are heading for Hinkley Point nuclear power station to protest again EDF Energy's plans to build two new mega-reactors next to the existing site.Activists from all over the UK are heading for Hinkley Point nuclear power station to protest again EDF Energy's plans to build two new mega-reactors next to the existing site. More than 100 people have already pledged to join a symbolic mass blockade at the entrance to Hinkley Point in Somerset next Monday, October 3rd. On Saturday 1st October, anti-nuclear protesters will also join local residents in a march and rally close to EDF Energy’s regional HQ in nearby Bridgwater. A protest camp will be held nearby over the weekend.
The new reactors at Hinkley will be the first of eight new nuclear power stations to be built in the UK. Spokesperson, Andreas Speck, said: 'This blockade is designed to warn the government and EDF that those who understand the real dangers of nuclear power are not prepared to stand by and allow these untried, untested, reactors to be built. The blockade demonstrates that people are prepared to use civil disobedience to stop the bulldozers from coming in and paving the way for a potentially lethal technology that has no place in the 21st century.'
Local resident, Nikki Clark said she fears for her children's future. 'There is already a lot of concern in the area about the radiation being discharged into the sea and air from the current nuclear power station at Hinkley Point.'
She continued: ‘We know from Chernobyl that children are particularly vulnerable to radiation in both large and small doses. Now the disaster at Fukushima has shown that even in one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, the rights of children to be protected from radiation have been ignored. We don’t trust nuclear power and a lot of local people are saying enough is enough.’
In a message of support to the campaigners, leading environmentalist, Jonathon Porritt, said, ‘The position of the UK government is extraordinary, given how the rest of the world has reacted to the Fukushima disaster. Nuclear has no part to play in the UK's energy mix.’
Porritt continued, ‘We can achieve everything we need in terms of secure, low-carbon energy primarily from energy efficiency, renewables and modern technologies like Combined Heat and Power. So we don't need it and I believe that we can still persuade UK citizens that it's the wrong thing for us to be doing.’
For more information go to:
Manchester Space opened up for Tory Party Conference
01-10-2011 14:53

ATOS National Day of Action: Notts contribution 1
01-10-2011 12:55
12.00 noon Friday 30th September 2011
People in Nottingham, joined a National Day of Action against ATOS Healthcare and the government's attack on benefits for people with disability and illness through the 'Work Capability Test' and Welfare Reform Bill.
Protesters assembled in Hockley, Nottingham city centre, to head over to protest at the ATOS assessment centre on Stoney Street.
This organisation has the government contract to re-assess claimants for the disability allowances. But folks claim that all they are doing is shifting people from this benefit to other lesser benefits like Job Seekers Allowance. Irrespective of the claimants abilities.
On arrival at the office, people gathered arround the entrance, displaying banners and handing out leaflets. Protestors, including many in wheelchairs and some partialy-sighted then entered the office. Claimants and supporters then exchanged stories of what assesment by Atos had meant to them.
After about 30mins, 4 police cars containing 7 or 8 police officers arrived at the building. After talking to Atos management, then proceeded to read out the section of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, concerning 'aggrevated tresspass'. This included the bit about obstructing or disrupting a lawful activity and workers there feeling intimidated by all these folks in wheelchairs in the outer office! As you would expect, this was greeted with a certain amount of credulity!! Anyway the threat was clear. Leave within minutes or all would be arrested.
Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994
69 Powers to remove persons committing or participating in aggravated trespass.
(1)If the senior police officer present at the scene reasonably believes—
(a)that a person is committing, has committed or intends to commit the offence of aggravated trespass on land [ the open air]... ; or
(b)that two or more persons are trespassing on land [ the open air]... and are present there with the common purpose of intimidating persons so as to deter them from engaging in a lawful activity or of obstructing or disrupting a lawful activity,
he may direct that person or (as the case may be) those persons (or any of them) to leave the land.
(2)A direction under subsection (1) above, if not communicated to the persons referred to in subsection (1) by the police officer giving the direction, may be communicated to them by any constable at the scene.
(3)If a person knowing that a direction under subsection (1) above has been given which applies to him—
(a)fails to leave the land as soon as practicable, or
(b)having left again enters the land as a trespasser within the period of three months beginning with the day on which the direction was given,
he commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or a fine not exceeding level 4 on the standard scale, or both
[ the open air] [ the open air]
these words removed by the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003 sect 59 ...... Hence now, anywhere!
Most then leave, but one man in a wheelchair and another, did remain and where then arrested. One was then lead off in handcuffs to the Bridwell Police Station for processing. I was expecting the man in the wheelchair might have been dragged out in handcuffs and manhandled about [Joddy McIntyre style], but seeing my photo-opportunity they might have created, 'street bailed' the individual and he was allowed to leave un-molested.
Atos being true to form [with police assistance] thus showed themselves to be the bullying organisation, many of the most vulnerable people amoungst us already knew.........
Atos Origin have £300 million contract with the Con-dem Government to continue carrying out ‘work capability assessments’. It is claimed assessments are to test what people can do rather than what they can’t. The real purpose is to strip benefits from as many people as possible. This testing system has already led to people with terminal illnesses and severe medical conditions being declared fit for work and having benefits cut. GP’s are ignored in favour of decisions made by Atos Origin’s computer. Plans announced for the scrapping of Disability Living Allowance have also revealed that this intrusive testing is likely to be extended to everyone on some form of disability or health related benefit. To date around 40% of appeals against Atos Origin’s decisions have been successful.
Atos have now extended their harassment of sick and disabled by using legal threats to silence websites which have been critical of them, see the Benefit Claimants Fightback website below for more details.
JCP and Atos Origin superglued shut
Superglue Atos: The glue in question :-)
National Day of Action Against Atos – Latest News
Campaigners are threatening a boycott of next year's Paralympic Games because of links between the International Paralympic Committee and a company that tests disabled people's "fitness to work" - Channel4 News
Atos Inspired Art
Groups campaigning in Nottingham to protect welfare include:
Notts Save Our Services:
Notts UnCut:
Anarchist Federation (Nottingham):
Critical Mass Welcomes Release of Atos Arrestee
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
The 2011 Jarrow March: A Long Walk To Nowhere
01-10-2011 10:53

Freedom Press Launch Night TONIGHT!
01-10-2011 10:17

Housmans bookshop
5 Caledonian Road
Kings Cross
London N1 9DX
Unum & the DWP? Conflicts of Interest & Insider Trading?
01-10-2011 09:53

Revolutionary ripples in the USA
01-10-2011 08:12
TWO thousand people marched on New York's police HQ on Friday, angered by brutal attacks on anti-capitalist protesters.